EDD Oct 2013

I'm finally reaching 2nd trimester!! 13wks2dys now! wooohhoooo!!

Newae, constipation and piles are my best friend even before pregnancy!:( once, I think during my 10th week, I squeezed sooooo hard tt I had slight cramps e next day. So now I eat kokocrunch w milk every morning without fail and it helps!*yay*

Disclaimer: Best way to eat Kokocrunch: After pouring the milk, wait for about 5minutes.By then, e texture will be juuuusst nice..not too soft and not too hard and e milk will taste like chocolate milk!!#foodporn ;)
LOL Naangfa that's what i do with kokocrunch too!!!

but my constipatipn quite bad, coz whenever i strain i got spotting. so doc gave me stool softener to help also.

and must consciously drink water throughout the day.

happy 2nd trimester !!


oh im been trying to eat banana but still have constipation. hmm i didnt know got stool softener, my next appt is one mth later =(
and yes, happy 2nd tri!!! so happy to make through the first one. my edd also bring forward to 6 oct now =)


New Member
i get to poo almost everyday. heres some advices...
everyday i try to take 1 long banana, 1 small bottle of yogurt, multi grain cereal with fresh milk, 1 freshly made fruit juice e.g. apple orange with ice (due to high sugar content).
actually if you drink plenty of plain water you should able to enjoy regular bowel movement, however i still having ms i only drink abit after i vomitted. haha :rolleyes:
Thanks for the advice! I will try that! Am constipated and still having bad whole day sickness though I should be jus going into my tri 2 now... I will throw up if I drink too much water and am still throwing up almost after every meal.. so I guess the lack of water makes it worse... I heard from friends banana (the delmonte long kind) shouldn't be taken.. not sure why. Anyone can verify that? Also how do you drink the milk without throwing up? Do you warm it up first?


Naangfaa:773512 said:
I'm finally reaching 2nd trimester!! 13wks2dys now! wooohhoooo!!

Newae, constipation and piles are my best friend even before pregnancy!:( once, I think during my 10th week, I squeezed sooooo hard tt I had slight cramps e next day. So now I eat kokocrunch w milk every morning without fail and it helps!*yay*

Disclaimer: Best way to eat Kokocrunch: After pouring the milk, wait for about 5minutes.By then, e texture will be juuuusst nice..not too soft and not too hard and e milk will taste like chocolate milk!!#foodporn ;)
Me too!! I'm 13 weeks 2 days today. Bump is not showing yet, but tummy gets obviously big after meals lol

I get nauseous when I'm hungry, is it due to folic acid? My gynae asked me to eat 2 a day since I was 5 weeks till now. Hope he say can change to multi vits on my appt next tue


I read from some pregnancy website, it says first tri is till week 14. Hmm then are we consider still in first tri?
Do u all still get the mild cramps feeling now?
Thanks for the advice! I will try that! Am constipated and still having bad whole day sickness though I should be just going into my tri 2 now... I will throw up if I drink too much water and am still throwing up almost after every meal.. so I guess the lack of water makes it worse... I heard from friends banana (the delmonte long kind) shouldn't be taken.. not sure why. Anyone can verify that? Also how do you drink the milk without throwing up? Do you warm it up first?

i drink pasteurised milk fresh e.g. Meiji / HL... the cold taste tend to ease my tasteless tongue. So far i only throw up once after the milk/cereal combi in the morning.
if water is too bland, u can try to mix it with honey to give a taste.
i ate banana tat is ripe. no idea why the long one shdnt be taken.
don't make ur stomach empty most of the time ya? try crackers or fruit snacks in small bites if you can.


Hi mummies,
Have ur breasts grown much? Im abt 10 weeks,they feel sore etc but not much growth! V worried if theres a prob cos everyone seems to say they grow the most in the first trimester
Hi mummies,
Have ur breasts grown much? Im abt 10 weeks,they feel sore etc but not much growth! V worried if theres a prob cos everyone seems to say they grow the most in the first trimester
hi, mine started to be different only recently around week 12. but not much bigger..just fill out my bra cup more.. the inches are just piling around my waist....

i wouldnt be too worried... there's still 6 more mths to grow!


For mine boobs are "sticking out" recently at 8weeks, they grow a little not too much.

Ya people have been commenting i look more "fu xiang" plump. Waist line seems to be getting bigger and having a little tummy now.......
Feels kinda sad that i have grown sideways


Hello all, does anyone experience frequent headaches? I had headaches for days and yet to recover. I felt so uncomfortable. It seems connected from my gastric and headache that either one will pain and it will trigger the other to act up...

I had many symptoms lo... I.e. severe outbreak, rashes on thighs, stomach discomfort, headache, waist sore, left side butt pain & cramp, nausea... I felt so uneasy but I will always communicate with my Lil baby to ask Lil baby to grow well and healthy...

I am going to have my OSCAR check this coming wednesday... It's so exciting. Both me and my hubby are looking so forward to it... Seeing our Lil baby and making sure Lil baby is ok :))



New Member
Hello all, does anyone experience frequent headaches? I had headaches for days and yet to recover. I felt so uncomfortable. It seems connected from my gastric and headache that either one will pain and it will trigger the other to act up...

I had many symptoms lo... I.e. severe outbreak, rashes on thighs, stomach discomfort, headache, waist sore, left side butt pain & cramp, nausea... I felt so uneasy but I will always communicate with my Lil baby to ask Lil baby to grow well and healthy...

I am going to have my OSCAR check this coming wednesday... It's so exciting. Both me and my hubby are looking so forward to it... Seeing our Lil baby and making sure Lil baby is ok :))

Hi Joymummy, I do experience headaches almost Everyday too. i've checked with doc and was told is normal unless is very severe. Was told to take panadol if i can't take it, but i tried to control and let it go away itself. Drink more water, juices etc, hope it helps.

Why was yr OSCAR check so late, i thought we are suppose to have this check during week 10 - 12 or 13? You will be amazed to see the lil one moving inside yr tummy, i was so amazed that my lil one has grow so big within a few weeks. Everything will be good for you too. :)


Miracle77:774269 said:
Hello all, does anyone experience frequent headaches? I had headaches for days and yet to recover. I felt so uncomfortable. It seems connected from my gastric and headache that either one will pain and it will trigger the other to act up...

I had many symptoms lo... I.e. severe outbreak, rashes on thighs, stomach discomfort, headache, waist sore, left side butt pain & cramp, nausea... I felt so uneasy but I will always communicate with my Lil baby to ask Lil baby to grow well and healthy...

I am going to have my OSCAR check this coming wednesday... It's so exciting. Both me and my hubby are looking so forward to it... Seeing our Lil baby and making sure Lil baby is ok :))

Hi Joymummy, I do experience headaches almost Everyday too. i've checked with doc and was told is normal unless is very severe. Was told to take panadol if i can't take it, but i tried to control and let it go away itself. Drink more water, juices etc, hope it helps.

Why was yr OSCAR check so late, i thought we are suppose to have this check during week 10 - 12 or 13? You will be amazed to see the lil one moving inside yr tummy, i was so amazed that my lil one has grow so big within a few weeks. Everything will be good for you too. :)
Is normal? I feel like vomiting at times too when I experience headache. I dono why I got headache but I seriously felt uncomfortable. Sigh. Juices help? Ok I can try to drink cranberries later then.

This week is my 12th week. So I am gg for my OSCAR check on Wed. I was also amazed from week 10 I heard bb's first heartbeat. I almost have tears of joy. Such a miracle that there's a life in my tummy. I am so excited to see my little bb... Yup everything will be good for me and all of us


I too have occasional headaches, it should be caused by the increase in hormones, I did try some aromatherapy which relaxes me, and it helps a bit.
When i experience nausea, usually in bed at night i apply some medicated oil to my hand and the mint smells helps.


New Member
Is normal? I feel like vomiting at times too when I experience headache. I dono why I got headache but I seriously felt uncomfortable. Sigh. Juices help? Ok I can try to drink cranberries later then.

This week is my 12th week. So I am gg for my OSCAR check on Wed. I was also amazed from week 10 I heard bb's first heartbeat. I almost have tears of joy. Such a miracle that there's a life in my tummy. I am so excited to see my little bb... Yup everything will be good for me and all of us
Hi Joymummy, yes is normal, i've experienced the same problem, i feel nausea whenever headache strikes. Hope it gets better since i'm reaching my 2nd tri this week. Good luck to all :)
Hi All, I have terrible headaches as well. Infact i have migraines that can last me the whole day. The pain is very severe and just makes me wanna rest in a dark room. At times i have blurness/flashes in my eyes as well as pins n needles feelings in my finger tips. Do u all have similiar feelings as well?


Miracle77:774310 said:
Is normal? I feel like vomiting at times too when I experience headache. I dono why I got headache but I seriously felt uncomfortable. Sigh. Juices help? Ok I can try to drink cranberries later then.

This week is my 12th week. So I am gg for my OSCAR check on Wed. I was also amazed from week 10 I heard bb's first heartbeat. I almost have tears of joy. Such a miracle that there's a life in my tummy. I am so excited to see my little bb... Yup everything will be good for me and all of us
Hi Joymummy, yes is normal, i've experienced the same problem, i feel nausea whenever headache strikes. Hope it gets better since i'm reaching my 2nd tri this week. Good luck to all :)
I jus hope the headache does go away. I tried once panadol and it seems like it is making me awake more than want to slp. Ya nausea feeling too. I jus hope that all these symptoms go away soon. All mummies must jia you


TVH:774316 said:
Oh joymummy, I'm gg to have my Oscar on wed as well...I'm 12 weeks this week too....
Oh hi... Where will u be having your Oscar check?? Mine is at TMC... And is early morning