EDD Oct 2012 Mummies


Any mummies start buying breast pump alrd? Saw Medela Freestyle online,cheapest I can find is sgd 510 something but US set with us warranty.any mummies can advise if it is really safe to purchase these sets?


Hi Alyssa, gr8 to hear frm you. Thanks for sharing, really appreciate it...walking is not a problem yet, so hope it shud be alright.. what is your EDD? mine is 12 oct, delivering at Mt E.


Hi Shaa,

Mine's 1 Oct, wld be delivering at TMC. haha I hope I deliver exactly on the EDD, that wld be nice.. But i heard that norm first time mums deliver earlier than EDD. Not sure whether that is true?


Any mummies start buying breast pump alrd? Saw Medela Freestyle online,cheapest I can find is sgd 510 something but US set with us warranty.any mummies can advise if it is really safe to purchase these sets?
Hi Shermyn,

My friend bought a US set, she says ok so far. hmm, but do check if they provide adapter or sth?


Hi mommies, can see some of you have quite little weight gain same as me. Going into 22 weeks soon and gained around 3 to 3.5kg only. My baby bump seems quite small as commented by a GP. Got me quite worried but going for detailed scanning end of this week. It was delayed due to gynae overseas... hope everything is fine.

My baby kicks very strongly everyday and is very active so I presume should be quite healthy and hopefully no issues.
Hi mommies, can see some of you have quite little weight gain same as me. Going into 22 weeks soon and gained around 3 to 3.5kg only. My baby bump seems quite small as commented by a GP. Got me quite worried but going for detailed scanning end of this week. It was delayed due to gynae overseas... hope everything is fine.

My baby kicks very strongly everyday and is very active so I presume should be quite healthy and hopefully no issues.
Hi Angeldust,

Just gain 2 kg up to week 21. But didn't feel any strong kick from this lil boy.. Kind of worried..
Oh gosh.. you all gain so little.. When i was around 20 weeks i gained 2kg and i was like freaked out that i gained too lil for my princess to grow well.. I'm on my 23rd week now and have gained like 5kg..

But recently no apetite to eat again because of sore throat and horrible horrible flu. So i lost around 0.5kg for the past 2 days..


I feel so comforted that I'm not alone on this. Previously, no weight gain during first trimester too, in fact, I was losing weight despite no morning sickness. But baby was growing as per schedule.

Can't wait for my detailed scanning this week to find out if baby is still growing despite my very pathetic weight gain :(


New Member
Hello mummies

I gained a lot for my first pregnancy... But this time round... I've only gained 3-5 kg... My eddy is on the 15th :)


New Member
Hi all

I am back after disappearing for ages. :p

anyone keen to join me for a free prenatal yoga lesson on Sat 16th Jun 430-530pm or Wed 20th Jun 8-9pm? :)


Hello mummies ! I've just went for detailed scan it's a boy ! I'm 20 weeks but I gained 9 kg alrdy ! Is it too much ? Have been craving for chocolate my whole pregnancy so I'll blame it on them ! :) please advise if my weight gain is okay. :)


Hi mommies, I'm expecting a boy!
And rgd my weight gain, gynae told me to watch my weight! Haha!

Im usually 52kg, but weighted 51.3kg during 13 weeks. Didn't put on weight due to lack of appetite.
5Today, my weight was 55.9kg.
Gynae told me to try maintaining weight & cut down on the carbs. Oops!
So I guess my worries about little weight gain & small bump was for nothing at all.
im currently into my 22nd week.


Hi mommies, I'm expecting a boy!
And rgd my weight gain, gynae told me to watch my weight! Haha!

Im usually 52kg, but weighted 51.3kg during 13 weeks. Didn't put on weight due to lack of appetite.
5Today, my weight was 55.9kg.
Gynae told me to try maintaining weight & cut down on the carbs. Oops!
So I guess my worries about little weight gain & small bump was for nothing at all.
im currently into my 22nd week.
So lucky ! My gynae told me I'm too fat ! I'm 20 weeks having a boy too ! :) I've gained 9.5 kg alrdy ! Omg.


I think gynae afraid we have overweight baby and if delivering via natural way would be quite a chore? My gyane said she hopes she wont need to use forceps or vaccum on me. Asked me to tone down on the sugar lvl. I think I need to do some walking as exercise.