going home after dark?


its normal for them to see 'things' becoz young babies are innocent and pure...if they 'see' they oso dunno. (tats why 'play' with it)

no need to be scared la....got clear conscience mah, scared for wad?

i got a story to share but not sure if u all will be scared anot?
C'mon let's share!! :tlaugh:


cancanmum > mayb can set up a topic on this hor? i think it's quite common for kids to hv some experience.

autumn82 > aft my boy 3 months old, i also dun really care liao. go home late. :) but not as late as 4am yet. hahaha... :D


Well-Known Member
cancanmum > mayb can set up a topic on this hor? i think it's quite common for kids to hv some experience.

autumn82 > aft my boy 3 months old, i also dun really care liao. go home late. :) but not as late as 4am yet. hahaha... :D
We were bz gambling then they were sleeping oredi mah, so ok.. :tlaugh::tlaugh:


i think it's old wives' tales leh. 'cause i watch horror movies during my pregnancy. nothing happen leh. :p

mayb put a note, ask preg mom dun read.


love it ah. that's y when preg, ppl say cannot watch. i nearly die ah. die of boredom. hahaha... :D my hb also bored 'cause we both LOVE horror movies. n only watch horrors and action.

in the end, my hb let me watch. that time got so many new horror movies to watch.