How KiaSu or KiaSee are you as a parent?


New Member
Actually.. I'm not rly very kiasee/kiasu.

Since my babies were able to eat semi-solid foods (from 4 months or so), I have been sharing whatever I'm eating with them just that I cut/mash it up into smaller pieces. Other than those usually avoided foods e.g egg albumen and peanuts, they eat almost everything I eat. I let them crawl on the floor, I let them sit on floors but not put things found on the public floor into their mouths. At home, still ok. Sometimes they just grab some stuff off the floor and jam it into their mouth LOL. I'm ok with it, perhaps because I handwipe the floors every morning :x

They can eat nuggets, fries, ice cream.. Anything. Just in moderation or else I'll have to send them to the gym!

Water, I just use boiled water. Bathing, normal water.. Yeah. Around there lo, haha.


Well-Known Member
I believe as parents we just need to act accordingly, as long as our child is not in serious danger, that's fine by me. So for me, kiasu, kiasi, bo-chap, super strict and what-other-terms...all rolled into one....more like ROJAK lahh, how i react to their actions would depend on the circumstances they are in.

Very rigid, inflexible and just one personality type....for a parent, that one cannot work lahh!