EDD Oct 2013


oh my frens ask me buy 2nd hand if i really want. unless i confident use for 2nd kid within 2-3years. LOL!
facebook got this famous 2nd hand shop: buzzy tots
I cannot sleep straight anymore.. feels damn tight! And yes, my pelvic area abit "suan".. ache but I cannot pinpoint where exactly ache.. Going for my detailed scan 2 days later!![/QUOT
You can try chiropractic care for pregnancy. It is very common for pregnant mom to visit chiropractor for alignment. Hei, there will be a talk on Holistic Chiropractic care for pregnancy and Natural Birth. You can ask them question. Upcoming Events | ChildBirth Odyssey


think i'm kiasu and also today i'm a bit free and was looking around for baby shower venues. I might have about 120pax (big family), any good idea of baby shower venues?


New Member
Hello all mommies and mommies-to-be!

Just went for my FA scan on the 6th of June at Thomson Medical. After a long wait baby was sleeping. Radiographer made me get some food n cold drinks to "wake" baby up. Finally got up and we found out it's a girl!! Husband has always wanted a jiejie/didi combo or jiejie/meimei. So needless to say he was overjoyed. However, for me, other than designing the pink nursery for baby, I do not dare to start buying clothes and all baby eqpments. Just in case i pop a boy instead.

Few qns for mommies:
1. I am currently 21 weeks and 2 days, I have only gained about 3+kg. I am starting to get VERY worried. Pre-pregnancy, I get fat even breathing or drinking water. (58kg pre-preg) Right now, I eat like a dinosaur because I get hungry very often. I eat like 5 meals a day.. but just a little will make me very bloated. I find it hard to put on weight. My last gynae visit I had to even lie that I put on 1kg. I am taking Similac mum every morning/night. 3 diff kinds of supplement from gynae. But my weight has been stagnant since the 12 week mark. My baby bump is, on the other hand, getting bigger. And it is now obvious that I am pregnant.. Any idea on what I can eat to boost weight gain?? Or just let it be?

2. I have this throbbing pain on my lower left back whenever I sleep on my back. I have always been a back sleeper. I have to sleep on my side to ensure my back don't hurt. And because it is natural to me, in the middle of the night I would still flip back to lie on my back. The pain is so intense it wakes me up. So i wake up just to lie on my side. Before it repeats again, almost every night. I have tried googling but there are 1001 different responses from different people until I get more worried. Is this common for other mommies? Maybe to add on, I am 25, I have had previous back injury during my sec sch days from Netball. Seeking advice as my next gynae visit is on the 19th, pain is getting very bad these days. And those China nurses keep repeating that no bleeding no need to push my appt forward. fed up.

3. Baby is kicking really really low. Is it too early to worry she's in breech position?

Hope to get some advise. I'm really problematic :( Very worrying because first child. And my husband begged me to stop googling lest I scare myself more
Congrats Alice! quite a few first time mummies here. dun worry we are all problematic that's why come here to ask and look around coz alot of things we dunno. lol.

1 - There's no hard and fast rule for healthy weight gain coz everybody is so different (depending where you start, you and baby's metabolism/requirements etc). even the overall weight gain is a 'recommended range' and some of us might be abit off but it's ok unless gynae says otherwise. but then why u lie to the gynae ah? aiyo...must give accurate info so doctors can decide the best for us. don't overeat.. just eat healthy.

For me i put on a lot in the 1st-2nd trimester.. i started at 52 and was 60-ish at week 16.. but i'm stuck at 60 in the last 2 mths (week 24 now). but my tummy is ballooning.. see.. stagnant like you! and i only weigh myself at the doctor's coz dun want to stress..

2 - sleeping wise.. i sleep with a pillow under my right shoulder and right hip. i would sleep on my left side and in my sleep sometimes i will lie back but with the pillow under my right side, i'm still slightly tilted and it doesn't hurt as much. i also get backaches if i sleep straight so the extra pillows work for me.. i cannot 100% sleep left side also coz my hips will hurt.. so tilting45% with the pillow is my solution.
i sleep with 4 pillows plus my maternity pillow to prop me at the right places. lol. poor hubby in one corner! hahaha.

if the pain is really bad, especially with ur previous injury, shd see the doc sooner.. lack of sleep+pain is not good for u and wont be good for baby too!

3 - not sure abt this.. but i doubt we should worry if baby is breeched until we are in the final leg. Coz i read that baby will be turning and moving around all the way anyway.

take care ya.. -try- to worry less.. you are not alone!


Hello all mommies and mommies-to-be!

Just went for my FA scan on the 6th of June at Thomson Medical. After a long wait baby was sleeping. Radiographer made me get some food n cold drinks to "wake" baby up. Finally got up and we found out it's a girl!! Husband has always wanted a jiejie/didi combo or jiejie/meimei. So needless to say he was overjoyed. However, for me, other than designing the pink nursery for baby, I do not dare to start buying clothes and all baby eqpments. Just in case i pop a boy instead.

Few qns for mommies:
1. I am currently 21 weeks and 2 days, I have only gained about 3+kg. I am starting to get VERY worried. Pre-pregnancy, I get fat even breathing or drinking water. (58kg pre-preg) Right now, I eat like a dinosaur because I get hungry very often. I eat like 5 meals a day.. but just a little will make me very bloated. I find it hard to put on weight. My last gynae visit I had to even lie that I put on 1kg. I am taking Similac mum every morning/night. 3 diff kinds of supplement from gynae. But my weight has been stagnant since the 12 week mark. My baby bump is, on the other hand, getting bigger. And it is now obvious that I am pregnant.. Any idea on what I can eat to boost weight gain?? Or just let it be?

2. I have this throbbing pain on my lower left back whenever I sleep on my back. I have always been a back sleeper. I have to sleep on my side to ensure my back don't hurt. And because it is natural to me, in the middle of the night I would still flip back to lie on my back. The pain is so intense it wakes me up. So i wake up just to lie on my side. Before it repeats again, almost every night. I have tried googling but there are 1001 different responses from different people until I get more worried. Is this common for other mommies? Maybe to add on, I am 25, I have had previous back injury during my sec sch days from Netball. Seeking advice as my next gynae visit is on the 19th, pain is getting very bad these days. And those China nurses keep repeating that no bleeding no need to push my appt forward. fed up.

3. Baby is kicking really really low. Is it too early to worry she's in breech position?

Hope to get some advise. I'm really problematic :( Very worrying because first child. And my husband begged me to stop googling lest I scare myself more
Hi AliceElise, congrats that u are also getting a bb girl. But I think u are too worried. Being a mother to be must relax yourself. No matter what u eat now, just remember eat what u want. Bb can absorb already and she will grow as days go by. It doesn't mean that u are not gaining alot now means bb is not growing, it also means that bb is absorbing more than what u expect. Jus eat normally, gain your weight normally. Eat what u like and don't have too much restrictions but not too much sweet stuff.

As for the back pain, it might be due to your sec sch days back injury but if u can, try to slp sideways. My gynae says now have to try to slp 30 degrees sideways so that when bb weight is pressing on u when u lie flat it won't hurt your back. Don't google too much, google is just too wide. Not targeting on in depth problems. Just relax is most important.

Bb kicks is depending. My bb only started kicking in 5th month, but not very frequent. Some friends of mine actu feel their bb kick at month 4. So it varies on diff bb and u don't get worried. If bb is not kicking much, just try to talk to her more. She will hear u and react to it and will kick u. That's what I did when she is low in action.

Piece of advice: don't be too nervous. U can be panicked, but not over panicked. Be yourself, relax yourself and enjoy your pregnancy ☺


alice congrats!

ya dont worry weight gain. and the weigh machine not very accurate i feel lah. cos i can get 2 very different results at lvl 4 and 1. haha!
i already put on 10kg since preg but not doesnt really show on me. most frens 3-6kg only. so dont worry!

baby kicks also depends on bb position, thickness of womb placenta etc. everyone start diff times. like me, i start week 8. while most start 4-5mth.

and i agree, backpain most likely cos ur old injury. must rem tell ur doc and ask for advice. i have to slp sideways since 4th mth. no backache but unable fall aslp if lie on my back.


I hurt my back previously and im also a back sleeper. Sleeping on the side caused me to have hip pain, i bought a maternity pillow to support my back, do note that you need a booster between your legs to even out the weight, no worries if in the middle of the night you shift to your back or left, cos tats you body telling you need to shift.
If a maternity pillow is too much for you can use pillows to support your back, or buy a wedge cost only $20+.

I have also seen some people who still sleep on their back but had a pillow under the back to support and another pillow under the feet.
Even though sleeping on your left promotes blood circulation and will not press against the veins of your hands and legs, if it causes you to hurt your back, it is worst.

As for weight i gained 4kgs when i had my FA but my baby still is small at 292grams. So weight gain does not mean a healthy big baby.
Hello all mommies and mommies-to-be!

Just went for my FA scan on the 6th of June at Thomson Medical. After a long wait baby was sleeping. Radiographer made me get some food n cold drinks to "wake" baby up. Finally got up and we found out it's a girl!! Husband has always wanted a jiejie/didi combo or jiejie/meimei. So needless to say he was overjoyed. However, for me, other than designing the pink nursery for baby, I do not dare to start buying clothes and all baby eqpments. Just in case i pop a boy instead.

Few qns for mommies:
1. I am currently 21 weeks and 2 days, I have only gained about 3+kg. I am starting to get VERY worried. Pre-pregnancy, I get fat even breathing or drinking water. (58kg pre-preg) Right now, I eat like a dinosaur because I get hungry very often. I eat like 5 meals a day.. but just a little will make me very bloated. I find it hard to put on weight. My last gynae visit I had to even lie that I put on 1kg. I am taking Similac mum every morning/night. 3 diff kinds of supplement from gynae. But my weight has been stagnant since the 12 week mark. My baby bump is, on the other hand, getting bigger. And it is now obvious that I am pregnant.. Any idea on what I can eat to boost weight gain?? Or just let it be?

2. I have this throbbing pain on my lower left back whenever I sleep on my back. I have always been a back sleeper. I have to sleep on my side to ensure my back don't hurt. And because it is natural to me, in the middle of the night I would still flip back to lie on my back. The pain is so intense it wakes me up. So i wake up just to lie on my side. Before it repeats again, almost every night. I have tried googling but there are 1001 different responses from different people until I get more worried. Is this common for other mommies? Maybe to add on, I am 25, I have had previous back injury during my sec sch days from Netball. Seeking advice as my next gynae visit is on the 19th, pain is getting very bad these days. And those China nurses keep repeating that no bleeding no need to push my appt forward. fed up.

3. Baby is kicking really really low. Is it too early to worry she's in breech position?

Hope to get some advise. I'm really problemc :( Very worrying because first child. And my husband begged me to stop googling lest I scare myself more
I can feel your excitement. Congratulations! Don't worry too much about your weight. If you are getting nutritious food, you should be ok. Remember to take natural supplement with DHA(Omega 3) and Vit. B in it. Breathing should give you energy not put on more weight. Not sure where you get that from but very interesting to know. About your back pain, can I suggest you to attend this talk on Holistic chiropractic care for pregnancy and Natural birth if you are keen to learn improve your health and birth. Here is the LINK. I think all expectant mommies and husband should know more about birth.


New Member
Thank you all! I'm not as worried now. hee.

Xiangxiangmama, the part about breathing and putting on weight is just a joke. It's like you don't have to do anything and the weight still piles on. But after preg very different. Hubby says maybe cos baby is taking in all the nutrients. hmm.. i dunno. I've already signed up for hypnobirthing classes because no epidural for me. Trying to find all sorts of alternatives.

mums the word, I realised I made a mistake by lying also. I naively thought I could eat more this month to be in the "healthy weight gain" ratio. Not working though. Since most mommies here face the same then I think there is nothing to worry about. phew. I'll just eat as per normal! :)
Good choice Alice. You and your hubby will love it. Who is your HB instructor?
Thank you all! I'm not as worried now. hee.

Xiangxiangmama, the part about breathing and putting on weight is just a joke. It's like you don't have to do anything and the weight still piles on. But after preg very different. Hubby says maybe cos baby is taking in all the nutrients. hmm.. i dunno. I've already signed up for hypnobirthing classes because no epidural for me. Trying to find all sorts of alternatives.

mums the word, I realised I made a mistake by lying also. I naively thought I could eat more this month to be in the "healthy weight gain" ratio. Not working though. Since most mommies here face the same then I think there is nothing to worry about. phew. I'll just eat as per normal! :)


baby cot and bedding set

Hi mummies! I am selling away my wooden baby cot and bedding set @$160 condition is 9/10. Original price is $280 and bedding set is $39.90. Please kindly pm me for further details hehe self collection at amk ave 10. Thank you..



hey, how do u all measure ur pre-pregnancy weight? my gynaes take the weight i see them for first visit.
so my first gynae i saw her was already 8 weeks preggy. increased 3kg by then.
me too. i've increased 1kg when i saw my gynae at 5weeks.
spyvonne:798031 said:
hey, how do u all measure ur pre-pregnancy weight? my gynaes take the weight i see them for first visit.
so my first gynae i saw her was already 8 weeks preggy. increased 3kg by then.


New Member
Good choice Alice. You and your hubby will love it. Who is your HB instructor?
Xiangxiangmama! I need to check w him he did the booking not me hehe.

Spyvonne, I step on the scale every morning and evening haha. Pre-preg. We were trying for baby so I started keeping track of stuff. And also, go try Clarins!! I bought both the stretch mark control cream and oil. The oil smells heavenly. First whiff my whole face was scrumped up. But the SA insisted I take home the trial btl. By and by I got used to the smell and started to love it! It calms me before sleep too. Like aromatherapy!
I use the oil at night and cream in the day. Very uncomfortable to put oil and go to work, but of course the oil works better. Finished trial and got the full size. I started at the beginning of 2nd trimester, and only recently found out my mom had 0 stretch marks after the birth of my brother and I!! I still carry on putting in case I didn't get her good genes. hehe..