Final Countdown

ya lor. me too puzzled.
my doc says its due to my stretch marks cream and hormones change.
things that i have been using all the while will become irritant to me now due to the hormone change. it can happen from 7th month onwards till birth and she say i am lucky cos it happen only now. Like dat, lucky meh...

hmm, i tried using warm salt water too (advise from my MIL)
ohhh, rubbery panties & pants huh
ok, i pay attention to this when i get back home.
and stop any rubbery texture stuff on my skin...
thanks ya...

Just hanging on for it to get better.
at the same time, waiting for my gerl to come out soon...
3 more weeks... :Dancing_wub:
Hi Madalene

I too like u scratched until like mad....tried all use...only if baby comes out the itch hope ur baby decides to come out soon....maybe by 38 weeks....

Ah Cheng

The brand QV or Cetaphil wash can be easily get at Watson's or Guardian.
Cetaphil is safe for kids to use also. Mainly it's for sensitive skin.

But quite expensive. Cos it's not soapy, so you tend to pump more out to bath, so used up very fast.


The brand QV or Cetaphil wash can be easily get at Watson's or Guardian.
Cetaphil is safe for kids to use also. Mainly it's for sensitive skin.

But quite expensive. Cos it's not soapy, so you tend to pump more out to bath, so used up very fast.
can it be used after birth?


Hi Madalene

I too like u scratched until like mad....tried all use...only if baby comes out the itch hope ur baby decides to come out soon....maybe by 38 weeks....

so during the pregnancy, you scratched and did you leave any scratched marks (skin peeling off type)?
Mine, i lost control and scratched till 1-2 layer of skin went off leh.
would it disappear too?

Ya, now, i am hoping for the baby to come out anytime...
:shyxxx: cannot tahan any longer...


Active Member
yeah..... if more milk bigger... heavy and swollen....

stop BF means no more milk supplier liao, so will shrink back loh....


Active Member
my collig wife still BF, his son is now 2 years +...

my gynae also ma, her youngest son is 1y+, still BF..... she bf 3 children ley....


Active Member
ya la. and they grow teeth already.
Wouldn't it be painful?

haha, they are bottle feed milk liao... before u go back to work will pump milk out ma, once bb bottle feed, they wont want to latch on again in most cases....

for continue supply, pump every 4 hours loh..


No lah got shrink back to C cup.. but the frimness gone case... i tink anything more the C cup is not nice lor... too big le lah..

Hmm, wonder how to regain the firmness back huh.
Have you tried any bust firming cream before?
Does it help?

After my birth, i will try find some solutions, i guess.
TIme to explore for such products le...


haha, they are bottle feed milk liao... before u go back to work will pump milk out ma, once bb bottle feed, they wont want to latch on again in most cases....

for continue supply, pump every 4 hours loh..

I see. I guess i have been holding a wrong idea
Tot must always latch them on so as to maintain a continuous supply. (pardon me, me first time mum)

So just pump every 4 hrs la. sounds easier now...


Active Member
in the beginning i pump every 2 hours, then slowly become 4 hours. . . it depends on BB demand and how much she wanna drink...

I stop in 2 month and change to formula cos my ex company no place to breastfeed at all!

even meeting rooms gor window, no where to hide...


Hmm, wonder how to regain the firmness back huh.
Have you tried any bust firming cream before?
Does it help?

After my birth, i will try find some solutions, i guess.
TIme to explore for such products le...

it does help but still no as good as before... cannot compare de... zzz

Ah Cheng

Hey mummies.
Which type of nursing bras did you buy?
Most of the nursing bras with those without wires one, but wont it make the breast sag?