EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
hi mrs eng

sorry i was busy fro the past few days cos i have to go to singapore general hospital for alot of blood and urine test ... very tiring... ya i have inject myself on the tummy.. on my 1st day from hopsital cant sleep well kept thinking how am i gg to do the injection myself the next day even the nurse has taught me how to inject ,just worried and had a sleepless night.. anyway today is my 3 day of injection and slowly getting used to it.. what i hope is the baby safe and healthy to arrive to our family..
Continue to be tis brave n strong....
And ur baby will grow up like u!!!!


New Member
hi mrs eng

sorry i was busy fro the past few days cos i have to go to singapore general hospital for alot of blood and urine test ... very tiring... ya i have inject myself on the tummy.. on my 1st day from hopsital cant sleep well kept thinking how am i gg to do the injection myself the next day even the nurse has taught me how to inject ,just worried and had a sleepless night.. anyway today is my 3 day of injection and slowly getting used to it.. what i hope is the baby safe and healthy to arrive to our family..
Wow!! I totally agree with all other mummies here for that cocolim you are very brave and strong!!

It proves the power of Mummy Love! Hope you'll have a smooth pregnancy and that the little angel shall come to the world safe and sound.. Jiayou ok! =)


New Member
My nipples itch like crazy as well.. I'm applying my ezcema cream and a thin layer of baby powder before putting on my bra.. and my tummy and legs are having rashes here and there + the humid weather, I'm really going crazy.. haha


hi mrs eng

sorry i was busy fro the past few days cos i have to go to singapore general hospital for alot of blood and urine test ... very tiring... ya i have inject myself on the tummy.. on my 1st day from hopsital cant sleep well kept thinking how am i gg to do the injection myself the next day even the nurse has taught me how to inject ,just worried and had a sleepless night.. anyway today is my 3 day of injection and slowly getting used to it.. what i hope is the baby safe and healthy to arrive to our family..
Yeah...You are gonna be fine. Your baby will definitely sense your great motherly love =) Do take care...


Hey I'm EDD 12 Sept as well! Planning to deliver at Mount Alvernia. Gynae is Dr Douglas Ong - very nice man. Tomorrow is my next ultrasound, yay!

I'm also wondering about this so-called detailed scan - is it standard practice at around 20 weeks? Interested in bee's question as well - what can we expect during this scan and how different would it be from the usual ultrasound? *excited*
Nightingale & Bee, I believe this is the standard practice for detailed scanning @ 20 week. I just did mine last week @ 19 week. Detailed scanning uses a different machine, though from the outlook, not much difference le. During the scan, the sonographer will check the baby's major organs. For e.g brain's circumference and formation, kidneys, heart, stomach, limps, eyes, lips, nose, spinal cord and all the blood flow, development etc. These scans cannot be seen by normal ultrascan. Also, during the detailed scanning, they can sort of confirm the gender of your baby.
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Active Member
ICICIC... so detailed scan will scan the above many parts of the baby's body... which means we will get lots of pictures this time round???

counting down 4more days to the detailed scan...!!! yeah!!!

btw ladies...
I came across this article abt consuming liquorice (licorice)... often found in sweets and candies... last night i was drinking crysanthemum packet drink only to realise it contains a certain amt of liqurice also....sobs... scientific studies suggested that Eating Licorice In Pregnancy May Affect A Child's IQ And Behavior !!!!

read here: Eating Licorice In Pregnancy May Affect A Child's IQ And Behavior



Hi Raine, so qiao.. i will be having my detailed scan on 3 may too.. & will be going to TMC.. wat time is ur appt?? hee~~:tlaugh:


Just done the details scan today. Every thing is good, normal and healthy! and the mystery is solved. It's a princess!

BTW, anyone have signed up the anternatal class at parentcraft at Thomson Medical Centre? Wanted to find out more today, but it was closed by the time we finished the check-up :-(


Just done the details scan today. Every thing is good, normal and healthy! and the mystery is solved. It's a princess!

BTW, anyone have signed up the anternatal class at parentcraft at Thomson Medical Centre? Wanted to find out more today, but it was closed by the time we finished the check-up :-(

Congrats!! hee~~



New Member
Hi Mummies here,
I'm totally new to motherhood..
Tomorrow will be going for first scan after 2 previous blood tests, so nervous!
Estimated EDD should be in Sept 2010.. :tlaugh:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum too. Hope to share and exchange information here. Btw, my EDD is on the 7th Sept... Just had my 2nd scan 2 days ago. Hope everything stays good..=)


Just went for my ultrasound appointment on Friday, was just the normal scan - gotta wait for a month before detailed scan! But it was so nice to see baby again, hearing her heartbeat, seeing how she has grown - but the waiting is so unbearable! It's like getting to meet your child once a month!
Trying to keep myself busy so that time will fly faster! :)

Quite a number of mummies will be at Thomson - hey you guys might just meet at the next ward or sharing the same room or something! Anyone delivering at Mt A? Will most likely be attending the antenatal classes there - there's a small discount for mummies who deliver at the same hospital I think. Is this the case with the Thomson classes - as in those who are not delivering there will pay more?


Active Member
Yeah!!! More n more september mummys!!!!

So nightingale u give birth in mt A???

ya... So many in TMC sekali we might eventually meet... Hehehe....

Smbody ask abt the anenatal class in TMC rite? I ask b4, they say better to go later part of pregnancy... Like abt 28-30wks onwards.. If i rem correctly got to attend 6 lessons... :)
exciting rite???

Counting down 3 days to detailed scan.... -_-
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Yeah!!! More n more september mummys!!!!

So nightingale you give birth in mt A???

ya... So many in Thomson Medical Center sekali we might eventually meet... Hehehe....

Smbody ask about the anenatal class in Thomson Medical Center rite? I ask before, they say better to go later part of pregnancy... Like about 28-30wks onwards.. If i rem correctly got to attend 6 lessons... :)
exciting rite???

Counting down 3 days to detailed scan.... -_-

:Dancing_wub:cheers must update us!!!! haiz i still need to wait for 2 more weeks


New Member
looks like we are all very excited about the detailed scan! hehe.. i still have 3 more weeks to go! can't wait too :) but feeling a little bit nervous about the scan too. pray that everything will be alright.

wow majority seem to be Thomson and Mt A babies. i will be delivering at gleneagles, my gynae is there too.
I'm delivering at Mt. A.. Both my hub and I like the environment there better than TMC. Keke~

I thought Mt. A cost slightly cheaper than TMC?? Had the price list from a gynae but can't quite remember the price.

Who is your gynae? :001_302:


New Member
Hello cocolim,
Can imagine your discomfort - what are the injections meant for? At least you have the peace of mind that you're doing what you can to keep baby safe and sound - how brave mummies can be when it comes to their children! Take it easy, relax and try not to worry too much k. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)
nightingale thanks you so much fro your encouragement..the injection is to make my blood thicker , if i dont take the injection myself daily then my blood will have prob to flow to feotus and my lung will hv prob...for baby i have to do it..but now i am quite use to it cos whenevr think of baby i will forget abt anything else..


New Member
hi delvy,mrs eng

thank you... i felt like encouragement are v impt during our pregnancy.. so let us be strong and stay happy duirng our preganancy together..

hi bee

you can be strong too.. jus endure these time of period you will get over the mronign sickness.. i read some magazine, they sai can drink some warm water with few drop of lemon , or drink some ginger tea also can prevent morning sickness.. you might wanna try out..


New Member
agree with coco, indeed very encouraging to see fellow MTBs supporting each other :) i definitely will try the lemon drink, will try anything that works.

now i'm starting to have lower back ache whenever i change seating position or get up from sitting, any MTBs have similar problems?