how to get rid of lizards?


Well-Known Member
you mean put egg shells on the dark corners ??
Egg shells is to attract lizard to the trap. Lizards love the smell of egg shells. If u put the egg shells in the middle of the trap and place the trap in the dark corner, u will catch the lizard. Normally, to stop lizard from overstaying in your house, u must catch evey single one of them the minute u see them. U can trace the trail of lizard by their shit...most of the time, lizard will crawl in to your house from outside. If u leave them alone for sometime, they will become PR in your house.
i bought the lizard spray before as i'm also staying on the highest floor but they always climb in from my corridor window so my dear hubby i ask him to go and spray cos i was heavily preggy at that time and guess what the next morning as i was leaving for work i thought my house got people owe loan sharks or pre christmas!!
my "GONG" hubby sprayed all over the window panels and it looked like it was snow or christmas decor!
but anyway lizards still come in and i always shout for my hubby/maid to kill it!
Your post is super funny.. actually i encounter the same problem too.. i tot by staying on the highest floor will prevent the insects from coming but they are always there uninvited.. I used the spray too and it helps for awhile.. after that they will still comes back.. i especially hate lizards that makes that lizard noise its so noisy!! they will purposely do it in early morning and makes me irritated!!:swoon:


Well-Known Member
Egg shells is to attract lizard to the trap. Lizards love the smell of egg shells. If you put the egg shells in the middle of the trap and place the trap in the dark corner, you will catch the lizard. Normally, to stop lizard from overstaying in your house, you must catch evey single one of them the minute you see them. you can trace the trail of lizard by their shit...most of the time, lizard will crawl in to your house from outside. If you leave them alone for sometime, they will become PR in your house.
i tink the already became PR liaoo WITHOUT APPLY PERMIT!!!!!!!!*%()#$&*(@&#(*@)!(@#)#

i saw baby lizards!!! arRAGHghgh!!!!

KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Egg shells is to attract lizard to the trap. Lizards love the smell of egg shells. If you put the egg shells in the middle of the trap and place the trap in the dark corner, you will catch the lizard. Normally, to stop lizard from overstaying in your house, you must catch evey single one of them the minute you see them. you can trace the trail of lizard by their shit...most of the time, lizard will crawl in to your house from outside. If you leave them alone for sometime, they will become PR in your house.
Spiralng, you are so funny leh! I really LOL when I read that!


i tink the already became PR liaoo WITHOUT APPLY PERMIT!!!!!!!!*%()#$&*(@&#(*@)!(@#)#

i saw baby lizards!!! arRAGHghgh!!!!

KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wahaha! You are also very funny!!!


Well-Known Member
i tink the already became PR liaoo WITHOUT APPLY PERMIT!!!!!!!!*%()#$&*(@&#(*@)!(@#)#

i saw baby lizards!!! arRAGHghgh!!!!

KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guess u hv too many illgeal immigrants choice hv to cut grass remove root...ha ha ha make sure no future generation so start buying loads of traps and one whole shot place them in dark corners...then when your hubby comes home, give him a surprise by pointing out all the trap lizards and ask him to throw for u...ha ha ha....


Active Member
hahahha i m super scared of lizards too recently many in the room i sleep in!
Think there is a nest or i dunno wad...Scary.
I had nightmares of lizards too!
Nobody bothers to help me catch them :(
So now adays i always take spray and spray the whole room as much as possible.
Like super waste but can't help it.
Heard that the eggshell method is quite effective but ewww.Why would i keep and eggshell in my room???
yucks! I hate them too... my toilet has big fat lizards always scaring me when i bathe. dunno where they come from and had to scream for hubby to catch for me! haha.

I realised baby lizards have no license to crawl and i have seen a few dropping from ceiling. ewwwww


Anyone try lemongrass? Don't seems to work... :err:

In the end just use tape to tape up the bathroom window to stop lizard coming in. Lots of lizard in the raining season.

The best way to get rid of lizard is SCREAM FOR HUBBY!.


Well-Known Member
used to depend on hubby but now when i see one, kids and I will just smack it dead. No more yucky feeling towards the pest but more of frustration of it lurking around in the house....thatz y, cruelly smack it.