Inviting "small VIPs" to home


What to offer to toddler's friends when they come visit home? How do you clean up the house after they left? Will you vacuum or mop the floor up?

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Depending on how old is the toddler? Like for my son, he is 2 so basically he can eat anything, can prepare small cut fruits, snacks like biscuits or cakes for them, cocoa puffs, mini sausages,mini buns etc

After they leave, normally will vaccum and mop the floor....


Usually I will mop after they leave coz some are messy eaters.

For food and drinks usually I will call up the parents to see what's ok with their kids. Usually they bring their own snacks.

Otherwise I will always prepare some fruits and biscuits. Drinks for kids will be fruit juice.


Well-Known Member
Must check with parents on what they allow their kids to eat/drink.

Safest to serve fruits, simple biscuits & unsweetened fruit juices.


Will it be better to just ask the toddlers out for outing with their parents? Troublesome to clean up the mess...


Well-Known Member
With small toddlers, firstly i will try to move small breakable stuff that are within reach, into a room and keep it closed.

Foodwise, I will ask the parents if there are any food restrictions before hand cos some children have allergies to some common food like wheat, peanut, egg, etc. Some parents also don't like their children to partake sweet stuff and fast foods like hotdogs, nuggets, etc. Usually, we will do a potluck with fruit juices, fruits, homemade sandwiches and snacks like muffins, cookies, etc.

Re cleaning up, depends on where they are confined to. For extreme cases, I had to change the bedsheets in the bedrooms cos they ran in and played on the beds while eating. From that time on, I learnt to place restrictions on which areas are out of bound. If just in living hall, I will vaccum, mop and wipe all surfaces they can reach.