EDD Sep 2010


New Member
According to my PD, infant at 6weeks old can already skip night feeding. So I tried training her for the past 2 days and it works!
I'll feed her one last time before I go to bed (regardless of the interval from previous feed was 1hr or 2 or even slightly lesser than that), then in the middle of the night she wakes up, I will give her pacifier and she actually falls back to sleep pretty soon (which means she is still not that hungry and can go without feeding). Will wait until she cries even with pacifier (guess that is when she is really hungry).

1st day, last feed at 2.30am and next was 7.30am.
2nd day, last feed at 1am and next at 8am. :001_302:

My girl is on ebm and formula as well. She used to wake up every 2-3 hourly.
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According to my pediatrician, infant at 6weeks old can already skip night feeding. So I tried training her for the past 2 days and it works!
I'll feed her one last time before I go to bed (regardless of the interval from previous feed was 1hr or 2 or even slightly lesser than that), then in the middle of the night she wakes up, I will give her pacifier and she actually falls back to sleep pretty soon (which means she is still not that hungry and can go without feeding). Will wait until she cries even with pacifier (guess that is when she is really hungry).

1st day, last feed at 2.30am and next was 7.30am.
2nd day, last feed at 1am and next at 8am. :001_302:

My girl is on ebm and formula as well. She used to wake up every 2-3 hourly.
You mean giving her pacifier instead of milk works? My girl is 8 weeks sometimes will slp straight 5 hrs but usually is abt 3 hrs interval. I think she's drinking very little, 100 mls and at times still cant finish. Quite worrying.
You mean giving her pacifier instead of milk works? My girl is 8 weeks sometimes will sleep straight 5 hours but usually is about 3 hours interval. I think she's drinking very little, 100 mls and at times still cant finish. Quite worrying.
actually these few days , my boy has been sleeping longer periods at nite too. However, he doesnt sleep much at all in the day time.by 1am he will knock out. ytd, hhis last feed at 11pm then he slept till 8am.
in between, he woke at 4am ,i think i was too tired n gave him pacifier to try n he took it n slept till 8. hehee i think it wrks.:Dancing_wub:

I think 100ml for your baby should be ok. My little Josh, bout 8 wks too, takes max of 150ml(its water 150ml ~excludes powder hor). My pediatrician was shocked by the amount n mentioned im feeding too much n his weight gain is too fast for his age. but he was only 2.95kg at birth ma..now he is about 5.2-5.3kg i think. To me its ok ah..hehee..

Anyway she advised feeding just 90ml first. If bb hungry then feed more. So dont worry bout your baby's milk intake. aS long as he's fine should be ok de. Sometimes my bb only takes 50-60ml but his appetite picks up later.


Today drove with baby in the car seat, alone with her for the first time. At first was worried that she would fuss, but thankfully she fell asleep and slept all the way for the 30 minute journey! It's frustrating that we can't put the infant car seat in front; I can't see her from my driver's seat at all, even if I place her seat behind the passenger's seat. When she sleeps and not making any sound, dont know whether to feel safe or not!

MummyK: not really night training but just trying to stretch her last feed as late as possible - if she takes her bottle after 10.30pm, she will normally be able to sleep til around 6am. If she takes it earlier than 10pm, she will wake around 4plus. But then my girl is on alternate formula and ebm so the routine may be different if you're on total breastfeeding. How about the other mummies' experiences?
Mine, she is on emb.. she will be having her last feed latest by 9:30pm and she will all the way till 7plus am... *touchwood* hee~~
My baby doesnt sleep in the daytime unless i carry him. Its really tiring n i cant do anythg at all. Any mummies having this prob too?? Last time, evytime he finished his milk he will knock out! But now, the moment i put him now(thinking he's in deep sleep aldy), he will fuss n cry . The moment i carry him he stops n sleep. :wong19:



New Member
You mean giving her pacifier instead of milk works? My girl is 8 weeks sometimes will slp straight 5 hrs but usually is abt 3 hrs interval. I think she's drinking very little, 100 mls and at times still cant finish. Quite worrying.
Yep, I give pacifier.. You can try putting her in rocker or sarong as well.. but if she continues crying then I think she is really hungry..
I think yours is ok.. My girl is 7weeks and feeding 90ml, I tried increasing to 110ml but she always cant finish so I drop back to 90ml and give her small amount of water in between.


For mummies with colicky baby. Just want to share is Anmum I took cos wind in my dd. I stop drinking Anmum for a week and I notice the wind in my baby tummy reduce too.


My baby doesnt sleep in the daytime unless i carry him. Its really tiring n i cant do anythg at all. Any mummies having this prob too?? Last time, evytime he finished his milk he will knock out! But now, the moment i put him now(thinking he's in deep sleep aldy), he will fuss n cry . The moment i carry him he stops n sleep. :wong19:

Yes yes I have this experience with my baby too - she sleeps soundly in my arms in the day, someimes up to 2 hrs, but can't seem to sleep more than 5-10mins if I put her down. Tiring~! Not sure how to discourage the carrying.. and can't bear to leave her to cry. I think the yaolan might help - pity mine is at my mum's place so I can't use it when I'm at home.


New Member
Yes yes I have this experience with my baby too - she sleeps soundly in my arms in the day, someimes up to 2 hrs, but can't seem to sleep more than 5-10mins if I put her down. Tiring~! Not sure how to discourage the carrying.. and can't bear to leave her to cry. I think the yaolan might help - pity mine is at my mum's place so I can't use it when I'm at home.
I have her babycot, rocker, bouncer & yaolan sitting side by side in my living room during daytime when I am alone taking care of her.. From time to time I will switch if she gets sick of each item. Just dont want her to get use to sleeping in my arms whole day long. But everytime I bring to to my mum or mil place, she came home cranky again coz they carry her whenever she makes little bit of noise.. hai, then all my effort are gone again..


I have her babycot, rocker, bouncer & yaolan sitting side by side in my living room during daytime when I am alone taking care of her.. From time to time I will switch if she gets sick of each item. Just dont want her to get use to sleeping in my arms whole day long. But everytime I bring to to my mum or mil place, she came home cranky again coz they carry her whenever she makes little bit of noise.. hai, then all my effort are gone again..
Hahaha MummyK, great strategy lining up all the different ways to rock baby to sleep! :D You're right about the grandparents haha, all super doting and wanna carry baby. Then again.. I told myself, our little darlings are not going to let us carry for long.. might as well enjoy this phase and cuddle up with them as much as they want! :D


New Member
Hahaha MummyK, great strategy lining up all the different ways to rock baby to sleep! :D You're right about the grandparents haha, all super doting and wanna carry baby. Then again.. I told myself, our little darlings are not going to let us carry for long.. might as well enjoy this phase and cuddle up with them as much as they want! :D
Muahaha, poor me.. Still have to work from home even on Maternity Leave! So have to train her to be alittle independent.. lol
I wanted so much to try her on infant seat while Im driving too but still dont have the courage to do so.. So scared that she will start crying along the journey and I'll be totally lost! haha, seems so dangerous. Infant seat is still left in the store, not even used on hubby's car also..


Muahaha, poor me.. Still have to work from home even on Maternity Leave! So have to train her to be alittle independent.. lol
I wanted so much to try her on infant seat while Im driving too but still dont have the courage to do so.. So scared that she will start crying along the journey and I'll be totally lost! haha, seems so dangerous. Infant seat is still left in the store, not even used on hubby's car also..
Can try to use the infant seat at home. It will much easier when you transit it to the car. Always drive on the left lane, once baby cried, you can stop by the road shoulder n comfort her. Dun worry, you can make it. That's how i start to tranfer my gal when she was only 4mth from Sengkang to Ghim Moh everyday.


actually these few days , my boy has been sleeping longer periods at nite too. However, he doesnt sleep much at all in the day time.by 1am he will knock out. ytd, hhis last feed at 11pm then he slept till 8am.
in between, he woke at 4am ,i think i was too tired n gave him pacifier to try n he took it n slept till 8. hehee i think it wrks.:Dancing_wub:

I think 100ml for your baby should be ok. My little Josh, bout 8 wks too, takes max of 150ml(its water 150ml ~excludes powder ). My pediatrician was shocked by the amount n mentioned im feeding too much n his weight gain is too fast for his age. but he was only 2.95kg at birth ..now he is about 5.2-5.3kg i think. To me its ok ..hehee..

Anyway she advised feeding just 90ml first. If baby hungry then feed more. So dont worry bout your baby's milk intake. aS long as he's fine should be ok . Sometimes my baby only takes 50-60ml but his appetite picks up later.
Wow. My girl 8 to 9 weeks haven reach 5 kg yet. Wat you feed your baby. Lol.

Mine also drink abt 50 to 60 mls for nite feeds.

Shall try to give her pacifier and see if she can slp through. Hope it works!


Active Member
Wah think I seriously hav to review my baby's sleeping pattern!!! All sleepin such long hrs already!!!!!

Huh... Must use pacifier and feed fm then can slp thru ah??? Anyone with the method of not using pacifier??? Hee...
Pacifier does work! She slept from 12.30am to 6.30am!
wahahaa!!congrats!:Dancing_wub: But sad for me, coz mine suddenly wakes for milk once or twice in the middle the nite.aiyooo!...i tot i can lead a better life already...

Mrs_eg, dun worry, now you're not alone. My boy wakes evy 3 hrly now hahaa:001_302:

Xian~ i tot 5.2kg not alot. i tot my baby was underweight coz i read someone posted(cant rem who) saying her baby is 6+ kg aldy!hahaa hmm...michellin baby! my baby on full fm .


Wah think I seriously hav to review my baby's sleeping pattern!!! All sleepin such long hrs already!!!!!

Huh... Must use pacifier and feed fm then can slp thru ah??? Anyone with the method of not using pacifier??? Hee...
Me!! mine din use tutu.. sleep sweetly thru out the night.. hee~~ lolx


Active Member
Me!! mine din use tutu.. sleep sweetly thru out the night.. hee~~ lolx
Jaslyn!!! Hw did u do it?? Is ur baby on total BM or Fm or both?

Pinkymummy... U mean urs use to slp thru the nite??
There is only once when my gal slpt 4 hrs straight...
I wonder if it is over stimulation cos have been going out quite often these days...

Did someone mention baby constantly needs to be carried..??? Aiyo!!!! Mine is super duper sensitive.... As if there is a built in sensor.... At times, put her down 5mins she wake up crying... Carry... Instantly stop.... Put her down again... Wail... And this cycle continues.... Argh!!! How to wean her off?!?!