EDD September 2013 Mummies

A mummy

Oh i see, I just told her because she's my bestfriend. She helped me alot since she's preggy too. Great to know you can cook now. My MS not cleared but it's so much better that I am able to carry on with my chores but I still cannot smell some fruity fragrance,makes me sick.
Apparently, for me I have evening nausea but not as bad since week 12, but have to say I still eat small meals and still feel bloated=( Infact, it's more bloated than before. I'm not sure why. Anyone, can share or have any opinion on this? Because when I feel bloated, I kinda feel breathless.

A mummy

I have signed up for First mums and dads congress.. Is anyone also going? :)
Seen the ad, still discussing with hubby. You are going with yr hubby right? Just wondering fr the prenatal classes held in hospital, especially for breastfeeding, are we suppose to bring our hubbies? Will they show real videos?Lol..It's so weird. Though,I have not signed up for any.

A mummy

Hi, I read the posts here and what? the nurse will shave for us before labor??! So before admitting,it's compulsory that we have to be bald down there?


mrsvistamio: just in case right. I also place a plastic bag on my work desk and besides my bed, incase not in time to rush to the washroom. I am also about week 10 now, same as your case, no swelling, but feels tender. Sometime the tenderness have a little pain when I turn too fast on the bed.

A mummy: Try to take the prenatal vitamins reguarly, it is supposed to help in developing baby's brain if I am not wrong. We are supposed to take throughout the pregnancy. I am getting a little sick to swallow the vitamin daily, especially my tongue has become tasteless recently, swallowing it with plain water is really awful.

I was the one who mentioned the nurse will shave for us before delivery. That's what I heard from my mum. But my friend also told me it's not recommended to wax as the date gets nearer to delivery because of pain tolerance (not sure how true), so I guess I have to leave it to nurse to do the shaving when the time comes.

Is anyone facing tasteless tongue? No matter what I eat, my tongue just feels so bland after a 1-2 hours.
Longing for a nice and relaxing holiday but concerned about the travel risks?

There will be a 2 day 1 night retreat for mummies at our center. We will have practicing nurse/midwife from the top hospital in Singapore to brief mummies on antenatal knowledge during this retreat. Mummies can come together for some sharing, relaxation and peer support. Meals will be specially prepared for all pregnant mummies and it will be a good time to come relax, rejuvenate and enjoy your 'me-time' before your little bundle of joy arrives. Feel free to contact me if you need more information! :biggrin:



New Member
Hi ladies,

Am a new member here and due date is also in September. I've been told that since I'm in my second trimester, now is really good time to do some exercises which will help with the labour process later on.

Are there any pregnant mummies out there who are interested to sign up for aqua classes? A friend of mine recently gave birth and before then she did the YMCA/Inspire Mum and Baby aqua classes and said it was really good.

So the situation is that the class will only run if they have a group of 6 mums signed up. The course is supposed to start in March but is being delayed as they're waiting for more mums to sign up. There are 3 already signed up and we only need 3 more ladies to register!

If you're interested check out the website Inspire Mum & Baby – Our focus is your fitness, health and wellness

A mummy

skt Oh thank you for clarifying, I see but I hate it when the hair grows back, it's itchy right.Furthermore, when I walk,it will rub in between the thighs.Ouch.
Ok I won't wax. I don't feel just bland but it's this metallic taste sometimes too. I think that's bland. After drinking juices, soymilk especially.

mrsvistamio I brought sour plum in my bag for my previous weeks because I don't have heartburn and my nausea was pretty bad. Especially from week 6 to week 11. However, now even if I have bad nausea,I can't eat plum due to my heartburn.I just have so much acid in my stomach to spare. Sighs. So, I bring sweets, oilment and sweet crackers(to get my energy up when I am hungry as I get hungry very fast). If i don't eat on time, I'll tremble.

I know oilment is kinda ban during pregnancy, but I try not to sniff it often. I asked my gynae, I was scolded NO. Not good for baby and the mother. Hope baby still alive inside.

A mummy

Anyone experiencing increase in heartbeat during 1st trimester week 10 onwards? Mine go as fast as up to 80-90 at rest.


Ya!! My metallic taste in mouth gets worst after drinking soya milk or even milo (which actually helps me with my m/s)..so depends which I hate more.. M/s or metallic taste :( yikes! If I m home, I suck ice cubes n I think it's a temp relief for metallic taste.

Btw, when must we sign up for prenatal classes? In second tri? Or?


Hi ladies. I'm a new member too. My EDD is 28th Sept. I'm not quite a SAHM yet as this is my first baby but I'm currently not working. Been reading for the past weeks but as I had a mc last March, didn't dare to post in case the same thing happens. I'm not quite in the safe zone yet though I've decided not to worry as there's nothing much I can do anyway.


Anyone experiencing increase in heartbeat during 1st trimester week 10 onwards? Mine go as fast as up to 80-90 at rest.
I have that too! Started noticing it when I was about 8 weeks. Also,I can be lying in bed and my heart will suddenly pound really hard and fast.

A mummy

raoow Hi welcome onboard, sorry to hear about your MC but hope everything's good now since its week 8 and I am sure gynae must have given you some progesterone pill for you since I was given that too to make my pregnancy a stable one. I had to consume it for the whole 1st trimester since I had spotting twice.
Ya! Lying in bed and pounding like palpitation and then it's ok again but still the heart beat at rest just remains so high everyday. I brought it up to Gynae, he was worried sick and said that's dangerous as my heart could not take it so it surfaced in the 1st trimester...He offered me to be referred to cardiologist but I refused. I read up that if a person has a lower blood count, low blood pressure ,low iron count and dehydration, it's normal to have a rise in heartbeat. So, I'll be testing for husband(haemoglobin) level in the 2nd trimester and see the results.

In the meantime,I tried to do these few steps:

I make glucose drink (i get dizzy spells every morning)to bring my sugar level up,drink lots of plain water (even if it's yucky) and get plenty of sleep, I had no palpitation/pounding but heartbeat is still around 80 never get to 90 SO FAR hopefully it stays like that till 3rd trimester...

I have low blood pressure=(
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A mummy

Yanting Doc did want to refer me to a cardiologist, but I suggested checking my haemoglobin level during our 2nd trimester blood work. Maybe iron deficient. So, we'll see later but personally as long as my palpitation is no longer there, should not be a problem. And as long it's not 90 and above, I should be fine...Don't want to think about it.