EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Active Member
hallooooo ladies.. =))

did my detail scan last fri n its confirm a GIRL!!! hehehe.
everything seems to b ok/normal bt what makes me worry is that she's breech!!! ppl say and i really2 hope that she will turn at a later stage...
Hi sweetoothz,

Congrats .. U shouldn't be worrying at all !! Baby is too early to be head down !! You should be happy that it's still breech.. Baby will turn down once she is ready to come out !!!


Hi sweetoothz,

Congrats .. U shouldn't be worrying at all !! Baby is too early to be head down !! You should be happy that it's still breech.. Baby will turn down once she is ready to come out !!!
i gan cheong mah.. hehehe.. n was jocking w the dr saying i dun want a c-sec cz later cannot wear "bigini" liao!! hahahahha


Active Member
i gan cheong mah.. hehehe.. n was jocking w the dr saying i dun want a c-sec cz later cannot wear "bigini" liao!! hahahahha
My last appt at 24wks5d.. Gynae check the baby position make sure that it's breech. Relax... It dangerous for baby to Turn down too early.. Usually premature will show head down earlier! So relax...


My last appt at 24wks5d.. Gynae check the baby position make sure that it's breech. Relax... It dangerous for baby to Turn down too early.. Usually premature will show head down earlier! So relax...
phew!! ok i shouldn't worry for now then.. hehehe
thx Dilys.. xxx



Oh I miss this post of yours!! How are you feeling now? Braxton hicks contractions... you shouldn't be feeling it so soon! The feeling is you feel the pulling down effect at your vaginal. Braxton hicks contractions are known as false labour contractions .. you will feel like as if baby is coming out anytime.

You shouldn't be having now. you should inform your gynae, he will give you some utrogeston to relax the Pulling effect.

Menstrual like cramping if it last 1to 2 mins it's the uterus expanding.

hi dilys & sweetoothz,

i cant really remember how long it last abt 10min or so.ya my bump is harder at 1 side. it happen once only, so far( touchwood no more better). wat i remember b4 it start is, someone knock onto my bump at the left, awhile later i start feel the pain n cramp, is actually more or uncomfortable, i try to walk ard, n feel better after tat.

uterus expand, i got it when i was abt 9wk, it last quite long. like a few hrs. even after i give a injection n pill to take by gynea. both feeling is diff.

will be visiting gynea this friday for my detail scan, cos slot too full, cant change to earlier date.

i still having abit diarrhea n vomit, but better then last few days..
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hi dilys,

u also Dr chen lin han right?
is his opening hr change again? cos my friend wanna go see him, the nurse say no more night visiting hr. is tat onli for new patient or all?

she wanna change gynea , n TTC this yr.


Active Member
hi dilys,

u also Dr chen lin han right?
is his opening hr change again? cos my friend wanna go see him, the nurse say no more night visiting hr. is tat onli for new patient or all?

she wanna change gynea , n TTC this yr.
Hi climsp,

Yes my gynae dr chen. Ya for this year no more nite visit! Ur friend can visit him on sat. The change of time maybe cos of overwhelming of dragon baby born this year :)


Active Member
hi dilys & sweetoothz,

i cant really remember how long it last abt 10min or so.ya my bump is harder at 1 side. it happen once only, so far( touchwood no more better). wat i remember b4 it start is, someone knock onto my bump at the left, awhile later i start feel the pain n cramp, is actually more or uncomfortable, i try to walk ard, n feel better after tat.

uterus expand, i got it when i was abt 9wk, it last quite long. like a few hrs. even after i give a injection n pill to take by gynea. both feeling is diff.

will be visiting gynea this friday for my detail scan, cos slot too full, cant change to earlier date.

i still having abit diarrhea n vomit, but better then last few days..
Oh no.. U r still having diarrhea .. That's bad ! Hmm.. People knock on to u ?? U got to becareful. Bump harden one side is normal.. Sometimes the baby positioning .. Or stretching u will feel the tightening as if ur tummy is bursting.

I will slap my tummy ... Talk to baby ask him sleep properly n don't stretch.. Your tummy will go soft again !!


hallooooo ladies.. =))

did my detail scan last fri n its confirm a GIRL!!! hehehe.
everything seems to b ok/normal bt what makes me worry is that she's breech!!! ppl say and i really2 hope that she will turn at a later stage...

adding in..
i bought like 3 tops n 2 bottoms n 2 sets of mittens n bootees n guess what.. i got a good scolding from my aunt !!
she say old2 ppl advise not to get them now cz we wouldnt know what will happen in future.. *knock or touch on wood!!* she say only after the bb is born then can go buy them then i say lah if wait for bb to b born then how to buy cz we cannot go out mah cz of the confinement.. haiz... my aunt also say last time she would buy bb stuffs and hid them under the bed from my grandma.. hahhaha..
i actually post 1 photo of the clothes on fb (thats how she found out), n i told her nvm my grandma got no fb so they she dunno! hahahha..
Hi Sweetoothz,

Congrats to you !!!!


Did i miss anyone out?

1) tangtang: 01/05/12
2) smurfete: 02/05/12 - boy
3) bleeeee: 02/05/12
4) Carikube : 02/05/12
5) mikko010410: 04/05/12
6) cupcakemum: 04/05/12
7) miniclaire: 07/05/12 - Boy
8) florence_coey: 07/05/12
9) Izanyzam: 07/05/12 - Girl
10) arielc: 09/05/12 - Boy
11) Suhaidah: 10/05/12
12) ling02 : 11/05/12
13) 2ndtimemum: 11/05/12
14) Sweetoothz: 13/05/12 - Girl
15) icebaby21 : 15/05/12 - Girl
16) gindo: 16/05/12
17) Gemini11: 16/05/12 - boy
18) cn211279: 18/05/12
19) wongmeiling: 18/05/12
20) Rukia: 19/05/12
21) clearbluesky: 19/05/12
22) Meilynn: 23/05/12 - Girl
23) RedDevil: 21/05/12 - Boy
24) temari: 25/05/12
25) climsp: 26/05/12 - boy
26) Rzena : 27/05/12
27) koalarie: 27/05/12
28) Tannie:28/05/12
29) Tataro:28/05/12 - girl
30) mrsteo: 28/05/12
31) tomatoBB: 29/05/12
32) Fanger: 30/05/12
33) Esther91: 09/02/12 - Boy
34) marochippo: 05/05/12
35) selineleow: 28/05/12 - boy


Active Member
hallooooo ladies.. =))

did my detail scan last fri n its confirm a GIRL!!! hehehe.
everything seems to b ok/normal bt what makes me worry is that she's breech!!! ppl say and i really2 hope that she will turn at a later stage...

adding in..
i bought like 3 tops n 2 bottoms n 2 sets of mittens n bootees n guess what.. i got a good scolding from my aunt !!
she say old2 ppl advise not to get them now cz we wouldnt know what will happen in future.. *knock or touch on wood!!* she say only after the bb is born then can go buy them then i say lah if wait for bb to b born then how to buy cz we cannot go out mah cz of the confinement.. haiz... my aunt also say last time she would buy bb stuffs and hid them under the bed from my grandma.. hahhaha..
i actually post 1 photo of the clothes on fb (thats how she found out), n i told her nvm my grandma got no fb so they she dunno! hahahha..
Haha that a myth! Not true ! My parents bought so much stuff for baby already.. Even baby cot, rocker etc. It's god"s will !! The more u r worried the more things will happen !!


Shopping for BB clothes is a happy thing, just buy... For me, bought a few as kena stop by my hubby. Was told to buy more when BB is delivered. Cos we both are quite tall & big built. Hahaha...


Oh no.. U r still having diarrhea .. That's bad ! Hmm.. People knock on to u ?? U got to becareful. Bump harden one side is normal.. Sometimes the baby positioning .. Or stretching u will feel the tightening as if ur tummy is bursting.

I will slap my tummy ... Talk to baby ask him sleep properly n don't stretch.. Your tummy will go soft again !!
i take bus to work, sometime i realli hate someppl, i already no seat. they can stand n play their iphone w/ both hands, n knock onto me. my bump can be seem now lo. hubby joked baby got sleeping spell at mrt n bus.

my naughty one!, slap, sayang, talk to him no use. he is like stay at my right for a few days. i try sleep on my left to make him roll down, he is like hang to my right, make me more pain at nite.
onli after my hubby sweet talk to him, he shift abit. hubby say maybe he got scared tat why... only hubby can handle baby. he talk to him then got more movement. i have to slap n shake my bump then he move alot nowadays. but this few days nvr talk to him, he move alot also. like telling me he is ok!! hahaha.
nowaday i always give baby nickname, naughty boy, kungfu kid etc.


Haha that a myth! Not true ! My parents bought so much stuff for baby already.. Even baby cot, rocker etc. It's god"s will !! The more u r worried the more things will happen !!
agreed w/ wat u say. is just myth. dun worry, be a happy mummy!
i bought alot of baby clothes n pillows onli. intend to get after cny. my buddy help me collect some old clothes from her collg also. wonder will my boy like his parent, vainpot!! hahaha


Active Member
have my detail scan yesterday, its a boy again :(
Congrats. U should be happy to have a healthy baby .. Gender is not so important actually ! Think of those who r trying for so long out there !!! U r much fortunate !! So treasure it !! :)


Congrats. U should be happy to have a healthy baby .. Gender is not so important actually ! Think of those who r trying for so long out there !!! U r much fortunate !! So treasure it !! :)
ya... Gender not impt now a days. As long as bb is healthy. Cheer up :D


guess i'll have to buy n hid under the bed then! hahahaha.
it was quite depressing tho when someone tell u this n that when ur so hype into doing it. i know i shouldnt get things in the way but for now it has affected me in a way. =(
knowing me, this things cant get to me for long.. hehehe..

i'm planning to do "THE LIST" of what to buy n things to bring n stuffs tmr hope i wont forget anything when the day come! hehehe...
but how do u know how many clothes to buy? seems like i cant buy enuff of them.. they r all so cuteeee!!!! hehehehe
Congrats. U should be happy to have a healthy baby .. Gender is not so important actually ! Think of those who r trying for so long out there !!! U r much fortunate !! So treasure it !! :)
Yes, totally agree with Dilys....
I am so thrilled to know that i might be expecting a little princess again, although lots of people are telling me, how nice if it will be a little prince.. :p
But to me... health is more impt :)