EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Hey mummies, have u started to introduce pacifier/soother to ur BB?? My naughty BB keep asking/crying for more after each 45mins feed and refused to sleep. CL said it may be a good idea to give him d pacifier just to sooth him and take it off after he falls asleep. What do u think??
Tried giving my bb pacifier but she doesnt know how to suck. It keeps dropping out. My aunt says hv to slowly train her especially when we try to wean her off night feeding.


Hey mummies, have u started to introduce pacifier/soother to ur BB?? My naughty BB keep asking/crying for more after each 45mins feed and refused to sleep. CL said it may be a good idea to give him d pacifier just to sooth him and take it off after he falls asleep. What do u think??
I gave in today :( cos she kept crying and asking for my breasts even after giving her 90ml EBM during one of her feeds. At one point I was latching her almost every hour and despite latching her for 25 mins on one side, she wouldn't fall asleep like normal! When I switched breast for her to latch, she lathed on even longer until I realize my breast was already soft and she wld have emptied most of my milk. So I kinda knew she was latching for comfort more than anything. So I had I break the latch.

My nipples are so sore today. Felt like crying cos I Couldn't keep up and felt terrified each time she cried. Sigh.

Anyway my CL gave her pacifier I try for a while and she really stopped crying. But we didn't leave it on permanently. When she slept we removed it.

Now I'm trying to increase my pump frequency from once a day to 3x a day to build up my EBM as I plan to give her bottle soon. Sigh hope I can build it soon.

btw those who bf - has anyone lost weight yet and how much? I lost 7kg in. 3 weeks and I seem to have plateau at my current weight. Hope I can lose more
I lost 6kg so far. But i am always hungry. Wonder is it cos i bf?


Doing my ctg again!! Scan show baby still very active!! See Wat gynea say later!! Wonder ask anyone know Wat the extra price for induce at mount A?? Any extra charge for wkend induce?? Wanna induce today. Hope my gynea approve it. My fingers all swollen, pain when bend.


Doing my ctg again!! Scan show baby still very active!! See Wat gynea say later!! Wonder ask anyone know Wat the extra price for induce at mount A?? Any extra charge for wkend induce?? Wanna induce today. Hope my gynea approve it. My fingers all swollen, pain when bend.
Jia you climsp, hope u meet ur active little one soon... I bet he will come out very fast cause he is so active!


Baby still active now 3.4kg. I lost 1 kg. gynea want me to wait to Monday b4 induce. After Monday Midnite then go for induce if baby dun wanna come out in this 3 days!! 3 more day to go


Dear Seline

Congrats on ur delivery. Did ur mum said when can U shower? I showered on Day 5 using herb water. Else with this weather really buay tahan.

How abt yr Bb's jaundice? U mentioned admitted to hospital so when can ur bao bei be discharged? Are u in breast feeding? If yes, dun tk ginger since ur Bb has jaundice.
Thanks dear! I bath on the 3rd day after i discharged cause I need to bring bb to the doc as well as for my own chkup. Cannot go out smelly smelly la. eeeeyer... haha. My mum say i can only wash my hair after 2weeks. Gosh! I'm gg crazy lor.

Bb jaundice level is 19.3 when admitted. today is the 2nd day, has dropped to 8 so can discharge already. Phew! MIL says feed with formula first to flush out the jaundice. Checked with PD, he agreed too.


Butt8rfly , I admire ur determinations n strong will...bt if I were to go thru again, I still dun think I can do it your way...

I oso realised my baby is asking for milk wif shorter interval, is it normal? I was a little reluctant to cause nipple a bit sore...now she is sort of every 2 hrs feed...
Hey Tannie, me too! While on BF, bb got hungry like every 1.5-2hrs. Even on formula 40ml, he can get hungry after 2hrs too. Maybe your bb is not having enough? I checked with PD on my bb, he says can increase to 60ml.


Baby still active now 3.4kg. I lost 1 kg. gynea want me to wait to Monday before induce. After Monday Midnite then go for induce if baby dont wanna come out in this 3 days!! 3 more day to go
Dear Climsp, hang on tight!! Mon is another 2 days to go. Tahan tahan k. Soon u will get to hug ur Bao Bei!

Re extra charges, fir my c sect, my gynae told me before tt if we deliver earlier or later than the pre determined date, will be consider as emergency so need to incur additional charges. Doesn't matter if weekend or PH.

For normal delivery, not sure if additional charges applies


Baby still active now 3.4kg. I lost 1 kg. gynea want me to wait to Monday b4 induce. After Monday Midnite then go for induce if baby dun wanna come out in this 3 days!! 3 more day to go
Maybe like mine. i plan to induce end up he choose his own date and came out earlier. Jiayou!!! Very soon can see your darling already!


New Member
Hello mummies,

Just to share with you, I'm giving away free milk bag samples (shipped from USA) to mummies for trial. Just reopen a new batch due to overwhelming responses from mummies both in this forum and the SMH forum so thought that you might be interested. Email me at baby.swonderful@gmail.com.

In addition, am organising a pre order for baby products from USA which will close coming Monday.
Prices are generally up to 50% lower than retail shops and other BPs due to negotiations and shared shipping costs.

Do drop by my thread ~45% OFF RETAIL PRICES~ NEW! Milk Bottles/Breast Pumps/Creams/Milk Storage Bags or my blog www.babyswonderful.blogspot.com if you are keen.

Baby S.
I lost 6kg so far. But i am always hungry. Wonder is it cos i bf?[/QUOTE]

Rukia, yes I think it's due to BFing. I can eat a lot more now compared to my preggy days :)