EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Wow meltie... you r starting work so fast? I though I am the only one. Today is my week 2 at work alrdy.
dont stop breastfeeding! what I do is, I pumped n some store in fridge some store in freezer. As my baby eats 8 times a day, I will keep 8 bottles of ebm in the fridge (all poured in the desired Amt) my mother in law taking care of my son, so all she needs to do is tk out each bottle n warm it up. When I come home, (around 8+pm) I will latch baby in his next feeding time. I am doing so to maintain the bond between baby n me. Plus I enjoy that special moment ;)

Milk stored in the fridge can be kept for 2-3 days.

N previously (when I was in my end of 1st month) I started freezing my milk. Now got about 70 packets in e freezer. (all packed in quantity of 100ml) The milk can be kept 3-6 mths (but I think better to keep it less than 4-5 mths max)

Currently my son (now 10 weeks 2days) drinks 130ml. (he drinks 3hrly) N each time I pump can only b 130ml each side so far. So in futur of baby drinks more than 150ml then prob have to start using the freezes packs?

Right now is lunch time so I am pumping in the toilet.. The milk kept in the cold pack can last 24 hours-so the moment I reach hm I quickly place them in e fridge. I pump twice at work. One at 12noon another at 5pm. Cos I work till 7pm. I wished I cld b a stay hm mum too.
Hey piglim, i'm taking 4mths maternity.. shld be starting work in jan.. time flies.. its been 6 weeks! almost reaching halfway mark!
Some of my colleagues start to pump and store after 2nd month and one of them had 200 over bags!! How do u store the frozen milk? My freezer is too small! Maybe have to borrow space from mil and fren's hse as she stays alone.. i have ard 20+ bags now.. also don't wanna keep too long.. my baby has not tried any frozen ebm.. heard some babies reject the taste coz got soapy smell? hmm 20bags of my ebm was collected at week 2 & 3 when i suddenly had an increase.. 70ml each.. now i'm packing 120ml each coz hubby bought 120ml bags.. should have bought 200ml bags.. my bags are farlin brand.. how abt urs?

Hmm now with my supply, i take 1/3 of it to store in fridge for later use and freeze the rest.. i latching and giving bottle ebm as hubby helps to feed in the evening so i can rest.. also i mix the medicine in the ebm for bb to drink.. so far i think she can't taste the difference! When i feed medicine direct, she tends to puke out almost everything.. ebm she drinks to last drop! :p


Wow, piglim.. Well done! Think to keep up with bf while working can be a challenge! Looks like you have become an expert and give us valuable advice on it, ESP in the storing and providing ebm.

Meltie, my bb is one of those that reject frozen or refrigerated ebm. She just refuse to drink the heated refrigerated ebm, and prefer fm. There was once I feel so sad that she refused to take ebm and wanted to stop bf till my friend reminded me that some babies reject refrigerated milk & I tried freshly pumped milk on her and she finished it. For now, she alr do not know how to latch on, I'll just pump and give it to her, top up with fm if insufficient. Just trying my best to give her as much BM as possible while I can. Not sure how it'll be like when I go back to work somewhere end feb. Think by then will try refrigerated milk on her and see whether she accepts it when she grows bigger..

My baby finally accept yao lan (know it might not be good for their spinal), but to rock her by carrying to sleep every now and then is much too tiring and she is a light sleeper. The moment put her down, she wake up and this can go on over the whole afternoon. With yao lan, slightly better. She get much sleep, though, still need us to quite constantly swing her. Think pamper her too much..


Erlina how much u bought yaolan, thinking to buy my bb cos he likes to swing him before he sleeps.. His bouncer getting smaller..


Bought it at those market's furniture shop at $115. My mum also bought one at around $100, which is those portable kind, include the spring and the salong. Those at kiddy palace and Tom and Stefanie is too expensive. But, it's weird that my baby takes about a week to get use to it and don't mind sleeping in it. Initially also keep fussing in it. But, we make an effort that night sleep is with us on the bed. Hope she can adapt both and able to fall into deep sleep.


My gal took 1day to get used to it. Before it, she didn sleep in the afternoon, now at least she can sleep few hours. Now she loves it. Bur when we stop yao, she will cry :( We bought from jb furniture shop for 90sgd including the 7nos of spring...


My girl get use to yaolan almost immediately... I realised i cant feed my girl fm... Ebm in btl barely make it... Hahaha she just want comfort suck... But ils btl feed ok... Finally i can pump ard 100ml both sides am so delighted...hope by 3rd month i can start storing....

Must press on.. Tough to latch n pump... But at least increasing... Phew! Been out... Missed my pumps now boobs damn painful... Bb sleeping cant latch... Duh...


Congrats Rodorsany! I already gave up breastfeeding.. Im planning to get yaolan doest it have electric one? So it wont stop swinging :D


Meltie. How's the farlin brand breast milk storage bags? What abt other mums? What brand of bags do you use - and any leak problem so far?


Hey meltie, try to store the ebm in small amt. like 100ml (I know it's a waste of the bag) but thus why recommended also. Cos eg of u store 200ml in the bag, and ur baby only drinks 120, it'll b not so hygienic to take the bag in n out. Encourage bacteria growth n milk will spoil faster. Also for frozen milk when u warm, can only keep 1hr at room temperature. (unlike for milk in fridge can keep for 2 hrs if ur bb slp halfway while drinking etc. (all these checked with Parentcraft) cos I super paranoid, made sure all these before I start work. My storage bag is nanny bag (bought online) previously used medela bag but too costly Le.

We dun cook so my freezer is empty except for a box or tub of ice cream ;) order my dinner from tingkat. Oh did I tell u gals on e review. So far so Gd. I took the 10 days trial n today continued permanently. It's from empire food caterer. No complaints though the soup abit sub standard (more like water n salt only) else it would b perfect. If ur freezer got meat, try to put ur milk in a Tupperware n seal tight. Make sure no watery blood stains or watsoever in e freezer.

Reiann- hmm didnt know bout the intake but pd always asking whether I hv increased bb's milk each time I see her. And becos my max Amt that I am pump out each side is only 130ml I worry it may not b enuff. Plus right now I still can afford to spare time to pump... I think next yr may not b able to b so consistently esp before the cny period next yr-super peak period for the company. And alot of pple says when start work supply will drop due to stress and time management. Wah u wanna latch 3 times a day? That's very challenging isn't it? What if bb's feeding time is not before u leave to work? I dunno cos for my case I wake up to pump at 630am.. By the time shower, wash the pump parts, eat breakfast alrdy 815am. Come home shower hv dinner alrdy 9pm. Sometime bb just had milk at 8pm.. So I hv to pump at 9pm.. Then wait for his next feeding time which is 11pm.. So if I wanna latch again that would be 2am???!? Then I will only have feel hours of slp! But envy u, cos ur NB slp thru the night.

Ok Times up gotta go work again


Meltie. How's the farlin brand breast milk storage bags? What abt other mums? What brand of bags do you use - and any leak problem so far?
Hey reiann, there's 2 different one, 120ml and 200ml bags. Mine is 120ml one.. so far its quite ez to store, ziplock bag.. it can stand .. but to maximise storage space, i have started to store the bags lying flat, meaning i dun make the bag stand and fold 3 times down store like a dumpling.. haha mine now all flat..

yup i store inside a tupperware coz freezer got other food stuff and open close frequently.. tupperware will keep them intact and temp won't vary that much..

I haven trued defrosting any.. not sure if these farlin bags are ok or not.. but shld be quite ez too? put in fridge to defrost then pour out into bottle heat up like normal ebm? Not sure abt leakage.. my friend says all bags abt the same, buy the cheapest one like farlin can work.. it works for her 200 over bags.. storage bags are ex !


Hey meltie, try to store the ebm in small amt. like 100ml (I know it's a waste of the bag) but thus why recommended also. Cos eg of u store 200ml in the bag, and ur baby only drinks 120, it'll b not so hygienic to take the bag in n out. Encourage bacteria growth n milk will spoil faster. Also for frozen milk when u warm, can only keep 1hr at room temperature. (unlike for milk in fridge can keep for 2 hrs if ur bb slp halfway while drinking etc. (all these checked with Parentcraft) cos I super paranoid, made sure all these before I start work. My storage bag is nanny bag (bought online) previously used medela bag but too costly Le.

We dun cook so my freezer is empty except for a box or tub of ice cream ;) order my dinner from tingkat. Oh did I tell u gals on e review. So far so Gd. I took the 10 days trial n today continued permanently. It's from empire food caterer. No complaints though the soup abit sub standard (more like water n salt only) else it would b perfect. If ur freezer got meat, try to put ur milk in a Tupperware n seal tight. Make sure no watery blood stains or watsoever in e freezer.

Reiann- hmm didnt know bout the intake but pd always asking whether I hv increased bb's milk each time I see her. And becos my max Amt that I am pump out each side is only 130ml I worry it may not b enuff. Plus right now I still can afford to spare time to pump... I think next yr may not b able to b so consistently esp before the cny period next yr-super peak period for the company. And alot of pple says when start work supply will drop due to stress and time management. Wah u wanna latch 3 times a day? That's very challenging isn't it? What if bb's feeding time is not before u leave to work? I dunno cos for my case I wake up to pump at 630am.. By the time shower, wash the pump parts, eat breakfast alrdy 815am. Come home shower hv dinner alrdy 9pm. Sometime bb just had milk at 8pm.. So I hv to pump at 9pm.. Then wait for his next feeding time which is 11pm.. So if I wanna latch again that would be 2am???!? Then I will only have feel hours of slp! But envy u, cos ur NB slp thru the night.

Ok Times up gotta go work again
Hey piglim! wah pei fu you! You can work and pump n latch! Quite xiong!

For storage of frozen milk, my fren says otherwise leh.. she says best is to store 200ml bags.. easier to calculate and pour out. She estimates her bb's daily milk intake and defrost afew bags in fridge.. then portion them into each feed in bottles convenient for heating up.. its also maximising the space of the bags.. haha.. maybe our bbs are still young, milk demands not stable yet.. hers during 4-6mths she use frozen milk for her bb .. she say v convenient and measurable..


Active Member
I also store in nanny milk storage bags which I bought online n then in tupperware.. My freezer used to be full of meat cos mil cooks but now she will put at bil's place (stays nearby n he stays alone so fridge v empty) n she cleaned up the freezer when I was having confinement at my parents' place..

In the pic got 20+ bags... Everytime I pump I will just freeze so all the bags of different quantities but if I pump both sides more than 120ml I will split into two separate bags... so a bit waste bag la but I tot easier to portion cos she may need only one feed in a day when I go out... If I am to open one bag n portion into two feeds I may waste milk... if 60 ml i can find another 40ml to mix as sometimes pump out v little only so there are bags of 40ml or 50 ml. Now full time direct latch so I will straight away freeze..

Salute all mummies who hv gone back to work n continue to pump n bf!! I bought medela freestyle also cos lighter n more convenient to bring to work n pump... Hope later on will continue :)



Do any of your babies still keep feeding like every little while?? I've been having those days.. My baby jus does not sleep after twelve - one in the afternoons and wants to be either carried or latched on.. Soo exhausting!! She's been having these ten min naps from time to time but is waking up soo easily.. She has now been sleeping for 20 mins and that's the longest so far.. I keep telling her go to sleep mommy wants to do other things to and she has the cheek to laugh one of those hearty laughs just then.. She's got her father n me just dancing to her tunes..


i couldnt bf coz of my company no where to pump and store so i stop abt 1 mth...and my son started on fm when he was in hospital...he was born not breathing n have intestine problem was on ventilator in nicu..was in nicu for 2 days then special care nursery for 4 days...so he was on tube feeding then bottle fed when he came home 1 wk after his birth he couldnt latch on coz he wasnt used to it...so i decided to pump for 1 mth then stop my supply...


Oh Kary! What I'd give to see my baby laugh! Mine has yet to even smile a real one. Sigh.

Dance to your girl s tune if what you get are gurgling laughs a d smiles :) :)


Reiann - I don't think my baby laughed at me / what I said... That's one of her laughs when she's inbetween being asleep and awake.. I've actually seen her laugh aatleast five times, but none because of what I said or crazy sound I made..


Kary2500:716210 said:
Do any of your babies still keep feeding like every little while?? I've been having those days.. My baby jus does not sleep after twelve - one in the afternoons and wants to be either carried or latched on.. Soo exhausting!! She's been having these ten min naps from time to time but is waking up soo easily.. She has now been sleeping for 20 mins and that's the longest so far.. I keep telling her go to sleep mommy wants to do other things to and she has the cheek to laugh one of those hearty laughs just then.. She's got her father n me just dancing to her tunes..
Kary.. I share my situation w u..hw old is ur bb? Mine is cmg 6wks old..same..everytime put my nursing pillow down he wakes up n wants feed..feed less than 5mins falls asleep at the pillow..put him down cry again... I'm also super exhausted!


Lizzy thatd very hardwork... Once i tot of giving up... Coz that time 1x can only pump 10~20ml for bothsides combined... For a couple of days.. Then grad increase.. At least from half a feed of bm to now only 1~2feeds of fm... I am really glad... Really tired but bb gets e best im willing to press..

Wanna cont pump when i go back work... My off alot of rooms so decide to pump at least 2x in office if possible.. Hope i can bf till then!!!

My mil ever told me... She will clear e freezer if i got alot of milk.... :)


Active Member
my bb also will laugh when falling asleep or in her sleep... but when fil asks her to smile she will smile. i'm so freaking jealous!!!