EDD Sep 2010


New Member
Hello everyone! So nice to find so many other September mummies and daddies-to-be here! :) I'm expecting our first baby - 90% confirmation that it will be a girl, yay - and am getting really excited with all the small baby movements that I've been feeling lately. Can hardly wait to feel baby's first kicks! :)

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
Hi All & nightingale (saw ur post in the thread OMG What to buy?) & wanted to thank you for the baby checklist :)!

wow..so u can feel the small movements already? i'm not sure how it's supposed to feel like...thought it may just be my stomach growling or some sort :p! how can u tell? pls share ur experience! :)?

ooh it's our first baby too...due on the 21st of sept...

Mrseg, too bad ur baby hid the crucial parts! another mth till the next scan? hope u will know then!!

My sonographer told us it looks like a boy based on her 20yrs experience during the detailed scan at 12 wks+ BUT....just a few days ago we saw our OB n she said it may be a girl to her....shucks...all this anticipation!!! no more shopping for clothes for me for now!


New Member
Hi all Sep Mums-to-be,

Its my first time visiting this forum and i look forward to share this pregnancy journey with you too.

For a start, i am in my 18th week now, my EDD is 17 Sep and i am seeing Dr TC Chang from WC Cheng Clinic at TMC. From my last scan last week, we were told its a girl:) For those who are waiting patiently for their next scan to find out the gender, try talking to your baby a few consequtive days before the scan eg. tell him/her to stretch their legs etc. It seems illogical but it worked for my friends and myself. My baby had her legs stretched open and it was a clear view for the scan. Hope it helps you too.


Active Member
Hey mrs_eg, I'm also looking around for a prenatal yoga class to sign up for. Where do you go for yours? :)
I am having class at pure yoga... There are many other place with pre-natal yoga too... I think i read frm a mummy in one of the forum tat tanglin mall has one too :)


Active Member
Hi All & nightingale (saw your post in the thread OMG What to buy?) & wanted to thank you for the baby checklist :)

Mrseg, too bad your baby hid the crucial parts! another month till the next scan? hope you will know then!!

My sonographer told us it looks like a boy based on her 20yrs experience during the detailed scan at 12 wks+ BUT....just a few days ago we saw our OB n she said it may be a girl to her....shucks...all this anticipation!!! no more shopping for clothes for me for now!
wah wat baby list?? Share leh...

Thea, ya baby hid the private parts, hehehe, hope better luck nxt time... Will try Meo's suggestion... Tok to the baby!!!

Boy also can shop la... Hehehe got a feeling I hav a boy... :)


Hi All & nightingale (saw your post in the thread OMG What to buy?) & wanted to thank you for the baby checklist :)!

wow..so you can feel the small movements already? i'm not sure how it's supposed to feel like...thought it may just be my stomach growling or some sort :p! how can you tell? pls share your experience! :)?

My sonographer told us it looks like a boy based on her 20yrs experience during the detailed scan at 12 wks+ BUT....just a few days ago we saw our OB n she said it may be a girl to her....shucks...all this anticipation!!! no more shopping for clothes for me for now!
Hi thea! No worries just sharing what I had come across - the hard work goes to the nice people who compiled all that in their websites! :) I find the checklist very useful too - jotted down the items that I think I will need in my phone, so everytime we go shopping or happen to pass by the baby sections I'll be able to remember what to look out for. But it seems too early to be buying some of these things like baby wipes and nail clippers in my 2nd trimester! hahaha!

I can feel small movements in my belly occasionally - like a small fluttering butterfly - normally when I am sitting and doing my work, or sometimes when I'm lying down. One morning when I woke up I thought I felt tiny hiccups! About a total of 6 small jumps that were around 10 seconds apart. hee!

I am having class at pure yoga... There are many other place with pre-natal yoga too... I think i read frm a mummy in one of the forum that tanglin mall has one too :)
Oh yes! I've signed up to attend a yoga class at the one at Tanglin Mall, Mother and Child Yoga. (See Mother and Child offers prenatal antenatal and postnatal yoga and pilates in Tanglin Mall (Singapore)) Probably going for my first class next Tuesday morning - I think they welcome newcomers to go for a look-see before committing. Anyone else would like to join me? :D


wah what baby list?? Share ...

Thea, ya baby hid the private parts, hehehe, hope better luck nxt time... Will try Meo's suggestion... Tok to the baby!!!

Boy also can shop ... Hehehe got a feeling I hav a boy... :)
Oh I think thea was referring to a what-to-buy checklist for newborns. Extremely useful for new mummies! Here's an example of a rather comprehensive list I found: Newborn Baby Checklist

Yes! Boys are fun to shop for as well, I'm sure - Mothercare has some really nice rompers and outfits for boys. Actually I think having a girl is also quite jialat - how to control the spending? Somebody please stop me!! haha!

Keep us updated after your next ultrasound! :D


Alpha Male
Hi Mrs Ng and Nightingale,

Thank you for your info. Yeah, i maybe ging down to Tanglin Mall to take a look of the Pilates & yoga course. If i sign up, mostly likely will be on the weekends because i am working on the weekdays in Jurong.

I will be going for Detail Scanning on this coming Tuesday. ( 20 Apr). By then , i will share with you all the sex of bb and other details.

Looking forward to it.


Active Member
hey ladies....

Found this in my favourites folder... it must have come from some mummy, somewhere... in some forum....

thought it give short and simple advices for mummys...

Editor's Mom & Kids Blog | Women, Reviews, Forums, Samples, Beauty, Fashion, Gourmet, Mom & Baby, Wedding, Shopping - CozyCot

Pardon me if it comes from anyone of u... hehehe... dun sue me for "copying" a suggestion k?

btw... i think i know what u gals meant when u felt slight movements of the baby!!! hehehe think i felt it too... hoope im not thinking too much though hahaha


Do update ya? especially about the pre-natal massage... :) thanx in advance!
Hi, just finished the prenatal massage session. Pleasant experience, doze off in the mist of massage. Mdm Jumie do check on the pressure. Can't made too much comparison cos never try other also, but she is a plesant lady, so i guess most will feel comfortable with her. She charge $55 for 90 min. Likely to book her again next month.:001_302: Next week will be my detail scan..hope everything will be ok.


Active Member
Hi, just finished the prenatal massage session. Pleasant experience, doze off in the mist of massage. Mdm Jumie do check on the pressure. Can't made too much comparison cos never try other also, but she is a plesant lady, so i guess most will feel comfortable with her. She charge $55 for 90 min. Likely to book her again next month.:001_302: Next week will be my detail scan..hope everything will be ok.
sounds cool!!! will consider.... thanx for the info!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey ol.. how r u ol doing..?? hopefully everyone's enjoying their journey..

aniwae, i did my detailed scanning last weds(14042010).. den the lady told us that high chances it's a boy.. upon hearing that, both hb & me felt a lil disappointed.. but both of us r putting a strong front to each other now.. but i now, deep inside us, we felt sad.. coz we're relli expecting to get a gal.. partly, our 1st one already a boy.. & the main reason now, we can only afford to bear 2 kids.. no more pregnancy for me afta tiz.. coz we joined the HOPE scheme, thus we're only allowed to have 2 kids.. :embarrassed:

am choOsing not to believe wot i was told during the scan.. :wecry: oh my.. please help me overcome this feeling.. i noe it's gonna b bad for the baby.. :wong16:


mrs eg:

They have been very useful to me too ... i love them.... can help me save some money from maternity clothes for the time being... me going for my 20th week detailed scan next week.. hopefully everything goes well and i will get to know the gender of my baby...


New Member
hi dear all mom

is anyone choose SGH for delivery of baby??? i am panic now... as i am seeing eaast shore gynea eversince i preggy ... but 3week ago have been doing alot of blood test and urine test as my gynea from east shore said that my urine are dirty ,she suspect i might have UTI...

end up to SGH gynea specialist after seen the physician from east shore.. and he refer me to the kidney specialiast from SGH and now this specialist suggest me to have my labour at SGH as he said those O & G from SGH are handle high risk preggy... stress over my body prob.. as doctor said i might miscarriage as i have high protein leakage from my urine test... stress...

jus pray hard that my baby can come to this beautiful world safe n sound,healthy....

hope mom can share your opinion if hyou choose SGH to deliver your baby.. wanna to neo the rete ther..


Active Member
Hey Lis,
How are u doing? I duno wat to say gal... all I know is that boy or gal, babies are gifts from heaven... there mus be a reason y heaven give u a boy.... u know? many ppl try and try for very long but no news... and in some cultures, they rather have boys... so... aiya... try to think the better of it? or dun think too much....

hahaha glad u find it useful... my detail scan on 28th... so exctied abt it too!!! hehehe cant wait!

leave the worrying to the doctors... ur job is to eat well, and rest well... 'jia you' lo!

hi raine,
congrats and welcome!!! i guess we are all as excited as u abt our detailed scan... do update! btw, mummy Nightingale post a 'link' of "newborn checklist'.. u might wanna check it out... (scroll up) it is in the 6th post of this page 9...



Hi Raine! We have the same EDD. :)

Earlier on I was sharing this link with others - a rather useful baby checklist for our reference: Newborn Baby Checklist (thanks mrs_eg!) My previous scan revealed 90% girl - so eagerly awaiting the upcoming scan this Friday to confirm as well! :D

Friends have shared that babies outgrow their 0-3mth clothing really quickly, so try not to overbuy in the beginning (but yesss it's difficult to control sometimes!). A pack of 7 good rompers and maybe several long sleepsuits should be sufficient - especially if you're going to have help at home to do daily baby laundry. Not forgetting the baby gifts and hand-me-downs you might be getting as well! :)


Hi all, I just did my detailed scanning last Thur at TMC. I am expecting a boy! The whole scanning took less than 20 mins, cos the sonographer said that my bb has been very cooperative, only the part when he covered his lips with his hand and turned his face away when he was being scanned on the face. After the sonographer told him gently to move his hand away and shook my tummy a little, the cheeky boy then moved his hand away and gave us a clear view :001_302:


Active Member
Hi all, I just did my detailed scanning last Thur at Thomson Medical Center. I am expecting a boy! The whole scanning took less than 20 mins, cos the sonographer said that my baby has been very cooperative, only the part when he covered his lips with his hand and turned his face away when he was being scanned on the face. After the sonographer told him gently to move his hand away and shook my tummy a little, the cheeky boy then moved his hand away and gave us a clear view :001_302:
sounds exciting!!!
hope all will go well during my scan....
but as long as all the parts needed to be scanned are being scanned eventually, i dun mind a little longer scan though.... can watch the baby for a longer time.... cos it will be another long 'wait' b4 seeing the baby again... :shyxxx:


sounds exciting!!!
hope all will go well during my scan....
but as long as all the parts needed to be scanned are being scanned eventually, i dont mind a little longer scan though.... can watch the baby for a longer time.... cos it will be another long 'wait' before seeing the baby again... :shyxxx:
Mrs eg, yea you are right. So long as all the scan shows that the bb is healthy, no matter how long it takes, it's all worth it :tlaugh: Btw, I read that you were having a fever last week. Are you ok already? Hope everything is fine and you are well now.


New Member
Thanks for the info mrs eg ^^
& thanks nightingale for the webby!
oh gosh~ there's so many things to get and buy!
getting all excited already!
till now so far i've bought a 6 drawer cabinet to put all the baby stuffs and a few pieces for rompers already... ~.~ for baby clothes my aunty will pass down to me most of her's.
and btw have you all felt any movements of baby yet?
sometimes i might get a small shock from baby moving~
asked my mum and she says its normal. baby always move around! :tlaugh:
hi raine,

where did u get the 6 drawer cabinet from?



Thanks for the info mrs eg ^^
& thanks nightingale for the webby!
oh gosh~ there's so many things to get and buy!
getting all excited already!
till now so far i've bought a 6 drawer cabinet to put all the baby stuffs and a few pieces for rompers already... ~.~ for baby clothes my aunty will pass down to me most of her's.
and btw have you all felt any movements of baby yet?
sometimes i might get a small shock from baby moving~
asked my mum and she says its normal. baby always move around! :tlaugh:
Raine, I got 2 knocks inside my tummy on Sat when I was watching SHE's concert, but I couldn't establish if that's my bb knocking. Prob he got too high when the loud sound.
Very overwhelmed by the amt of stuff we need to buy. Usually for 1st kid, we tend to overbuy and don't get to use a lot of them. I hope I can be more rational when it comes to newborn essential shopping. Hee...