Getting Botak after few months after giving birth.


Heyhey still dropping hair ? :(

How long did your hair drop stops ? I went to see dr & he gave me spray , he said because i slim down too fast & i am young .. He said i will have hair drop for 9 months ! When did some of you stops ? i start seeing my scalp already :(


New Member
Floor all over got hair. Is like showing the path I walked. Walk, drop, walk drop. :nah:

I am thinking the hair fall will only stop if no more hair left on my head.
Oh my! I have to apologise for laughing at this but it IS sinisterly hilarious. I have thin hair too, each hair already so fine & baby-ish, went to Yun Nam spent a few thousands for a period of 4mths...and hearing all this sacres me. I'm currently coming to my 6th week pregnancy.. gosh, very sad fact..


Hari Raya coming up...Thinking about perming my hair..Im sick and tired of looking at my limp,thinning hair...But scared that perming might further aggravate my hair loss..I started dropping hair when my boy turned 4months..Now he's already 9months and im still LOSING HAIR...!!! Aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!! :eek:


Hi all,
I am having this problem too..
My gal is almost 10 months and every time my help sweeps the floor she will be telling me that it's a lot of hair fall. Or after a hair wash I will see it all at the drain. :(

Help... and for the record my girl does not have a lot of hair..:(

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hey gals your hair fall will return to normal once your hormone level stablise....cos' during pregnancy your estrogen hormone is v high, now after give birth it drop, thts why ur hair drop too.....

Just keep your scalp clean and hair will grow back again......I also see hair growing back but v slow.....

I guess all this is part & parcel of having children :tlaugh:


New Member
gosh i didnt know losing hair can be very serious after birth!!
i went to yun nam before preg to take care of my dandruff probs which works after 3 sessions. den im on their hair loss program. i have thick hair but i still lose considerable amount everyday. it is said abt 50-100 strands daily is normal but we all know we women r VERY particular abt our hair.
my tricologist told me once she found out im preg dat i will strt losing hair abt 4-6mths aftr giving birth. dat scared me!
spend abit xtra to prepare myself 4 dat. im still due for birth any day now...i hope my hair loss wont be too bad. also i tink havg short hair helps. i cut mine to shoulder length last month. long hair tends to get tuggd on easily from tying up and brushing etc, cld be a factor dat it easily drops. now with short hair, my hair doesnt drops as much. (hair used to be waist long)