first food to introduce to baby?


Hi All,
What is the best first food to introduce to a 6month old baby?
I had given my baby the frisco rich cereal for a week now... but heard from my friends that its better to cook your own porridge and give it to baby... is it true?


Well-Known Member
If you are a SAHM, the most ideal is to cook your own porridge. I am giving my baby Heinz Rice Cereal, and will cook porridge every other day, when I'm not feeling lazy :p

Even for adults, home-cooked food is always the best.

If you want to cook porridge, please make sure that u add more water and make the rice is cooked to fine bits. For a start, you may wish to give more of the porridge water with some rice. As your child gets used to it, you can increase the amount of rice and make the consistency thicker.

Recently, I drained off most of the porridge water and used breast milk instead. Not sure if this is advisable.

My daughter has started on cereal/porridge for about 2 weeks now, and she is now able to eat thick porridge. :)


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
What is the best first food to introduce to a 6month old baby?
I had given my baby the frisco rich cereal for a week now... but heard from my friends that its better to cook your own porridge and give it to baby... is it true?
I think you can start porridge later at about 7-8mths and instead feed commercial cereal first coz they are iron-fortified while the porridge we cook is not. Later on when bb can take iron-rich food like meat and veggies like broccoli (which is advisable only after 8mths), you can intro porridge. But that's just my own opinion... :D

You can add veg/fruit puree to cereal. For me, if i'm adding puree to porridge, I prefer to add veg puree and serve fruit puree on its own coz i personally think it's strange to add fruit puree into porridge. :) But some mummies here have put fruit puree into the porridge and bb still takes it so it's ok too i guess. :D


At 6 months old i only gave my boy Friso rice cereal n Eu Yan Sang's Si Shen powder...

he didn't like porridge initially...esp when it's watery...

now he eats porridge for lunch n rice cereal/si shen powder with mashed banana for dinner...

for porridge i use USA potatoes (easily mashed n thicken the porridge), carrot n broccoli...(like traffic, amber n green!!) n some rice (soaked overnight) n cook using a claypot...

put in few pieces of lean meat (just to boil with the porridge, i'll eat them) n a piece of 'goh' fish...when it's cooked, mash into the porridge...

other than broccoli you can use other veg...but just use the leaves, not the stems...

n remember to boil the veg separately, roughly chop them b4 adding into the porridge...

looks complicated? PM me if need help it's actually very simple n tasty!


New Member
dear Ottermum, when you feed the baby Eu Yan Sang's Si Shen powder, do you add anything else?

For 6 months old, if I were to feed the baby porridge, do i need to grind the porridge to make it finer?

btw, if I want to add breastmilk, what will be the ratio of breatmilk to rice cereal or porridge?

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Initially i just feed him with plain cooked si shen's really tasteless but my son still ate it...

gradually i start adding half a mashed banana, pumpkin or puree fruit in jars (half a jar)...

i soak the rice overnight n cook the porridge in a it get cooked faster n finer...the carrot (thin slice, cut n diced) n potato (buy USA ones, add few pcs) will help thicken the porridge...

my boy doesn't like watery porridge/cereal...i don't set a specific ratio of liquid to cereal/porridge...just use your discretion...just don't make them too watery...

don't have to cook alot...cos 6 months old babies are new to semi solid foods...they can't finish...i only feed my son porridge everyday when he's turned 8 months the beginning it's just friso rice cereal n si shen powder...


Well-Known Member
agree with snowbear.

you may want to start with iron-fortified cereals, especially if your bb is fully breast-fed, cos bb's store of iron starts to run out when he's about 6 months old.

so you'll want to make sure that he's getting his iron from the semi-solids since we don't usually intro meat to them till they're about 8 to 9 months old.


Well-Known Member
I was told by the paed to start on rice cereals first and then only move to apples and pears if there are no signs of reaction. The sequence is cereals, followed by veg, fruits and finally meats.

I'd most probably make the veg and fruit purees myself (have a recipe book here which is a gift from my in-laws on baby's first foods - very yummy!) and use commercial rice cereals as her first semi-solids before moving to home cooked porridge and what-not. Besides, like some mummies here and my paed said, they don't need much - just one or two spoons in the beginning. Milk (formula or BM) should still be their main "dish".


Active Member
My baby is 6 months old now. How many times a day should I feed her cereal?
My PD recommends one feed cereal a day up till 7 months. Between 7 to 9 months, can feed cereal.

What I did was to feed my 6 months baby with Healthy Times Brown Rice Cereal.I started with just 2 spoonful of cereal with warm boiled water. Once she has finished it, I changed another type -Oatmeal Cereal. I observed the 4 days rule. Then I added puree as part of her cereal feed. I started with Japanese sweet potatoes.

What I did was to feed her with the puree (1 ice cube) and then one bowl of cereal. All these while, her milk intake did not drop. PS. My baby can eat one :) Slowly I changed different puree about 1-2 weeks. I have tried Japanese sweet potatoes, pumpkin and carrot.

At her 8 months, I started with porridge. Kneadfin FISH ( 五鱼) is the best, without bones. If you scare, you can start with pork (五花肉). For pork, just put a small piece into the porridge for taste. I did not let my baby take the pork as I felt that she is too young. For fish porridge, I steam first and then mashed before cooking with porridge.

I find cooking porridge in slow cooker faster and taste better.. :)


Well-Known Member
mich, you may also want to see if your bb is ready for more?

i started feeding my 8 mth old ger 2 meals a day cos she's drinking more and more milk even when she's on 1 meal.

now she's having about 6 to 8 tablespoons of puree and semi-solids.

but sometimes i still slack off and feed her 1 meal, and then make up by giving her more milk.:001_302:


Sigh... My baby 11 mths already still don't know how to chew... Is that normal??? Like when there are lumps of egg yolk in his porridge, he just swallows so he gags a little... How to train my baby to chew?

I tried to give him those baby biscuits.. He doesn't eat it... He just throw one side after tasting it with his tongue. -.-"


Well-Known Member
my ger is about 8 months but she doesn't chew as well. I tried mashing her food but she'll gag, so bo pian, everything still has to be pureed.

can your boy take those type of bb puffs? Somehow my ger doesn't gag on them, maybe cos they're soft and melts easily.

think maybe your boy gags on the yolk because he tries to swallow it with the porridge? Does he gag on the yolk if he's eating just the yolk?


Hi uddermummy,

I've not tried just giving him the yolk. I usually mix it into his porrdige. I've not tried the puffs yet but I gave him the bigger biscuits like baby bites and he's not interested in them. He'll just taste them and then throw them away.


Hi mummies, sound like yr baby is doing well and taking meals happily. My girl is coming to 8 months soon but every single meals is mayhem, she scream, cry and just can't get used to the food even though I have let her try since she turned 6 months. Sigh...


my boy's 1 year old already also doesn't chew his food...i've observed that he swallows his porridge most of the time...he gagged on a small piece of apple once n that really freaked me out!!!

babylover-maybe she's teething n feels uncomfortable to eat? or the food's too hot? too cold? too watery?