EDD Oct 2013


Alpha Male
hi mummies and daddies,

just found out that my wifey is pregnant with our 2nd child, edd early to mid oct. Seen by dr paul tseng. As compared to our 1st baby gal, my wife is having morning sickness, bad taste for food. Our 1st gal, all was well, not much change in her... anyone can help me suggest anything that i can get to ease my wife's hardship? thanks a million.
Longing for a nice and relaxing holiday but concerned about the travel risks?

There will be a 2 day 1 night retreat for mummies at our center. We will have practicing nurse/midwife from the top hospital in Singapore to brief mummies on antenatal knowledge during this retreat. Mummies can come together for some sharing, relaxation and peer support. Meals will be specially prepared for all pregnant mummies and it will be a good time to come relax, rejuvenate and enjoy your 'me-time' before your little bundle of joy arrives. Feel free to contact me if you need more information! :biggrin:



Hi mommies.. im hving terrible headaches! Thank god for no nausea but the headache is affecting my lifestyle.. :(
Any remedies???


Wahhh...I must go get e bands soon too! Ms really sucks!!

Congrats nickvan and welcome! We did discuss abt morning sickness..for me sugar free organic sweets and some chilli..the rest water w lemon I think, those old skool sour sweets and many more actually!^_^

for headaches, my occupational therapist did teach me to massage e sides of ur thumb (where e middle bone is). If it's migraine, she said usually U can feel a knot at e back of ur neck..juz massage tt area to ease the knot and ull feel better.

It worked for me and e latest I have discovered is to cover ur right nostril and take deep breaths using ur left nostrils only for 5 mins..it crazily worked too! but err I have no scientific explanation for it..hehe..but we practice tt in yoga too..so I guess it must be related somehw!heheheh!


i have headaches too, and stuffy nose at night..i cannot sleep well.
i was thinking of buying a cold compress to remedy my headache..read that it will work..will try and let you girls know!


I think drinking plenty of water helps abit.. maybe cos we pee more often thats y we kinda dehydrate? And for me,the headache lasts the whole day but on certain days disappear! And i realise when i clear my bowels,my tummy hurt so much as though ive constipated for a long time! Do u gals hv such symptom too?

i made an appt this sat to visit my gynae this sat for the first time, got so many questions to ask him!


i am having quite a bad flu now..
my hubby said better dun eat medicine > <
seriously don't know what to do now...argghhh
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. I've been tested positive last Sunday and I am now in 5 weeks. I had some pregnancy symptoms : feeling nausea for once , Stomach bloated, diarrhea, feeling hungry at all time, tired and also cramps @ lower abdomen (for on-and-off for few days) and it really worries me. I've tested 3 times when my menses was late for 3 days - 1 time negative, 2nd time using Predictor (have faint lines at test zone) and finally get a good one ClearBlue digital to test for more reflective positive results.

Went to see GP yesterday and informed her that i've been tested positive. I was surprised by her reaction - telling me that i'm sorry your company don't cover for the ultrasound. I told her that I can pay the scanning charges my own! She just ignored me and didnt even confirm my pregnancy! I just wasted my trip to see her. I swear i would not go there again. I didnt give up and tried to book gynae nearby my house @ Tampines and managed to consult gynae. Did the scanning but can't see anything and didnt find any usual things nearby my both uterus (i'm just worried of etopic pregnancy)! . Doc asked me whether i'm on folic acid and should continue taking it. He gave me some pills to stabilise/hold the womb. Charges are considered reasonable with blood test done as well. Got to go back on Thurs to do blood test to check again. Dr will only see me on next week :)


i had period like cramps during my 5th - 7th week also, my doc said it was normal, as long as no bleeding, the uterus is stretching.
joyfulmum - i am damn happy when i clear my bowels..hahaha coz it's like i feel so constipated and such a relieve it's finally out :)


i had period like cramps during my 5th - 7th week also, my doc said it was normal, as long as no bleeding, the uterus is stretching.
joyfulmum - i am damn happy when i clear my bowels..hahaha coz it's like i feel so constipated and such a relieve it's finally out :)

Had the same symptoms was told normal..

I think all of us are super happy once we cleared our bowels! hahaha... a unique feeling tho!hahahah


Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. I've been tested positive last Sunday and I am now in 5 weeks. I had some pregnancy symptoms : feeling nausea for once , Stomach bloated, diarrhea, feeling hungry at all time, tired and also cramps @ lower abdomen (for on-and-off for few days) and it really worries me. I've tested 3 times when my menses was late for 3 days - 1 time negative, 2nd time using Predictor (have faint lines at test zone) and finally get a good one ClearBlue digital to test for more reflective positive results.

Went to see GP yesterday and informed her that i've been tested positive. I was surprised by her reaction - telling me that i'm sorry your company don't cover for the ultrasound. I told her that I can pay the scanning charges my own! She just ignored me and didnt even confirm my pregnancy! I just wasted my trip to see her. I swear i would not go there again. I didnt give up and tried to book gynae nearby my house @ Tampines and managed to consult gynae. Did the scanning but can't see anything and didnt find any usual things nearby my both uterus (i'm just worried of etopic pregnancy)! . Doc asked me whether i'm on folic acid and should continue taking it. He gave me some pills to stabilise/hold the womb. Charges are considered reasonable with blood test done as well. Got to go back on Thurs to do blood test to check again. Dr will only see me on next week :)

Congratz new mummy! Care to share which gynae you went to ? Thanks!
Hi Nrl - Thanks so much! I went to Dr Wong Heng Fok @ Thomson Women's Clinic. Any of you heard of him before? I think he is nice and patient gynae!


After I clear my bowels feel so hungry! I get bloated too most of e days and have to resort to Coke to get e air out and what e hubz is not too pleased about..heh..any healthier options?;)
After I clear my bowels feel so hungry! I get bloated too most of e days and have to resort to Coke to get e air out and what e hubz is not too pleased about..heh..any healthier options?;)
Hi dear, I drink ginger tea together rid of the excessive winds. It works on me. Also try not to let yourself hungry for too long. Snack a bit else your stomach will again feel discomfort with winds.


New Member
Hi everyone,new to this forum too and glad to find it since cant really talk to my friends about it. Haven't told many friends yet. For me instead of morning sickness I've been getting nausea at night. I carry around Meiji crackers too to munch whenever I feel hungry. Take care everyone!
Congrats Marchies! dont tell many friends until ur quite stable!
there r too many forumies posting here tat i lost count. let me re introduce myself here, im blackroselian staying at buona vista, (anyone in the west?) but travel to the east for 45min by motorcycle wif my hubby to work. anyone rides bike here?
haha! im 7 weeks 4 days here.
Besides MS, does anyone have difficulty staring the monitor? or jus concentrating a deep conversation?
for me, i tend to get nausea whenever i do. and even wan to gag!


yesterday i was buying fruits and was having a hard time calculating the cost of 5 apples and 5 oranges at 40 cents each. until the stall owner told me $4, then i realized 10 x 40cents! hahaha

i read pregnancy makes one forgetful but...are my brain cells dying or wat!


Alpha Male
Wahhh...I must go get e bands soon too! Ms really sucks!!

Congrats nickvan and welcome! We did discuss abt morning sickness..for me sugar free organic sweets and some chilli..the rest water w lemon I think, those old skool sour sweets and many more actually!^_^

for headaches, my occupational therapist did teach me to massage e sides of ur thumb (where e middle bone is). If it's migraine, she said usually U can feel a knot at e back of ur neck..juz massage tt area to ease the knot and ull feel better.

It worked for me and e latest I have discovered is to cover ur right nostril and take deep breaths using ur left nostrils only for 5 mins..it crazily worked too! but err I have no scientific explanation for it..hehe..but we practice tt in yoga too..so I guess it must be related somehw!heheheh!
Hi Naangfaa,

thanks for the welcome. yeah, will try out the bands. thanks for the suggestion as well...


Hi all.. im 27, first pregnancy. Not quite sure hw many weeks i am but based on lmp its 5 weeks plus. Will b seeing my gynae on sat to confirm,cant wait!
i stay near buona vista too!!! Ard ghim moh area.
So far i hv on n off headaches, bloatedness,increased appetite n difficult bowel movements.. super cravings for salt n spicy foods, not forgetting more fights with hubby due to my mood swings ( i admit,haha)
Currently finishing my last semester in uni(am an overaged student) perfect timing for the baby to come!
congrates to all mummies n lets walk this journey together! Excited!! :)