EDD May 2012 Mummies!

I have spoken to my gynea and he is kind enough to share that there is a medical study conducted to 2 groups of mummies, one group with epi and the other group without. So after birth, the results shows that 50% from both of the groups will suffer from backache. The conclusion is, epi has risk but might not necessary cause the backache. There are so many other factors that will cause backache and it depends on how you take care of yourself after birth as it is likely to be the factor that leads to backache. For example, bad posture for a long time etc...Even like now, we will also experience some extend of backache even though we didnt take any epi yet..

During the olden days, there is no epi so they do not have a choice. We are bless as we have a choice now. In fact, I am also considering whether I should take the epi due to other side effects. But most likely I will settle with epi since it will helps to relief the pains as I dare not challenge my threshold of pain tolerance level.. :).. However, there are also pain involved while getting the epi but heard from some of my friends that there are only a little pain compared to the contractions pain.. Anyway I think we will be able to experience some contraction pains while dilating so, you can see whether you are comfortable or bearable with it. :) But better to be prepared as it will need to take sometime for the epi to take effect.. :)

With backache better not to use epidural? MY gynae quite pro-epidural as well. So I am still considering between taking it or not.


Only at that guardian in Orchard? Wonder if i can get them to transfer it over to the guardian nearer my house...haha

I wanted to get Lansinoh's manual breast pump as well, is it available in Singapore?
I haven't check out the other guardians but I think should have ;)

I bought medala breast pump cuz heard it's one of the best, so not sure about lansinoh


I just do some massage and shake my hands (like swing it). Then I stand up and once the blood flood back to the fingers it gets better. It happen to me every night.. so sometimes in the middle of the night I need to repeat it a few times. Not sure what can be the right solution... Will check with my gynea again on this saturday appt..
Do share what is your gynae's advise. I haev to wait til next wk before I see my gynae. Hopefully this will go off. Otherwise its such a pain everyday.


It's called carpal tunnel syndrome... caused by fluid retention and pressure on the nerves. I'm also having this sensation, but mostly in the mornings after I wake up.

Can google the term and read more on it:
Carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy | BabyCenter
Carpal tunnel syndrome (natural remedies)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome In Pregnancy
Oh my...how did i suddenly get this. I thought carpel tunnel is due to long use of computer mouse with incorrect posture. So this is common during pregnancy? Will it go off after giving birth?
Thanks for sharing... just pray it will back to normal very soon.. I already struggling to find a good position to sleep at night.. turn right not comfortable, turn left also dont feel good and cant sleep too long on my back ... now with this numbness... I really wake up almost every hour during my sleep... Thank God I dont have to work now..else.. I will be the most obvious panda in my office :p

It's called carpal tunnel syndrome... caused by fluid retention and pressure on the nerves. I'm also having this sensation, but mostly in the mornings after I wake up.

Can google the term and read more on it:
Carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy | BabyCenter
Carpal tunnel syndrome (natural remedies)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome In Pregnancy
hehe.. sure. I did brought it up during last visit but he just said it is common.. I will ask him again this week.

Do share what is your gynae's advise. I haev to wait til next wk before I see my gynae. Hopefully this will go off. Otherwise its such a pain everyday.



I have done some research sometimes ago... haha very kiasu .. but not sure whether there will be any changes in price since there are new rules nowadays that the food need to be consumed 3 hours from the preparation and heard that most of the caterer has increased the cost.
Lol tts not kaisu, it's well prepared ;)


Yah some women get it during pregnancy and I guess it shouldn't be serious... My sister had it too during hers. Her gynae told her it should go away after giving birth. Indeed now she's ok. Just don't overwork your hands and wrist now, and try to rest them as much as you can. Do some light stretching and exercises....

Oh my...how did i suddenly get this. I thought carpel tunnel is due to long use of computer mouse with incorrect posture. So this is common during pregnancy? Will it go off after giving birth?


From what i have seen, the side effects of epidural is backache.. So, if you're already haviung backache, it might aggravate it even more cause its being administered right to your spine area u know..
Oh no!!! I'm also having backache due to my last job. Now I've to reconsider! But scare of pain how? Later halfway ask tthem inject even worst ya?


Thanks for sharing... just pray it will back to normal very soon.. I already struggling to find a good position to sleep at night.. turn right not comfortable, turn left also dont feel good and cant sleep too long on my back ... now with this numbness... I really wake up almost every hour during my sleep... Thank God I dont have to work now..else.. I will be the most obvious panda in my office :p
Same here! I only managed to sleep at 3+am then flip n turn. Woke up 8+am. I'm like a zombie now


hahaha. i also hope having natural birth with no epidural cos if my mum can do it for her 3 children, maybe i can also!!
but hubby scared i cant tahan, must let him know if i need epidural.
I hv yet to start my birth plan. Dunno if eventually I wil hv one. I did asked my gynae during the delivery, when is the latest I need to let him know if i want epidural. Told him I wanted to try natural birth wif no epidural but dunno if I can tahan the pain. My hubby very bad kept saying my threshold of pain low so def cannot tahan the pain. I want to prove him wrong!!


Same here! I only managed to sleep at 3+am then flip n turn. Woke up 8+am. I'm like a zombie now

Me too. Every night I will wake up to go to the toilet at about 1am+. Then i will find it tough getting back to sleep, and will toss and turn until about 3am before finally falling asleep. When I wake up in the morning, within 2 hours, I will feel sleepy again.


Yah some women get it during pregnancy and I guess it shouldn't be serious... My sister had it too during hers. Her gynae told her it should go away after giving birth. Indeed now she's ok. Just don't overwork your hands and wrist now, and try to rest them as much as you can. Do some light stretching and exercises....
Trying to do some light exercises nowadays, but I am quite prone to bout of sleepiness and I will end up sleeping instead...


New Member
Hi Meilynn,
Actually the previous time, I got a half-used tube (medela) from a friend of mine. So I'm not sure which brand to buy as well.

Actually I have no birth plans.... For my first one, I was very gung-ho and intended to go all naturale, in the end, I couldn't take the pain... So this time round, I'm just keeping my options open and flexible..
But I have quite a few friends who delivered without epidural so you can definitely do it! Just that I think my pain threshold very low...:001_302:


Hi Meilynn,
Actually the previous time, I got a half-used tube (medela) from a friend of mine. So I'm not sure which brand to buy as well.

Actually I have no birth plans.... For my first one, I was very gung-ho and intended to go all naturale, in the end, I couldn't take the pain... So this time round, I'm just keeping my options open and flexible..
But I have quite a few friends who delivered without epidural so you can definitely do it! Just that I think my pain threshold very low...:001_302:
Agreed, all my colleagues in my office delievered without Epidural and they are all very anti-epi so they have nicely convinced me that i dont need epidural. Trying to master all the breathing techniques that im learning in yoga so that it helps to reduce the pain! Any of you guys going for prenatal yoga?


I hv yet to start my birth plan. Dunno if eventually I wil hv one. I did asked my gynae during the delivery, when is the latest I need to let him know if i want epidural. Told him I wanted to try natural birth wif no epidural but dunno if I can tahan the pain. My hubby very bad kept saying my threshold of pain low so def cannot tahan the pain. I want to prove him wrong!!
me too.. my hubby also said I sure can't tahan the pain.. but I hope to go natural without epi too.. shall ask my gynae abt it..


Ladies, juz to share tt I was supposed to hv my Glucose/Diabetic blood test this morning. However, due to not being informed by the clinic, I was under the impression tt I simply need to fast for the blood test.

If anyone of u going thru this test, rem to ask clearly. Apparently this is a 3-hr test procedure. 1st hr tk blood sample. Then will need to tk an extremely sweet liquid after tt repeat the blood test at 2nd & 3rd hr. fasting is required from the previous nite 12 midnite till u finish this 3 hr test. Throughout strictly no food n drink. I gotta tk the test on Sat cos I only reached the clinic ard 11.30am n dun think I can tahan till 230pm wif no food. I started my fasting since 10pm last nite. Wat a waste trip. Took leave somemore for this test :(



I have done some research sometimes ago... haha very kiasu .. but not sure whether there will be any changes in price since there are new rules nowadays that the food need to be consumed 3 hours from the preparation and heard that most of the caterer has increased the cost.

Some of it really quite cheap but not sure of the quality and quantity...just for your reference only and do share if have any comment..
(1) Broson Catering
(2) Yeh Lai Siang Catering Service
(3) $9 Menu -Chia Chia Catering Services
(4) BuffetCatering.SG » Singapore Favourite's Buffet Caterer For All Occasions
(5) D'FINE - Our menus

Since I have budget on it so I plan to DIY the red eggs and you can buy the Ang kuh keuh from some shops or even stalls from hawker centre.
dun chose http://www.yehlaisiang.com.sg!! i order their CNY buffet b4. order for 50pax! the food come like for 20pax ppl. we call to complain, wat the girl say is for 50pax the food is 1pax got abt 1.5 serving. i ask her so the prawn is 50pc, so the 0.5 is the dry chilli or onion is it. she give excuses on 50pax the tray is big one. 20pax is half the tray. in the end we complain to another person incharge which happen to be the boss. he give us another 2 dish FREE to shut our mouths as we say will complain on website!!
food is lousy, little and cold!! and i paying $800 for this lousy food on CNY!!


i am a panda zombie in office now!!
cant sleep well. baby kick too strong when light off. keep having weird dream also..
i am counting down 8 week more to 37weeks full term!!. hope he will be healthy n out..did feel abit guilty being selfish onli wanna carry him for 37week.