EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi mummies, I just reached home..
Thanks to keatbear for hosting the event and preparing all the logistics:)
Mummies nice to meet u all.. Next time we shd arrange another gathering ya :)


I just reach home...n Ryan has fallen asleep...and the taxi driver so bad..didnt bother abt my stroller...i had to ask him 3 times to help me to carry it out from the booth...and he help and pass to me to open...and just pass me my 2 bags...while i m trying to open my stroller and carrying my son so i had to take the bags from him put on the flr then had to open the stroller by myself while carrying Ryan...and my stroller is super easy to open n close lor...


Thanks Keatbear for hosting! Wat fun the babies have, pulling at each other's clothes and mummies trying to stop them from punching one another.. Ha!


Mummies, the gathering wouldn't be a success without all of you...
I hope we will all remains friends and support each through this motherhood..
I heard of groups of mummies who stay friends even when their kids grew up till 3years old...
So jia you mummies..


i realise some of u using pigeon milk bottle...anyone using wide neck type?? i bought wrong teat wide neck M size...if anyone wanna have it i can post it out or meet up?


Thanks keatbear for providing place n everything! Ur maid oso power! lol

Great to meet up all u mummies! For those who missed today, hope to see ya soon too!!

My little charlotte's been slping since she reached home.. last fed her when we were taking pics of all our bbs. ard 2pm! She's still KO-ed till now... -almost 6.30pm liao still slping! :p

Thanks for the gift exchange! And the gift from camcam! Thanks for the pink blankie frm Nessa too! ;) Hope the mummies like the dresses! We shld do sprees tog! Heard other mummies do sprees on bb food too.. they ship in boxes!


Hey mummies, if ur bb suddenly slp 5 hour stretch in the afternn, do u allow them to slp till 5hrs or wake them up for milk? hmm i am still waiting for charlotte to wake up..... 7pm will be 5hrs liao.. wonder what are the after effects.. will she be super awake later at night? :p Wah she can't sleep thru the night (5 hrs), but can slp thru the day lol... Rodorsany, is this part of growth spurt too? :p

It's rare that i am actually waiting for her to drink her feed... most of the time is she scream for milk.. lol


Hey mummies, if ur bb suddenly slp 5 hour stretch in the afternn, do u allow them to slp till 5hrs or wake them up for milk? hmm i am still waiting for charlotte to wake up..... 7pm will be 5hrs liao.. wonder what are the after effects.. will she be super awake later at night? :p Wah she can't sleep thru the night (5 hrs), but can slp thru the day lol... Rodorsany, is this part of growth spurt too? :p

It's rare that i am actually waiting for her to drink her feed... most of the time is she scream for milk.. lol
ethan sleep 5 hours straight in the afternoon and it is normal for him, only when we're outside he cant cos he gets distracted. I dont wake him up to feed i let him wake up on his own.. Dont wake charlotte maybe she'll be more cranky lol. Keep her tired day time like today so she can zzz long at night...


Active Member
keatbear, yes!! hope we all stay friends!! :D

meltie, thank u for grabbing more dresses for us! :D

camcam, thank you for the gifts! so sweet of you! :D

welcome BBFeliz! we are all too excited about our gathering earlier today! :D

oh meltie, my bb is sleeping too... somehow when she sleeps she can skip her milk. but yup, i always worry she doesn't slp at night. it depends. sometimes she still slp through the night while a couple of times so far, she refused to sleep even after midnight, when usually she sleeps at 9+... hope u get to rest well tonight too!!