EDD Sep 2010


wahahaa!!congrats!:Dancing_wub: But sad for me, coz mine suddenly wakes for milk once or twice in the middle the nite.aiyooo!...i thought i can lead a better life already...

Mrs_eg, dont worry, now you're not alone. My boy wakes evy 3 hrly now hahaa:001_302:

Xian~ i thought 5.2kg not alot. i thought my baby was underweight coz i read someone posted(cant rem who) saying her baby is 6+ kg already!hahaa hmm...michellin baby! my baby on full fm .
OMG! 6kg for how many weeks baby? Mine should be under weight le ba. Haven hit 5.

MummyK, thank you! So happy to receive so much guidance here. Can have a better nite.
Jaslyn!!! Hw did you do it?? Is your baby on total breast milk or Fm or both?

Pinkymummy... you mean urs use to sleep thru the nite??
There is only once when my gal slpt 4 hours straight...
I wonder if it is over stimulation cos have been going out quite often these days...

Did someone mention baby constantly needs to be carried..??? Aiyo!!!! Mine is super duper sensitive.... As if there is a built in sensor.... At times, put her down 5mins she wake up crying... Carry... Instantly stop.... Put her down again... Wail... And this cycle continues.... Argh!!! How to wean her off?!?!
hey mrs eg, my boy was starting to sleep for longer periods just since last week. but since 2 days back he starts to wake up in the middle of the night again!!s**t! ......

He needs to be carried just like yours. At least yours u can put her dwn n she wakes after 5 mins. My Josh wakes up the every SECOND i put him down! :wong7::wong7:

my pediatrician mentioned its juz a phase we hafta go thru. Dun have time to do anythg at all. Like now, im carrying in with one hand n typing with the other. Good luck to us!

Also, ive been bringing him out every alternate days since he was 3 weeks old. he loves to look around. especially now with all the colorful christmas decor. i still dun know how to set a rooutine for him coz we are all late night owls..hehe.. normally he sleeps at 1am.
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Jaslyn!!! Hw did u do it?? Is ur baby on total BM or Fm or both?

hee~~ her last feed is ard 9-10pm.. den i put her to springcot.. slowly went to her dreamland... b4 i sleep, i will wrap her up tightly den carry her to her playpen... hee~~ my dotter is on EMB.. unless i went out, my mum will give her FM..

i dun always carry her or shake her on my arms.. she can sleep anywhere sweetly.. *cross fingers* lolx


I'm feeding my girl FM and EBM, she has not poo since Sunday.
Is it normal?
Anyway to make her poo?
ermm... is she having colic? tat time mine oso abt 2-3 days no poo poo and she was having serious colic.. no choice to bring her to PD..
Dr told me to monitor another 2 days.. if still no poo poo, den ask me to insert medicine.. who knows after giving her the medicine for colic, she blah everythg out.. smelly smelly..
so 2-3 days din poo poo i tink still normal ba.. u monitor till tmr.. if still no poo, den i tink need to see doctor le..


Nightingale!!! Cheyanne slps from 1030 to 6??? Wow! Im amazed! Wat is ur before bedtime routine like? Wat do u feed her with on her last feed? Ebm? Bm? Fm?
Btw, she slps thru the night u too??? U dun need to wake up n pump?
Smtimes 3 hrs after feed i start leaking milk... Like automatic.. Hahaha...
Haha I think I'd said it too soon~ the past few nights Cheyenne has been waking up for feeds in the middle of the night, lol! Sometimes after her 10 plus feed, she may wake at around 3 plus, or 5 plus. I also noticed that the daytime feeds also affect her night time pattern - if she feeds well during the day (i.e. regular 3 hrly feeds of 4 oz), there is a higher likelihood that she sleeps through the night. No guarantees though! Sigh!

I don't wake in the middle of the night to express anymore - now I will pump 3 hourly during the day, but allow myself to sleep through the night if baby sleeps. Been doing this since around a month after birth, milk supply is now quite stable I think. Trying to find a balance between regular expressing and getting enough rest to promote milk supply! When I wake in the mornings my breastpads will be wet.. but normal lah I think. :)

Hi mummies,
Does your baby drool??
Does your baby love to talk (cooing)??
Yes! She drools so bad I've started to make her wear bibs around the clock haha. Also she enjoys cooing! Will get very excited when people talk to her and smile at her - love it when she smiles and coos back! *melts*
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Haha I think I'd said it too soon~ the past few nights Cheyenne has been waking up for feeds in the middle of the night, lol! Sometimes after her 10 plus feed, she may wake at around 3 plus, or 5 plus. I also noticed that the daytime feeds also affect her night time pattern - if she feeds well during the day (i.e. regular 3 hrly feeds of 4 oz), there is a higher likelihood that she sleeps through the night. No guarantees though! Sigh!

I don't wake in the middle of the night to express anymore - now I will pump 3 hourly during the day, but allow myself to sleep through the night if baby sleeps. Been doing this since around a month after birth, milk supply is now quite stable I think. Trying to find a balance between regular expressing and getting enough rest to promote milk supply! When I wake in the mornings my breastpads will be wet.. but normal lah I think. :)

Yes! She drools so bad I've started to make her wear bibs around the clock haha. Also she enjoys cooing! Will get very excited when people talk to her and smile at her - love it when she smiles and coos back! *melts*
Haha! Mine drool too. She loves to suck on her fingers. Sigh...the face, hands..everywhere gets wet.
Mine coo too and as if she wants to reply to what you have told her. Nightingale, I agree, the heart melts.
My daughter is coughing again because her elder brother spread to her. I am wondering why breast milk dont give her 100% immunity. Hmmm.......


Haha! Mine drool too. She loves to suck on her fingers. Sigh...the face, hands..everywhere gets wet.
Mine coo too and as if she wants to reply to what you have told her. Nightingale, I agree, the heart melts.
My daughter is coughing again because her elder brother spread to her. I am wondering why breast milk dont give her 100% immunity. Hmmm.......
If only breastmilk were some miracle potion that keeps all viruses at bay... we women would be rich! :) It is said that the antibodies in mother's breastmilk is able to prevent a number of childhood diseases, but new viruses are evolving each day and our bodies are learning to fight them, and there are so many different strands of flu etc. But at least we're doing the best we can for our babies! :D

You know, I really take my hat off to you and all other mummies who have a baby AND an older kid at home - I'm handling one and it's already such a challenge, I don't know how I will be able to manage more! You gals must be superwomen!!
If only breastmilk were some miracle potion that keeps all viruses at bay... we women would be rich! :) It is said that the antibodies in mother's breastmilk is able to prevent a number of childhood diseases, but new viruses are evolving each day and our bodies are learning to fight them, and there are so many different strands of flu etc. But at least we're doing the best we can for our babies! :D

You know, I really take my hat off to you and all other mummies who have a baby AND an older kid at home - I'm handling one and it's already such a challenge, I dont't know how I will be able to manage more! You gals must be superwomen!!
Hiyah, as I am typing...I am sniffing away coz I kena the flu bug from my 2 kids...Zzzzz....Oh boyz, so our breast milk not that fantastic afterall.
Haha! It's not easy handling 2, especially when my elder is so jealous of the 2nd one, he constantly wants out attention. Don't worry, when the time comes, you have to handle you have to...
Once we have children we have to say bye bye to the luxury of sleeping late and naps...Zzzzz...

So, who will look after baby for you when you go back to work?


Active Member
hee~~ her last feed is ard 9-10pm.. den i put her to springcot.. slowly went to her dreamland... b4 i sleep, i will wrap her up tightly den carry her to her playpen... hee~~ my dotter is on EMB.. unless i went out, my mum will give her FM..

i dun always carry her or shake her on my arms.. she can sleep anywhere sweetly.. *cross fingers* lolx
Wah u make it sound so simple leh!!! Lucky u!!!!!!


Hiyah, as I am typing...I am sniffing away coz I kena the flu bug from my 2 kids...Zzzzz....Oh boyz, so our breast milk not that fantastic afterall.
Haha! It's not easy handling 2, especially when my elder is so jealous of the 2nd one, he constantly wants out attention. Don't worry, when the time comes, you have to handle you have to...
Once we have children we have to say bye bye to the luxury of sleeping late and naps...Zzzzz...

So, who will look after baby for you when you go back to work?
Take care of yourself, remember to drink up and get rest whenever you can. Have plans to leave baby with nanny in the day when I return to work - prefer this option to infant care though both have their pros and cons. Are any of you mummies planning to stay home with baby for an extended time? I'm considering whether to apply for no-pay leave for a few more months til baby is slightly older... maybe should start buying 4D hahaha!


ermm... is she having colic? that time mine also about 2-3 days no poo poo and she was having serious colic.. no choice to bring her to pediatrician..
Dr told me to monitor another 2 days.. if still no poo poo, then ask me to insert medicine.. who knows after giving her the medicine for colic, she blah everythg out.. smelly smelly..
so 2-3 days did not poo poo i tink still normal .. you monitor till tomorrow.. if still no poo, then i tink need to see doctor ..
I dont think she's having colic, not really fussing. She poo all out on e 3 rd day. Soiled 3 diapers and the amount is WOW!
Thanks! If more than 3 days nv poo must see doc... I see.


Take care of yourself, remember to drink up and get rest whenever you can. Have plans to leave baby with nanny in the day when I return to work - prefer this option to infant care though both have their pros and cons. Are any of you mummies planning to stay home with baby for an extended time? I'm considering whether to apply for no-pay leave for a few more months til baby is slightly older... maybe should start buying 4D hahaha!
I gonna buy Toto den. Haha. Financial status doesn't allow me to have the luxury or staying home wit baby wit no pay. :( still considering btw infant care and nanny.
Otherwise I definitely will be a SAHM till baby is a year old.


Mum with more than one kid at home, superwoman? No, we r not superwoman, we have learnt to one eye open one eye shut at least for me. Time is really not enough for me. Woke up at 6am, go marketing, cook two meals, house chore, left with no time to express bm. Sigh...busy busy busy.


I dont think she's having colic, not really fussing. She poo all out on e 3 rd day. Soiled 3 diapers and the amount is WOW!
Thanks! If more than 3 days nv poo must see doc... I see.
Ya.. is WOW WOW WOW!!!! smelly smelly somemore.. lolx..
Yup, to play safe, make it as 3 days lor.. if still no poo poo after 3 days, cheong doctor..