Getting Botak after few months after giving birth.


Your boy's hair is gorgeous!!:001_302:
This was the last pic taken of him before me and hubby decided to shave some of his hair..Pity to see him get irritated wen his sideburns kept "tickling" him wen he wanted to sleep..!!!He also kept pulling his hair when he got hot..!! And ive also attached an after pic of him..A lot of aunties mistaken my baby for a chinese boy..!!! :001_302:



Well-Known Member
This was the last pic taken of him before me and hubby decided to shave some of his hair..Pity to see him get irritated wen his sideburns kept "tickling" him wen he wanted to sleep..!!!He also kept pulling his hair when he got hot..!! And ive also attached an after pic of him..A lot of aunties mistaken my baby for a chinese boy..!!! :001_302:

HI izanyzam mummy,

So cute la ur gal also have alot of hair like her dad and she perspire her granny trimmed her hair ur son, my gal hair also standing type..hehe


Hi mummy,

How many mths into post pregnancy that you lose hair? I started to loose hair when my gal is nearing 3 mths.. =( now she is 3 mths 1 wk and i feel that my hair is also getting increasingly thinner... ='(

Hey, your son is really very lgd looking! :)
Hi dear...I started losing hair wen my son was nearing his 4th month..Nowadays,its scary to see my hair all over my house..Even at work,my hair drops onto our working table and its kind of embarassing..!! So now i will pull up my fringe with hair clips to cover the thinning spot at the top of my centre parting..!! :embarrassed:


HI izanyzam mummy,

So cute your gal also have alot of hair like her dad and she perspire her granny trimmed her hair your son, my gal hair also standing type..hehe
I wonder why their hair just refuses to "relax"...Now my boy's hair getting thicker and longer again and starting to stand up again...!!! Hehehehe...!!!


Oh yah mummies...Not sure if it will work but i was told to smear aloe vera pulp and their sticky liquid onto my hair...It helps to cool down the scalp..I will try this and see if it works or not...At this point,im desperate and will try anything...!!! :eek:


New Member
I also dropped plenty of hairs from my baby 3.5mths, the hair falls until my forehead become so high. Everyday so itchy must wash, but during shampooing, more will drop. Now at 5mths plus, i can see tiny hair growing. But i did change my shampoo to the Ba Wang (Jackie Chan) herbal shampoo. Also i go for herbal treatment at cut & curl hair salon. The salon got sell 1 scalp spray very cooling, it's of 100% herbs, ok for breastfeeding.
This was the last pic taken of him before me and hubby decided to shave some of his hair..Pity to see him get irritated wen his sideburns kept "tickling" him wen he wanted to sleep..!!!He also kept pulling his hair when he got hot..!! And ive also attached an after pic of him..A lot of aunties mistaken my baby for a chinese boy..!!! :001_302:

OMG!!!!! hahahahahahahah izanyzam mummy! how come his hair seemed to be standing siiah?!! like a cat's fur when threatened!! so cute laa!

btw my bb girl is only nearing 3 months now n im finding strands on my shoulder n pillow now.....

b4 preggy - drop hair alot
during preggy - HARDLY A STRAND LOSS
post preggy - now at the moment, maybe few strands per day

I can still "ttahan" at this rate, but if it starts to increase, then Im coming bk to this thread to search if there's any solution/ reccomendation!!!

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Oh yah mummies...Not sure if it will work but i was told to smear aloe vera pulp and their sticky liquid onto my hair...It helps to cool down the scalp..I will try this and see if it works or not...At this point,im desperate and will try anything...!!! :eek:
You boy so handsome & cute.....:tlaugh:


I started dropping hair when my boy was about 3.5 months old. I was mentally prepared for it because I experienced the same thing with my elder 2 kids too. Good thing was I didnt drop hair when I was pregnant. I even had a head of thick hair for a change! So now it's payback time! It kinda stabilise when my boy was about 5.5mths old. Now I am still dropping hair but the amount is manageable and looks more normal to me! :D


i started dropping ard.. 3.5 mths.. some old folks say is the 100 days mark ...
Think the loss is lesser now... which means i have dropped for more than 3 months... can see the hair growing bk now... but i feel scared, like when washing hair... sigh!

My baby also a lot of hair.. go out, strangers will sure comment: "wah..such nice thick hair".
Wonder if the more hair our babies have, the more we will drop??


Well-Known Member
i started dropping around.. 3.5 mths.. some old folks say is the 100 days mark ...
Think the loss is lesser now... which means i have dropped for more than 3 months... can see the hair growing back now... but i feel scared, like when washing hair... sigh!

My baby also a lot of hair.. go out, strangers will sure comment: "wah..such nice thick hair".
Wonder if the more hair our babies have, the more we will drop??

U mean must drop hair for 100 days?


OMG!!!!! hahahahahahahah izanyzam mummy! how come his hair seemed to be standing siiah?!! like a cat's fur when threatened!! so cute laa!

btw my baby girl is only nearing 3 months now n im finding strands on my shoulder n pillow now.....

before preggy - drop hair alot
during preggy - HARDLY A STRAND LOSS
post preggy - now at the moment, maybe few strands per day

I can still "ttahan" at this rate, but if it starts to increase, then Im coming back to this thread to search if there's any solution/ reccomendation!!!
I dont know why his hair like that since birth,even now after shaving it and its growing again,it still stands up..!! Must sayang2 the hair la maybe it will "relax"...!!! Hahahaha..!!

I went thru that too..Noticing a couple of strands at first before it became soooo serious..For now,i just let it be la..It should stop sometime right..??!!! If it doesnt,must go buy wig..!! :001_302:


I just started dropping hair since 2 days before, damn depressed now :( I washed my hair then i kept seeing hair on my hand no matter how much time i wash away . Then then i blow my hair , i will comb my hair using my hands & realised all my hairs are dropping like mad !! No matter how gentle i treat them they still drop :( So i should change shampoo & see how is it ? Will really recover ? Baby is 3 months plus , quite botak hehe maybe going be botak with her .


Well-Known Member
I just started dropping hair since 2 days before, damn depressed now :( I washed my hair then i kept seeing hair on my hand no matter how much time i wash away . Then then i blow my hair , i will comb my hair using my hands & realised all my hairs are dropping like mad !! No matter how gentle i treat them they still drop :( So i should change shampoo & see how is it ? Will really recover ? Baby is 3 months plus , quite botak hehe maybe going be botak with her .
Hi verona,

try cutting your hair short if you have long hair it helps. I am in the same situation with u but i started dropping hair much earlier.. =( bb is now 3 mths plus and i think my hair started dropping when she was 2 mths plus :(
u are much luckiler than me..

so delay no more.. cut ur hair short if u have long hair to reduce the weight of ur hair and helps release any possible tension on it ;)

Hope this helps ;)


Hai yo , before preg i went to cut short hair then regret now want to grow back long hair but kept dropping :( Can't bear to cut them away , i am thinking to change my shampoo first then see how , & find treatment to strengthen hair , just 2 days & i have been complaining to hubby till he cannot take it anymore hais !! Yours still dropping ?


Well-Known Member
Hai yo , before preg i went to cut short hair then regret now want to grow back long hair but kept dropping :( Can't bear to cut them away , i am thinking to change my shampoo first then see how , & find treatment to strengthen hair , just 2 days & i have been complaining to hubby till he cannot take it anymore hais !! Yours still dropping ?
yup verona,

My hair is still dropping now...


gal 5mths my hair still dropping. Tat day went wedding dinner, under the bring spot light, relatives asked me, wow your hair drop alot hor? sigh. anybody think of getting a wig? i really fee.l like wearing one but i sweat easily on top.
aaaa~~~~ so scary????!!!! Going to deliver my 1st baby girl in 2mths... worry worry a ~~~~~ better go and cut my hair short before deliver...

I'm wondering is it because of no wash hair during confinement time? and it results the scalp become oily and not healthy which cause the hair keep dropping ?