EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Mummies.. Wen u bottle feed ur bb, do the milk keep dribbling out of bb's mouth? Wen CL feed, I realise after a while every gulp that bb takes, milk will flow out from her mouth.. Sometimes the hanky will be so wet that I dunno she drank more or the milk flowed out more.. So wasted.. :(

CL said it's cos bb too hungry, took too big gulp so resulted in too much milk being sucked out and her onli swallowing part of it with the rest flowing out.. Dunno how true is that.. Any of u have experience with this? My mum keeps saying maybe the hole in the teat is too big, but I oredi bought Avent 0m+ teat oredi.. :(
I faced this problem also. At first I also thought is the teat too big, but I chose the smallest one. There is one time I pumped out my milk and let my gal drink, the milk also flow out from her mouth. I see already, feel so heart pain. Milk wasted! Sometime, I think that latch on also better though tiring, at least no milk is wasted. :)


Lingz, maybe the teat hole is big, cause the flow too fast for ur bb to swallow. check physically on the teat even though u bought the smallest.

I did cut the hole bigger for my elder child when she is 2month old, Coz the flow too slow till she always fall asleep.

also, next time when u change teat from smallest to medium, bb will tends to have some milk flow out from mouth for the first few times. after that will get use to it.


Sometimes its e way bb drink n sometimes e angle u carry bb n hold e bottle.. If bb sucks too fast.break e suction.. We can control one.. Pull e bottle out a bit.. Let them rest. Swallow e mouth n continue. Slowly trial n error get ur bb pattern


Angpq, ya lor.. I oso heartach the milk wasted.. So now I feel latch on like better leh.. At least I din see milk flowing out her mouth.. Just that she likes to snooze while latching.. Then v hard to wake her to change sides.. So she will cry for milk every 30min to and hour.. Super tiring.. :(

Yeoymp.. The teat I bought is the smallest hole oredi.. I jus remembered I bought NUK teat oso.. Gg to let her try later.. See if it's better.. Hope so..

Rodorsany, indeed a mummy with experience! Just now I tried both the Avent and NUK teat myself.. I find both flows ok leh.. In fact have to suck a bit hard for the milk to come out.. Shall try to master her pattern then.. It's like learning sth new everyday!


Angpq, ya lor.. I oso heartach the milk wasted.. So now I feel latch on like better leh.. At least I din see milk flowing out her mouth.. Just that she likes to snooze while latching.. Then v hard to wake her to change sides.. So she will cry for milk every 30min to and hour.. Super tiring.. :(

Yeoymp.. The teat I bought is the smallest hole oredi.. I jus remembered I bought NUK teat oso.. Gg to let her try later.. See if it's better.. Hope so..

Rodorsany, indeed a mummy with experience! Just now I tried both the Avent and NUK teat myself.. I find both flows ok leh.. In fact have to suck a bit hard for the milk to come out.. Shall try to master her pattern then.. It's like learning sth new everyday!
Hi Lingz12,
When my gal start to sleep while latching on, I will touch her cheek to wake her up or de-latch her. When she start to make noise, I will latch on again for another side. But this is very tiring. Usually, it takes me 30 min the most for each breast.


Angpq:699629 said:
Hi Lingz12,
When my gal start to sleep while latching on, I will touch her cheek to wake her up or de-latch her. When she start to make noise, I will latch on again for another side. But this is very tiring. Usually, it takes me 30 min the most for each breast.
Haha.. I tried touching her cheeks or her feet then she will continue to suckle.. But wen I attempt to change sides, she just dun wan to open her mouth.. Tickle her oso no use.. If I try to force the nipple into her mouth, she will purse her lips v tightly.. Buay tahan her.. So have to wait for her to decide she snooze enuff and wan milk again then can latch her.. My stubborn sleepy little girl..


Lingz, I face the same problem with latching.. She'll latch till falling asleep and her whole breastfeeding process may drag from an hour to two, which is super tiring. And I'll be lost with the timing. I tried expressed out and feed her, find it easier to manage. With regards to milk flowing out while feeding, she was spilling out some milk from the corner and realized that hubby didn't really check the teats. I changed to pigeon small wide neck bottle, it seem better. Her flow seems slower and can drink more. The teat can be quite big, so when feeding, have to ensure that not whole teat goes into her mouth.

Not sure whether these help, coz I also first time mum. Learning along the way.


Haha.. I tried touching her cheeks or her feet then she will continue to suckle.. But wen I attempt to change sides, she just dun wan to open her mouth.. Tickle her oso no use.. If I try to force the nipple into her mouth, she will purse her lips v tightly.. Buay tahan her.. So have to wait for her to decide she snooze enuff and wan milk again then can latch her.. My stubborn sleepy little girl..
Haha.. So cute ur baby gal. Ya. Sometime really depend on her wan milk anot. Sometime my gal sleep alot in the day time, I will not wake her up even is her milk time. I will wait for her to cry for milk. How old is ur baby gal? My gal was born on 6 sept.


Erlina, thanks for sharing! If the NUK teat dun work still maybe I will try pigeon wide neck bottle then.. :D

Angpq, my girl's born on 11 Sep.. Hee.. just 5 days diff with ur gal.. :D


Active Member
erlina *hugs* i also will cry uncontrollably one... super emo to death. anyway confinement will be over b4 u know it... hopefully ur mil will be nice and it'll be an easy 3 weeks for u. i just happen to be the earliest to deliver in this sept mummies group, so earliest to get it over... it'll be over soon! jiayou!!

purpur ya... it's soooo not easy! soooo tiring... i guess we all only know after we become mummies... really so much to learn, so much to cope, so much to experience...

rodorsany oh dear :( *hugs* hope u r feeling better!!

i always worry also cos sometimes i tripped at the edge of the furniture but managed to stable myself... really worry if i drop bb or wat >< and always so paranoid also, that's why i still dare not go out alone w bb so far! bb gg 6 weeks old le.. many mummies after confinement start gg out w bb but i still confined at home w bb, full time latching...

angpq i latch nonstop until now i can't even catch the time... it's like... 1+ then 2+ to 3, then 3+ then 4 then 4+ etc... >< literally almost nonstop de lor...

but fortunately at night she also can slp nonstop. in the day she sleeps v little and keeps latching without rest, these 3 nights she can slp from 9pm (after last feed around 8+ bottle feed either ebm or fm) all the way to 5am! i also snooze thru, too tired to wake up to pump after the whole day. usually after she sleeps i will watch tv with hubby and pump around 11pm then go to bed. i'm so glad she can slp thru the night, i hope it continues!!

snowkie congrats! hope ur bb's jaundice gets better. the massage lady told me if got one 'ball' at armpit there blocked ducts at the lymph nodes there i think and will be v painful. u got engage massage lady? can help u massage and clear? and yea all hang in there!!

the bottles i'm using dr brown.. hubby's friend sent back from usa also cheaper than in sg. the newborn one the hole so small it's like a pin size... if u shake the bottle water also won't fall out unless u shake v vigorously... so far can see a lot of milk around the lips but not all over. my mum was complaining the hole too small bb v difficult to suck... i was telling her that's the whole point... if too easy to suck, later she doesn't want to latch anymore :p

last 2 nights i dreamt bb can walk n talk! n not bcos she's grown bigger in my dreams, she's the same as current, it's like not even 2 mths old n walking around talking! ><


Thanks mummies for your support here n in fb group! Thanks for praying for bb charlotte.. and HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY to all our babies!! :D

Today i just went to visit charlotte in the NICU, brought a small giraffe toy for her to accompany her. According to the nurses, she cries the loudest and highest pitch (compared to older babies over there) when she is hungry.. so poor thing.. but she's a fighter. Today PD says that preliminary results of urine, blood and limbar spinal fluid is clear, pending results of culture tests in lab which takes a couple of days. So far still not known what caused her to have high fever. Sigh, still gonna be on combination antibiotics drip for next few days. Wondering what can be done if we cannot find a cause for her fever, how to 安心.. her jaundice went up abit to 185 from 176.. still don't need phototherapy yet.. I managed to latch her on my left and pump out right side at the same time.. (coz i wanna rest my right cracked nipple, don't want her to suckle and drink blood, later vomit blood again like on sat) Love to see her 'milk drunk' satisfied look.. :) She's such a cutie.. took loads of pics and videos... needed more suckling videos to watch at home when i pump, more motivation and 'feeling'.. Missing her lots at home.. worked out with hubby that we'll go visit in mornings, and come home for lunch and pump, can rest in afternn.. coz stay over there also can't do much and cannot cuddle bb throughout.. parking oso ex.. so i only went tere for 1hr+ today.. tomorrow gonna go again!

May i check what is the normal milk volume that you guys can pump out at 1st week? today is day 7 liao, i managed to pump out record volume of 60ml on both sides for around 30mins.. trying to pump more to send to icu for my bb.. currently wach feed they give her is 60ml, but she gets hungry easily or not satisfied, they gotta top up. Just now lactation consultant called for followup and advised me to slow down and pump 5mins, break, 5mins , break and 5mins. Total 15mins.. i was wondering if like that i can only get 30-40ml per breast den combine into one bottle which can only last 1 feed. But she says i'm doing well liao, donmt strain my nipples... when i latch and pump at icu using their pump, in 15mins i managed to pump 60-70ml on my right breast.. i think the strength of suction pump makes a huge difference.. my mini electric dual plus is really super slow ...pumping both sides at one time, using both hands to hold.. super tiring.. thinking if i shld get the medela freestyle handsfree type..more efficient and can still use my phone to scroll bb's photos for stimulation..

When i was in last 2 mths of pregnancy, my wrists started to hurt .. gynae says its most likely carpal tunnel syndrome.. some tension pressing on the nerve.. i cannot bend my wrists too much, difficulty wearing bra too.. she says will last till 6mths post pregnancy.. now still aching, plus the elbow joint too.. with the position of feedig, pumping and carrying baby, it hurts even more... esp need to hold 2 pumps.. my wrists are exhausted.. asking my hubby to help me hold.. but he can't do it in middle of night... hmm not sure if its similar to water retention part.. i don't think i have.. or maybe i too bz to realise...

As for cramps, its still there.. shld be uterus wall contracting back.. maybe linked to breastfeeding.. the lact consultant says just continue to take painkillers prescribed by gynae.. i'm taking diclofenac.. she says shld be safe.. my vaginal to anus area still pain.. feel pressure pressing on the muscle.. is it common too? feeling like something pressing down.. of coz i oso have pain in my piles.. sigh all the pain and aches pre n post pregnancy! Really not ez to be a mummy!

I am wondering if my body is weak/compromised liao coz 1 week of confinement i not confined.. daily go out shuttle to & fro hosp.. wear slippers n bring jacket.. cold in hospital.. yesterday night at 4am i woke up sweating under my blanket.. so i wanted to stand up prep my pump.. as i jumped out of bed, i started to shake n shiver all over! Jumped back onto bed n quickly covered whole body m head under blanket.. shivered like mad n tried to find AC control to up temp... we normally slp at 25-26deg low fan.. but dunno why this time super cold.. i switched to 30deg n stopped shivering aft 10mins... i think my sweat evaporated too fast and body temp dropped drastically... jialat.. like that i like failed confinement.. but super hot to even slp in aircon!

Anyway i digged out my weighing scale and measured my weight.. was 63.2kg on fri night, today was 59.7kg.. my pre preg weight was ard 56kg.. during preg gained to 69kg.. has my weight dropped too fast? my hubby concerned that i may drop even further since in dropped 3 kg in 3 days... or was it due to stress? i'm eating well leh.. maybe breastfeedin exhaustion? hows all of your weight lost?


erlina *hugs* i also will cry uncontrollably one... super emo to death. anyway confinement will be over b4 u know it... hopefully ur mil will be nice and it'll be an easy 3 weeks for u. i just happen to be the earliest to deliver in this sept mummies group, so earliest to get it over... it'll be over soon! jiayou!!

purpur ya... it's soooo not easy! soooo tiring... i guess we all only know after we become mummies... really so much to learn, so much to cope, so much to experience...

rodorsany oh dear :( *hugs* hope u r feeling better!!

i always worry also cos sometimes i tripped at the edge of the furniture but managed to stable myself... really worry if i drop bb or wat >< and always so paranoid also, that's why i still dare not go out alone w bb so far! bb gg 6 weeks old le.. many mummies after confinement start gg out w bb but i still confined at home w bb, full time latching...

angpq i latch nonstop until now i can't even catch the time... it's like... 1+ then 2+ to 3, then 3+ then 4 then 4+ etc... >< literally almost nonstop de lor...

but fortunately at night she also can slp nonstop. in the day she sleeps v little and keeps latching without rest, these 3 nights she can slp from 9pm (after last feed around 8+ bottle feed either ebm or fm) all the way to 5am! i also snooze thru, too tired to wake up to pump after the whole day. usually after she sleeps i will watch tv with hubby and pump around 11pm then go to bed. i'm so glad she can slp thru the night, i hope it continues!!

snowkie congrats! hope ur bb's jaundice gets better. the massage lady told me if got one 'ball' at armpit there blocked ducts at the lymph nodes there i think and will be v painful. u got engage massage lady? can help u massage and clear? and yea all hang in there!!

the bottles i'm using dr brown.. hubby's friend sent back from usa also cheaper than in sg. the newborn one the hole so small it's like a pin size... if u shake the bottle water also won't fall out unless u shake v vigorously... so far can see a lot of milk around the lips but not all over. my mum was complaining the hole too small bb v difficult to suck... i was telling her that's the whole point... if too easy to suck, later she doesn't want to latch anymore :p

last 2 nights i dreamt bb can walk n talk! n not bcos she's grown bigger in my dreams, she's the same as current, it's like not even 2 mths old n walking around talking! ><
That is great that ur baby can sleep thru the night. My gal wake up the most 2 times at night for milk. Sometime I told myself that I wan to bf, but I am too tired to sit upright to bf. Sometime will sit till backache. I do not know how to lie on bed to bf. sometime I also fad up till wan to give up on bf. haiz.
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Hey purpur.. i had epi too.. oso kenna piles after that.. everyday oso super uncomfortable and painful .. sit and getting up oso pain.. :(

Mummies PurPur & Meltie!

Did you mummies have piles problem before birth alreadyy?
Read that If u did, it will definitely come back again after Natural Delivery!!

Sigh, really pray that you both get well soon.....
Piles after delivery is normal and heard that it will gradually reduce.. Which i kind of agree after monitoring for some time so not to worry.. Just need some time.


Active Member
Haha angpq.. Realized i should not praise my girl here lol... Praised too soon, last night refused to slp after her usual bedtime feed n now she's up at 4... Latching her now, and yes sitting upright. Easier to latch her cradling her sitting up, although makes my back n arms achy... Tried lying down sometimes but not everytime will work.. She will fuss a lot lying sideways, n end up w a huge wet patch on my bed... Waste my milk!

Jiayou k, don't give up! :) it'll get better... I still rem my confinement she keeps fussing n latching n wailing thru the night n I'll cry w her n come here n whine... Twice a night is not that bad le, jiayou!!


Jus to share, anyone find tt ur hubby becum more caring n loving towards u after birth ??

I find tt my hubby gt slight changes .. hope tt will last long not jus e initial stage ..

He sometimes will take initiative to take care bb like carrying bb walk ard , feeding n burping etc..

Much more caring towards me is wat I feel ..


Haha angpq.. Realized i should not praise my girl here lol... Praised too soon, last night refused to slp after her usual bedtime feed n now she's up at 4... Latching her now, and yes sitting upright. Easier to latch her cradling her sitting up, although makes my back n arms achy... Tried lying down sometimes but not everytime will work.. She will fuss a lot lying sideways, n end up w a huge wet patch on my bed... Waste my milk!

Jiayou k, don't give up! :) it'll get better... I still rem my confinement she keeps fussing n latching n wailing thru the night n I'll cry w her n come here n whine... Twice a night is not that bad le, jiayou!!
Lol.. U are right! Should not praise ur gal. Those elderly say one. My gal woke up at 5am, fed her fm. U are so hardworking, bf at this hour. I will bf only in the day time. Confinement day is tough. Btw, did u use breast pump or u prefer to latch on?


Hi mummies, my baby refuse to sleep from 10pm feed till almost 2pm, she kept shitting, farting and crying. Think she seems to have Tummy upset. Not sure is it that I started to give her expressed milk instead of direct latching.

Like to ask how ur handle expressed milk? Usually, after pump I stored in the refrigerator, and took them up for heating during her feeding. Do ur mixed ur pumped milk to make up to her desire drinking capacity? I really hope she can drink expressed milk coz It's so precious.


Active Member
Purpur.. My hubby so so leh lol.. Also nv offer to help one.. Only help when I'm bathing.. One bottle feed per day so he will feed but not even everyday, some times he playing games n mil feed..

Angpq haha ya she's up again... 4am latched her till almost 5am.. Refused to slp omg.. Finally slept around 6am n now I'm latching her again zzz... I feed on demand.. That's why I really bf thru the night during confinement.. Darn shag n super stressed! I pump once a day after she slps at night.

Erlina I v kiasu straight away put in freezer.. If need will thaw to use.. That's why most nights feed fm for the one bottle feed instead of ebm cos takes time to thaw n heat up. Sometimes I will bring down to fridge to thaw first then need to consume in 24 hrs.. Hoping to stock up in freezer so if I wanna go out without bb, mil can use to feed bb.. Limiting fm to the most once a day. Ebm of same temp can be mixed to ur desired amt :)


Felicity, that is really tiring. My turn to wake up for bf. usually after bf, my gal is not enough. I will top up fm for her. U all mentioning ebm, what is ebm stands for?


Active Member
Ebm: expressed breast milk.. I'm latching her again.. How do u know after bf not enough? If she still wails n appears hungry I'll just continues to latch.. Unless latch till 4-5 hrs I'm too too too tired until cannot take it anymore then will offer her fm.. I also dunno enough for her or not.. Hee
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