EDD May 2012 Mummies!


I started applying too, alternating between palmer's skin therapy oil and tummy butter about a month back too. I kind of don't like the tummy butter coz it feels rather sticky. The oil is better. My sis also bought me the Avent indulgent body cream. I haven't tried it yet but it smells really nice.


New Member
Hi all mummies,

wonder if any mtb experience cramps from hip down to groin area? Been experiencing cramps which lead to pain if i tried to walk. Be it getting up from a sitting/climbing/squating position?


Hi mummies,

Just wonder if any mummy taken any pill giving by gynae, went to gynea yesterday, now alrd 13 weeks, he gave me these 3 new type of pill
- Prolacta DHA (for bb brain)
- Calcium
- Prenatal nutriens

This morning i took, the smell really killing me, cause me a bit gastric pain.

Last 2 mths i only taken folic acid which is the pill size much more smaller, i still can accept, but now.........arghhhhhhhhhhh, the gas i burping out all the pill's smell

i wonder if i can stop taking it .....pls advise


New Member
hi Tataro,

for my 1st pregnancy, i have the same prob as u so i only took folic and lotsa milk throughout the 10mths.

my gal is as healthy, seldom fall sick and started walking at 8mths, calling daddy at 11mths. So i guess it doesnt really make much difference. btw, our parents generation where got such medi/vitamins? hehe!

Hi mummies,

Just wonder if any mummy taken any pill giving by gynae, went to gynea yesterday, now alrd 13 weeks, he gave me these 3 new type of pill
- Prolacta DHA (for bb brain)
- Calcium
- Prenatal nutriens

This morning i took, the smell really killing me, cause me a bit gastric pain.

Last 2 mths i only taken folic acid which is the pill size much more smaller, i still can accept, but now.........arghhhhhhhhhhh, the gas i burping out all the pill's smell

i wonder if i can stop taking it .....pls advise


Hi all mummies,
My gynae give me
- Prolacta DHA
- Calcium
- Iron
still have duphaston, so i just finish it.
for the pills i find the smell n size ok. maybe use to take vitamin c which i still continue with.

If really cant take the pill, maybe take more healthy food w/ all this nutrients.

Anyone can feel baby movement already? i feel it specially at nite when i lay down on my back. Hubby hear sound from the kick also.:001_302:


Hi ling02,

i only take soya milk, or milo mix a bit of milk powder, cannot stand the smell of cow milk.

Yup, when i tell my mum i have to take 4 different of medi per day, she shocked, haha

The medicine some more not cover under the package, i paid 150+ for it.

From morning till now the gas still non stop burping out, now i try to eat fruits to cover the smell, yucksssssssssshttp://www.mummysg.com/forums/members/ling02/


New Member
Hey Tataro,

try choco/strawberry milk, youhurt, cheese! Try to avoid those drks wif caffeine as tt will affect e absorption of calcium in ur body. So more of high calcium, less caffeine = Balanced. haha! That is what i been doing till my 2nd pregnancy now.

i only take folic tablet which cost only 10bucks. haha!

Tink only durian can cover the smell lo...anyway gd to eat durians at moderation for a more creamy complexion - baby.
Hi ling02,

i only take soya milk, or milo mix a bit of milk powder, cannot stand the smell of cow milk.

Yup, when i tell my mum i have to take 4 different of medi per day, she shocked, haha

The medicine some more not cover under the package, i paid 150+ for it.

From morning till now the gas still non stop burping out, now i try to eat fruits to cover the smell, yucksssssssssshttp://www.mummysg.com/forums/members/ling02/


Thanks ling02!

Ya, i think i should start to drink chocolate milk, haha, later ask hubby buy durian.

i think the fish oil i still can take it (no smell), either the Calcium or Prenatal nutriens gt the smell, tomorrow i will take the calcium only, then day after i take the Prenatal, then know which medi cause me gastric pain n burping.

Btw, is Prenatal consider folic asid , or is different medi?


Hi all mummies,
My gynae give me
- Prolacta DHA
- Calcium
- Iron
still have duphaston, so i just finish it.

for the pills i find the smell n size ok. maybe use to take vitamin c which i still continue with.

If really cant take the pill, maybe take more healthy food w/ all this nutrients.

Anyone can feel baby movement already? i feel it specially at nite when i lay down on my back. Hubby hear sound from the kick also.:001_302:

Hi climsp,

how many weeks are u now ? i still cant feel anything yet, but can see baby dancing during the scan :)


Hi mummies,

Just wonder if any mummy taken any pill giving by gynae, went to gynea yesterday, now alrd 13 weeks, he gave me these 3 new type of pill
- Prolacta DHA (for bb brain)
- Calcium
- Prenatal nutriens

This morning i took, the smell really killing me, cause me a bit gastric pain.

Last 2 mths i only taken folic acid which is the pill size much more smaller, i still can accept, but now.........arghhhhhhhhhhh, the gas i burping out all the pill's smell

i wonder if i can stop taking it .....pls advise
Hi Tataro,

I'm now 16 weeks, and taking the same pills as you.. I first started taking at about 13 weeks and couldn't stand the smell of the Prenatal and Calcium tabs! Then i took is with flavoured water e.g. ribena, barley, honey etc. anything that can mask the taste.

I also had gastric problems, but i'm not sure if it's cos of the meds. I read somewhere that iron supplements (iron is in the prenatal tabs) can cos gastric problems. I didn't stop taking, but just took Gaviscon to alleviate the gastric pains....


New Member
hey Tataro,

folic is yellow in color..

is prenatal nutrient in transulcent capsules wif many diff colors of small medi inside? if its, tt is e multi vits for the mummy.
Thanks ling02!

Ya, i think i should start to drink chocolate milk, haha, later ask hubby buy durian.

i think the fish oil i still can take it (no smell), either the Calcium or Prenatal nutriens gt the smell, tomorrow i will take the calcium only, then day after i take the Prenatal, then know which medi cause me gastric pain n burping.

Btw, is Prenatal consider folic asid , or is different medi?


Hi Tataro,

I'm now 16 weeks, and taking the same pills as you.. I first started taking at about 13 weeks and couldn't stand the smell of the Prenatal and Calcium tabs! Then i took is with flavoured water e.g. ribena, barley, honey etc. anything that can mask the taste.

I also had gastric problems, but i'm not sure if it's cos of the meds. I read somewhere that iron supplements (iron is in the prenatal tabs) can cos gastric problems. I didn't stop taking, but just took Gaviscon to alleviate the gastric pains....

Hi arielc,

Thanks for your info, i think is good idea to take the pill with ribena, i would try it tmr,

since u mentioned that the iron could cause gastric, then tmr i shall try the calcium pill first, if calcium pill didn't cause me gastric, then should be the iron pill problem.


New Member
hi mummies

i know that engaging a CL cost about $1800 to $2200. Does the purchasing of the confinement groceries comes from this cost as well? meaning do we still have to pay the CL another sum to buy confinement dishes to cook? i have not engage one too.. thinking of asking my mum to help.

wondering if anyone has any previous experience on retroplacenta haematoma and reduced amniotic fluid? I went for my oscars last week, and the dr told me that i have some blood clot in my placenta, thur reducing the water level in the water bag. i read some articles online, was really concerned as it doesnt seem to be a good symptom. I was told to get lots of rest.

was wondering is it common to have such symptom? and what are the actual results from those who had experienced it?


Active Member
hi mummies

i know that engaging a CL cost about $1800 to $2200. Does the purchasing of the confinement groceries comes from this cost as well? meaning do we still have to pay the CL another sum to buy confinement dishes to cook? i have not engage one too.. thinking of asking my mum to help.

wondering if anyone has any previous experience on retroplacenta haematoma and reduced amniotic fluid? I went for my oscars last week, and the dr told me that i have some blood clot in my placenta, thur reducing the water level in the water bag. i read some articles online, was really concerned as it doesnt seem to be a good symptom. I was told to get lots of rest.

was wondering is it common to have such symptom? and what are the actual results from those who had experienced it?
Hi mrsteo,

The range of $1800- $2200 is only paid for CL's service, not including the confinement groceries.You got to give the CL money to buy whatever required to cook for you during confinement. CL only take care of baby,wash baby clothing & cooking for confinement food for you. They don't wash your clothing for you & don't even do housework chores. If your mum can help of cos' asking her to help is the best as she knows you well.

Hmm.. Oh no .. u having retroplacenta haematoma... hmmm were u already having spotting during your 1st 2 mths of pregnancy?This happens when the placenta starts separating prematurely,blood flow behind ur placenta that cause blood clot. As long as you have enough rest, don't carry heavy stuff, don't walk too much, no sex.. there shouldn't be any risk to your baby.

Usually cause of low amniotic fluid, baby got health problem(*Your baby may not be producing or passing enough urine. This may signal that bb has a problem affecting his kidneys or heart ) * as you should know that your amniotic fluid is actually your baby's urine or there is problem with your placenta (*This could be because you have a condition that stops your placenta from supplying enough blood and nutrients to your baby. Usually this will happen to mummies with conditions like high blood pressure & diabetes.

Doc should have given you some medicine against infection to protect you & ur baby. In the meantime .. just make sure that you rest well, drink more water to keep yourself well hydrated...take all the supplement given.. you will be safe.

Do remember that if you don't take care of yourself well... there will be risk in Miscarriage. So far I got 3 friends that I came across ..experienced this.. 2 successfully given birth to healthy babies.., 1 remains stubborn .. didn't take care of herself, didn't take her supplements, not enough rest .. then. ended up having M/C in her 20wk.

Don't worry so much. Most important now it's to have a positive mind. Jia you!
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