EDD Sep 2010


New Member
Hey Thea, long time never hear from you . How are you getting on? :tlaugh:
Didnt check out the Combi baby chair, cos a bit overwhelmed of things to buy, also worried that I will buy things on impulse and end up never use :p

I am still wearing the same bras ...but prob need to get new ones soon.
:) Hi Delvy, good to be back! :D so much exciting news around here now with the genders known and the shopping spree we can now (soon) do! Ah...about the bras, thanks for your reply. ;)

I was eyeing on this too when I saw this product in the magazine. I think Combi was selling it @ $300+ (can't remember the exact). When I went round the fair, I saw there are 2 cheaper one which cost $139 with 3 or 4 adjustable height with swing. I guess maybe other than the quality or branding, everything is the same. Hopefully I'll see that again in the upcoming fair so that can buy. :001_302:
Oh yes! I remember there was one that was $139..in that case maybe the combi one was 251? i think the salesperson told me the original price is $279...I saw one from Aprica that is about the same but also 350+ sing here...(really dunno where to get cheap baby things in TW :[) Hope you get to buy it at the next fair!

good to have you back Thea!

Bras, yeah... bought some nursing bras... (might as well buy them since buying new bras)
But i still wear some old ones... with bra hook extenders

you know the gender of your baby yet?
you coming back for check up or?
can soon add to the list i suppose...
Thanks Mrs Eg! Oh ya I actually bought a nursing bra and a swimsuit from Spring Maternity..loved the swimsuit but the nursing bra is not so comfy leh :( also went to check out Marks & Spencers...but didn't buy...is yours comfy? & where are they from? ;D

Ya dunno gender yet...will only know 2 weeks from now at the detailed scan. *cant wait!! brimming with excitement hahas!* Ooh have decided to do all my checks here since it's cheaper and all my records are here :p

the cot seems good... and reasonably priced...
maybe will go back and buy it...
I wish they had other colours and i didnt know the mattress is special though? hahaha

coconut husk? hahaha... cool.... sounds 'airy' and cooling for the baby to sleep on....
Ooh COT BUYING! :D i saw the website...it looks great & the price is reasonable too. I guess the colour bit can't be helped since it's the natural colour ya...we're getting ours tomorrow and it's made from solid beech so the colour is hmm...not that nice :p but better than having a painted cot (which our babies would soon sink their teeth into!)

And yes...the mattress!! Books i've read mentioned that the bed isn't as important as the mattress. Haven't seen the coconut husk mattress yet but i have seen the foam one (punctured with holes at regular intervals) and also a spring mattress kind (like the adult mattresses) and also something in between at IKEA (but not cheap!). The cot usually comes with the sponge mattress ya...just wondering what you girls are planning to get. :)

Btw the way...
Im curious...

Anyone heard of this...
Think of buying this...
Know or heard of anyone who bought this...
Or bought and is using this???

The babyplus prenatal education system
BabyPlus Singapore - Prenatal Education System

Really wonder how good it really is... and do you think it is worth the price?
Ok...:p last of all...(sorry for my long posts...wanna chup-ji-ka in everything :p!) Yeah...the maternity shops here are also pushing for this...it's a bit pricey i remember and i'm not planning to get it cos i'll be playing my own songs for the baby :p Hehe even the Mozart for Babies or Mozart Effect is not proven to really work (BBC - Parents' Music Room - The Mozart Effect) so I don't think it's worth the price...just went to check the price they quoted me - NT$6800, approximately SGD$300.

OH! sorry one last thing, CORD BLOOD BANKING. How many of you are going to do it? (Hubby wants to know if we should do it for our baby :mtongue: Thanks again!!!!


mrs eg, there is indeed a yeast infection but dr wong ask me to watch out for bleeding because beginning i have some blood water discharge and cramp...

thanks for the info... will try not to squat and do you have any info on pelvic exercise ???

feeling stress one ... 2 of my exams paper just passed ... and they are so difficult ... so demoralize... 3 more to go this week ... pray hard that i can pass all of it ... try study but just nothing get into my brain ... hai ....


Cool! haha.
Hey ladies... lets do a list... BOYs vs GALs!!!

Baby Boy
1. cheng0605 - Thomson Medical Center 02 sept
2. Delvy - Thomson Medical Center 8 Sept
3. Christinawong - Mt. A 24 Sept
4. mickey88 - TMC 6th Sept

Baby Gal
1. Mecolemummy - Mt. A 12 sept
2. Nightingale - Mt. A 12 Sept :p
3. happybaby - Thomson Medical Center 03 Sept
4. raine - Thomson Medical Centre 12 Sept :001_302:
5. Mrs_EG - Thomson Medical Center 18 SEP :p


New Member
Btw the way...
Im curious...

Anyone heard of this...
Think of buying this...
Know or heard of anyone who bought this...
Or bought and is using this???

The babyplus prenatal education system
BabyPlus Singapore - Prenatal Education System

Really wonder how good it really is... and do you think it is worth the price?
Hi Mrs Eg,

I'm using Babyplus since 18 weeks... prenatal stimulation has been around for thousands of years. BabyPlus simply represents the evolution of enrichment in the womb to a technique that has incredible advantages for the baby... jus like how we talk, play music to ur baby in the tumtum. i use it 2 times a day... once in the morning and once in the evening (same time daily). everyday when i use the babyplus, my princess gets more and more responsive to the sound and i notice everyday just before the time for babyplus, i can feel my baby moving and kicking like telling me it's babyplus time ^^

After using it... i think it's worth the money. it's been a 4 weeks and i can really feel the bonding and its like a mini conmunication device too!!!
Maybe can check ard if there're any pass down or 2nd hand...


Hey, looks like the number of Sept baby boys and girls is quite evenly distributed afterall! :D

Am also reading up on Cord Blood Banking - I know some friends who donated their baby cord blood to the public cord blood bank, one or two signed up for private banking.. but really it's like buying insurance, very personal choice. Wonder what our gynaes would recommend - must remember to ask at our next check-up. Has anyone asked their gynaes about this yet? :)
Wow so many updates in this thread! It's been some time since i last came in this thread. Came back from my detailed scan 2 days back n mine's confirmed a boy! Could see him sucking his thumb a few times n my little one was really active!

Updated list:

Baby Boy
1. cheng0605 - Thomson Medical Center 02 sept

2. Delvy - Thomson Medical Center 8 Sept
3. Christinawong - Mt. A 24 Sept
4. mickey88 - Thomson Medical Center 6th Sept
5. pinkymummy - Thomson Medical Center 26 Sept

Baby Gal
1. Mecolemummy - Mt. A 12 sept
2. Nightingale - Mt. A 12 Sept :p
3. happybaby - Thomson Medical Center 03 Sept
4. raine - Thomson Medical Centre 12 Sept :001_302:
5. Mrs_EG - Thomson Medical Center 18 SEP :p

that's a 50-50 rate so far hahaa! By the way, mummies, u ladies bought any prenatal learning stuff?Think Mecolemummy mentioned bout the babyplus thingy. Looks pretty good! I should be getting that!:Dancing_wub:


Active Member

Actually my whole life I cannot find a really comfy bra... "Braless" is most comfy... hahaha... for me as long as the size is correct and it doesnt really 'shift' or 'hurt' while wearing, then im fine already... anyway me small small only hahaha... so.. other than a big jump in the circumference... cup size... erm not much diff for me... so I jus go without the inner extra padding...

I bought from Spring too... and once at an expo... some with under wire some without... hmmm... without underwire actually more comfy... anyway i think such comfort thing quite subjective... have to trial and error i guess...

But it is still good to invest on nursing bra... cos can still use when baby is out!

Ya... of cos the mattress is actually the key point... :)

The Babyplus thingy is $288 here... my hubby say no point.. but I feel like buying leh,... (shit... becoming more and more like kiasu sporean parent) ... Am still thinking whether shld I..........

I havent check out on cord blood banking yet... hmmm anyone can share some info???


Active Member

Was jus wondering if you read my reply for you cos it was like the last page of somewhere behind...

Hmmm... I understand "Pelvic Floor Exercise" by contracting ur buttock and contracting ur Vagina.. that area...
some say it is smthing like "controlling ur bladder during high tide"... but of cos you DON't literally do that la... otherwise not good for ur urinary tract also....

At least u did 2 paper..
I havent start yet! 4 subjects... and Im still here "forum hogging" hahaha
Dun worry la... Jus try ur best! Health is more impt now....


Active Member

U bought??? from the website? or at a fair??? Did you pay 288?

Gosh... like quite ex leh...

My hubby was like not very pro of buying it... he say... "ask gynae'.... -_-... but I am still considering... seem tat you find it good la...

yupyup, evenly distributed.. hahaha... so cool...
will read up more abt cord blood banking after my exams... hehehe...
but so far... my frens who have given birth they didnt go for this...
I wonder why? maybe next time I will ask them...

wah... where have you been??
I actually bought Mozart Effect... only to realise yesterday that it works only for a short time span... hahaha.... Im considering the Babyplus.... but is like betting 288 on smthing that claims it works, and seems to be really working bcos of all the 'studies' and 'evidence'.... but on the other hand, you wont reallly know whether it realllly really did help!! haiz... decisions decision...
I heard that prenatal education is really impt. I dun mind paying a little if it really helps in their developemental progress. (Can save more on tuition fees in future) hahaa ! But then again, nothing can guarantee its really beneficial to them hmm... But not sure how its wrks leh..

mRS_eg, for bras, i bought mine at marks & spencer, those with very soft underwire(if u wan support), cotton kind. It doesnt look like those 'ah ma' bras too! Cotton with lace! its very very comfy! cost $39 i think. can buy one size bigger for bustline coz more comfy since we r 'growing' hehee..I chuck all other bras aside after wearing these. Going back for more! Oh i juz checked, brand is 'Per Una'.

As for cordlife, my hubby said we sud go for it, however, i dun think i will sign up for it, coz evy yr still gotta pay premium for it. Now that im not wrking, i dun think i wanna spend extras on this. Read that it only helps if ur child suffers from this particular illness in future(cant seem to find the website i read from aldy). However, if ur financially stable, it will be good if u can go for it.I spent too much aldy hehee no money le..& i haven even buy all the baby stuff n seems like most ,mummies bot theirs aldy!
wah... where have you been??
I actually bought Mozart Effect... only to realise yesterday that it works only for a short time span... hahaha.... Im considering the Babyplus.... but is like betting 288 on smthing that claims it works, and seems to be really working bcos of all the 'studies' and 'evidence'.... but on the other hand, you wont reallly know whether it realllly really did help!! sigh... decisions decision...

hey mrs_eg! u mean u bot the mozart effect already?? wah then still considering babyplus?hahaa power! Actually the mozart effect seems to have quite a few negative feedback. Maybe i buy the babyplus first then i let u know hahaa!
By the way, how much weight are u ladies puttin on?just very kpo, coz i put on 7 kg aldy. Sometimes feel v depressed coz feel fat. whatever clothes i wear dun look good in it! Last week, i went to try some clothings at FOX n in the end only managed to buy 1 pair of shorts , was so sad, n cried when i stepped outta shop!Hubby laughed at me when i cried.....kao....:shyxxx:


Active Member
hey mrs_eg! you mean you bot the mozart effect already?? wah then still considering babyplus?hahaa power! Actually the mozart effect seems to have quite a few negative feedback. Maybe i buy the babyplus first then i let you know hahaa!

I only bought one single disc of mozart effect only... 9 mozart songs... at abt $30 if I rem corrrectly... not cheap also I realise... hahahaha.. the whole series goes from Mozart for babies, for toddlers, for children and for young adults i think...

From my understanding is Mozart effect does work but for short term...When one listen, the brain activity in one's increases... so maybe its like u have to keep listening???? I also duno leh... hahaha... Have to find out more... Those website saying mozart effect no good may hav some Bias-ness... cos they are obviously promoting their stuff works... so... hmm.... like I said... think I will find out more...

Marks and Spencers Bra... hmmm... hopefully I can find my size... hahaha... cos most of the time my bra size and cup size dun tally... moreover it is UK size... hehehe... nevertheless... thanx for the reco... I will go check it out!!!

so far... abt 6 kg for me...
Hmmm as for clothes...
I averagely up 2 sizes when buying clothes nowadays...
I did bought an XL yoga pants when I wore S initially... the sales girl give me a "u sure anot" kinda look... hahaha

well... the truth is we can no longer wear what we use to wear tats for sure...
if so something will be seriously wrong leh my dear!
so dun take it too personal la... as long as the baby is fine... maintaining figure can come later...:) :)
Last edited:


I've put on about 7kg as well - need to watch my weight gain as I have a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Trying to cut down on the sweet stuff, but it's tough~!

What about exercise? Has anyone gone swimming yet? I don't think I will want to buy a maternity swimsuit, so the alternative is to wear a bikini.. but with belly big big, quite shy leh!

So fun to see the 50/50 list of baby boys and girls - can you imagine us bringing our babies for a meetup after they are born? :D


Active Member
I've put on about 7kg as well - need to watch my weight gain as I have a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Trying to cut down on the sweet stuff, but it's tough~!

What about exercise? Has anyone gone swimming yet? I dont't think I will want to buy a maternity swimsuit, so the alternative is to wear a bikini.. but with belly big big, quite shy !

So fun to see the 50/50 list of baby boys and girls - can you imagine us bringing our babies for a meetup after they are born? :D
still not a fan of sweet food leh.. i go for salty food.. which isnt too good too...

nope haven tried swimming yet...
and my original bikini definitely cannot wear already...
tooo tight... hahaha


Updated list:

Baby Boy
1. cheng0605 - Thomson Medical Center 02 sept

2. Delvy - Thomson Medical Center 8 Sept
3. Christinawong - Mt. A 24 Sept
4. mickey88 - Thomson Medical Center 6th Sept
5. pinkymummy - Thomson Medical Center 26 Sept

Baby Gal
1. Mecolemummy - Mt. A 12 sept
2. Nightingale - Mt. A 12 Sept :p
3. happybaby - Thomson Medical Center 03 Sept
4. raine - Thomson Medical Centre 12 Sept :001_302:
5. Mrs_EG - Thomson Medical Center 18 SEP :p

6. Jaslyn - Thomson Medical Center 21 Sept :001_302:

Christina - Congrats!!

hey gals, i hv increased 4kg.. hope is normal...


Baby Boy
1. cheng0605 - Thomson Medical Center 02 sept

2. Delvy - Thomson Medical Center 8 Sept
3. Christinawong - Mt. A 24 Sept
4. mickey88 - Thomson Medical Center 6th Sept
5. pinkymummy - Thomson Medical Center 26 Sept
6. lovemk87 - Thomson Medical Center 23 Sept

Baby Gal
1. Mecolemummy - Mt. A 12 sept
2. Nightingale - Mt. A 12 Sept :p
3. happybaby - Thomson Medical Center 03 Sept
4. raine - Thomson Medical Centre 12 Sept :001_302:
5. Mrs_EG - Thomson Medical Center 18 SEP :p

6. Jaslyn - Thomson Medical Center 21 Sept :001_302:

i just did my detailed scan on today...waited for nearly 1hr+ :wong12:


New Member
I've put on about 7kg as well - need to watch my weight gain as I have a higher risk of gestational diabetes. Trying to cut down on the sweet stuff, but it's tough~!

What about exercise? Has anyone gone swimming yet? I dont't think I will want to buy a maternity swimsuit, so the alternative is to wear a bikini.. but with belly big big, quite shy !

So fun to see the 50/50 list of baby boys and girls - can you imagine us bringing our babies for a meetup after they are born? :D
Hi Mummy nightingale,
I've done twice swimming session so far.. I'm in bikini haha!
In the pool, I swim like normal and doesn't feel any diff compare to before pregnancy.. Try it! Very relax...