Is it normal to have headaches during 2nd Tri??


I'm at 14 weeks. Had headaches too. Sometimes real bad... was worried so went to our family doc and check it out. He say its normal and is due to hormones changes becoz of my pregnancy. He recommended me to rest more(gave me 2 days mc..kekeke..), refrain from prolong using of computer(glare) and to close curtain n sleep(will help sleep better). I followed his instructions and it did help. I slept so soundly n dreamless! He did prescribe light panadols but advised me try not to take. It would be best to take ample rest or just try to tahan.

Lynette Foo

New Member
HI all, am in my 5th month now. Had also experienced headache and went to the gynae cos I hardly have headache. Was detected with slight high blood, so currently on low dosage of aspirin. Doc concerned that it may lead preelcamsia...something that got to do with high blood that could be harmful during pregnancy and especially if it remains high blood condition till 3rd trimester. Take care all mama!!


Hi does it mean that we can only take the norm Panadol & not the Xtra? Is it coz the Xtra is much stronger & can affect the baby..? Been having headaches recently & wondering y in this 2nd Tri...tot that after the morning sickness during the 1st Tri all this headaches or giddy spells wont occur again but alas.....My next check-up is nest Tue but i cant endure with the pain oreadi so i need advise whether Panadols can really be taken....
hi, i tink the norm panadol is ok but neva take extra doc dun allow forgotten the reason already..even the one for flu,backpain etc also dun take not gd for the baby..


yes its not safe to take Panadol too often coz panadol is actually a painkiller.

can approach your gynae for other safer medicines for headaches and migraines.

take care ya~.


yes its not safe to take Panadol too often coz panadol is actually a painkiller.

can approach your gynae for other safer medicines for headaches and migraines.

take care ya~.
I just endure it all this while thou some MTBs here did mention that norm Panadols are ok...i'd be visiting my gynae tmrw & I'd check with her before taking it if the pain is unbearable..Thx dear!!