EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Meltie.. I dun usually wake her up for milk. But it depends.. I will timed her for eg i would wan her last b at earliest 9pm... Rather then 5pm... Any growth spurt can b drink alot or sleep alot... My girl before her jab for 10~12hrs thruout e night...


Hi BBFeliz, welcome! Hope to see u at our next meet-up!

Camcam, yes! Thanks for the gift! So nice of u to buy for all! :)

Meltie, actually I wake my girl up during the day on the rare occasion that she sleeps past her feed time.. *guilty* Cos I feel she drinks too little leh.. If I let her miss her feeds then she will drink even less.. And I'm kinda afraid she will wake up more times at night to feed if she doesnt drink enuff during the day.. I wun wake her up for feed at night la, just during the day.. Sometimes I will just feed her if she's so deep in sleep.. Haha!


haiz, jus nw miss e chance to carry camcam n erlina bb .. I wanna feel their weight .. hehe. . so chubby i like .. whereas my bb like feather weight sia .. lols ..

felicity, everyday u let skyler practice tummy time? .. her neck v zhai lei .. mine still nodding here n there sia ..


aww you guys sound like you all had fun!! I'm sooo envious. damn. my baby still had slight fever today, unfortunately. next gathering!!!!!

sigh. :(

meltie: I'd wake, but cos I do a 4 hour routine in the AM, so that she sleeps through the night. but if she's lasting that long, let her sleep.. it's up to you.


Active Member
haiz, jus nw miss e chance to carry camcam n erlina bb .. I wanna feel their weight .. hehe. . so chubby i like .. whereas my bb like feather weight sia .. lols ..

felicity, everyday u let skyler practice tummy time? .. her neck v zhai lei .. mine still nodding here n there sia ..
no leh she hates tummy time... she doesn't do everyday and even when she's on her tummy, she refuse to lift her head up! unlike lizzy's ethan, can hold up high and look up! she'll just squirm and make noise and suck her thumb and sleep lol... but she likes to sit up... i guess cos she's oldest? :p she's a bit wobbly also, but not nodding so much... anyway she hasn't start rolling over yet... but i'm not looking forward to it, worry she rolls around too much >< haha...

my bb's sleeping now... i guess the gathering really tire her out... haha...

reiann yes! look forward to seeing u in our next gathering! bbfeliz too :)


Leigh Anne only napped for 30min and so weird she refused to be put in sarong so gotta carry her to let her nap for 30min at 6pm.. Luckily now she asleep already..

Btw anyone of u planning to introduce solid food? Which one is better cereal or home cooked porridge? I tried to read up abt various brand of cereal but all got some cons..


thanks camcam for the gift...i choose something that my son loves doing which is being a frog..shall wear those socks on xmas eve gathering...

meltie no problem :)...

anyone using wide neck pigeon?? i got BNIB M size teats for wide neck bottles...


lin i m planning for cereal for Ryan as he is teething now..so maybe on sunday or monday shall go see what kind is suitable for him..as most is 6 mths and above...if not i will make home made puree vege for him....


Lin i read about giving bb food as early as 6 months tend to be more obese.. Lol so for me ill only introduce food to ethan when he turn 6 mos.. Ill definitely give him happy bellies cereal or nestle cerelac.


Thks camcam too for the gift for Lucas! Also gift exchange gotten rodo's gift! Cute Elmo !will let Lucas play next time!
My excited Lucas juz managed to fall asleep nw! phew..


Thanks keatbear for organising the lovely meet up... You are so kind and fr bringing down baby isabelles things for all the babies... Thank you cam for the lovely gift too, it was a good afternoon meeting all of you and your babies....

We had a long day yday, came home and rested for a wee bit and den went to sentosa for the cable car ride and dinner. Mikaela pooped while on our return and kept crying the whole time jus could not pacify her, lucky we were the only ones in the cable car.. landed and quickly changed her she was fine for sometime, by the time we couls reach hard rock she cried again so had to jus do a take away but while sittinf out there waitin for our food she fell asleep... Again when we got into the taxi she woke up but luckily she was not crying...

Got back around ten and she was awake and sooo hyper... But fell asleep after i nursed her from 11 till a little while ago. I woke up and realised my left breast leaked out so much milk that my entire tshirt was wet on the left side had to change it and the bed is all wet too.. sigh wastage of milk..


Lizzy: I am thinking of happy bellies too. Can we get it from our local supermarket? But quite worry abt their dha cereal due to their manufacturing process rumour of using hexane.

Btw If we feed baby with porridge, do we still need to feed them with cereal? Maybe Doris can help to advice us? Hehe.. Our bb soon will reach 6mth so we gotta to learn and prepare hehe..


Hmmm time for pump.... Wanna change my girl's sleeping side.... Realised she's all wet.... She's sohyper till ko! Usually she'll fuss if wet..... But first time diaper leaked! Gotta change size soon... Luckily s size left 2more pcs

Lin i intro solids slowly.... Tat is 1 meal the. Grad 2 meal. Hmmm my mil cooks so will b home cooked porriage. I did try to make puree but dg1 dislike so last time wasted quite abit... So depends on ur preference

Justamom glad that u like it coz i like it ;-) i hv yet to open any gifts... Waiting for boxing day.... Lol

Oh ya thanks to camcam for e gift!


Hey lizzy, lingz, thanks for ur advice! My little charlotte was a litte angel when she came home and slept till 6.30pm before crying for milk! That's when i started to off the auto rocker.. haha if continue rocking maybe she'll slp till 7pm (5hrs)... :p After i fed her n wiped down, she couldn't slp! gosh.. rocked her n coaxed her for 1 hr .. then as she abt to slp, father in law came to visit... she got cranky abit coz cannot slp.. 9.30pm i fed her and she drank till 10.45pm! Gosh my nipples are sore! :/ resting my right side coz i think it's starting to bleed.. :( recently she started biting me w her sharp gums, clamping and tugging, i think sue to gassiness and stomach discomfort.... she slept till 4.15am though.. now still feeding her... :p gonna pump out let my hubby feed more tomorrow.... wanna rest my nipples! :/

Hmm i heard as early as 4 mths can start introducing semi solids... my mil keep saying wanna feed rice water... i haven read up anything abt it.. maybe i shall consult my friend to ask too.. i think she steamed n mashed veg for bb to start tasting.. :p


lol thanks camcam for the socks.. i chose the purple with panda one.. that's what my charlotte makes me .. both of us are like pandas! :p lol

Sigh my bb is tugging n squirming away like a fish in my arms now..... :/ ouch!


aww you guys sound like you all had fun!! I'm sooo envious. damn. my baby still had slight fever today, unfortunately. next gathering!!!!!

sigh. :(

meltie: I'd wake, but cos I do a 4 hour routine in the AM, so that she sleeps through the night. but if she's lasting that long, let her sleep.. it's up to you.
hey reiann, hope mika is better now!

thanks for ur advice! Hmm i think i will wait for her to wake up unless its really way due... :p appreciate the rest! haha managed to catch a wink while waiting for her! Hope my bb can get on some routine soon, so that can train her before i go back to work (sigh)...