Is this true?????

Recently while chatting w my hubby's guy fren we came across e topic o natural birth n c sect. According to his fren if u had earlier opt for natural birth but in e end due to some complication u have to have c sect u,l have to pay for both natural n c sect cost?????? is this true???? *confuesd*


yes it got to pay for the booking for the natural birth room then if c-section got to pay also for the operating my sis also like that

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member

cos I opted for natural birth, but I had emergency c-section on that I paid extra for the OT as well as the epidural too....


Well-Known Member
yes it's true.. heard lotsa ppl "complaining" tt.. esp if u're in the labour room for hrs, cos heard tt labour room is charge by hourly..
oic thks all. hey phoebii did u have to pay a lot???? for e different??? cse rite nw i,m still deciding between natural w epi n c sect cse i,m somebody who is afraid o pain a lot. if dats e case might as well take c sect save all e trouble edd is oct @ mah but i have been doing a lot o reading up esp on natural or c sect but till nw i have no idea what i want .........headache man ......argh.....


oic thks all. hey phoebii did u have to pay a lot???? for e different??? cse rite nw i,m still deciding between natural w epi n c sect cse i,m somebody who is afraid o pain a lot. if dats e case might as well take c sect save all e trouble edd is oct @ mah but i have been doing a lot o reading up esp on natural or c sect but till nw i have no idea what i want .........headache man ......argh.....
i know usually c-sect itself is 3 k plus. whereas natural birth itself is 2 k plus. as for mix, no idea...


Well-Known Member
actually from my experience, i think there's no extra charge. At KKH, if end up C-sect, then they'll just switch you to the C-sect package and not charge you for the natural birth package.


New Member
how abt this scenario? if c-sect is already arranged for certain date.
but bb decides to come earlier? still have to pay for the emergency c-sect and the earlier booking? any idea?


oic thks all. hey phoebii did u have to pay a lot???? for e different??? cse rite nw i,m still deciding between natural w epi n c sect cse i,m somebody who is afraid o pain a lot. if dats e case might as well take c sect save all e trouble edd is oct @ mah but i have been doing a lot o reading up esp on natural or c sect but till nw i have no idea what i want .........headache man ......argh.....
If you want to take C-section, dun opt for half body epi, better sleep thru one, but cannot see BB at once lah, me dun noe, opt for half body epi, now my back super ache ah, but C-section not pain lah, I off the bed the next day to nursery myself lor.. hee..

Btw, C-section put lesser risk to baby but more risk to the mum, whereas natural birth put lesser risk to the mum but more risk to the baby, told by my cousin and I think so too. I try inducing first but no contraction or dilation, my gynae asked me whether want to wait somemore for dilating, I say no so I immediately chose C-section as I want my BB to be safe.
Nv charge me for extra leh.. just C-section leh.
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Well-Known Member
Backache has nothing to do with epidural. It's bad posture. I've frens who did not take epi but they got worse backaches than me.

Hospital charges for usage. You use the room/facilities, you pay. So example you use their labour ward during labour, you pay. then end up emergency C section, you gotta pay for the OT usage.

If you are afraid of pain (like me), you can opt to have epi once u start feeling pain. when u do not feel pain and are more relaxed, usually labour will progress faster. but it also depends from person to person. i exercised alot during my pregnancy and my gynae said tt helped with my easy labour and birth.


I walk and shop alot and can walk faster than my colleagues even on my last weeks of pregnancy, my bb head go down but did not engage, think the exercise thing also depends on individual.


I think they will charge if u opt for normal delivery n was already doing it but end up bb not coming out or some other reasons u have to change to C-sec then both will b charge.


Well-Known Member
. i exercised alot during my pregnancy and my gynae said tt helped with my easy labour and birth.
I exercised a lot during pregnancy too. In fact, i was exercising as if i wasn't pregnant. haha.. BUT in the end still end up emergency c-sect leh....


If you want to take C-section, dun opt for half body epi, better sleep thru one, but cannot see BB at once lah, me dun noe, opt for half body epi, now my back super ache ah, but C-section not pain lah, I off the bed the next day to nursery myself lor.. hee..

Btw, C-section put lesser risk to baby but more risk to the mum, whereas natural birth put lesser risk to the mum but more risk to the baby, told by my cousin and I think so too. I try inducing first but no contraction or dilation, my gynae asked me whether want to wait somemore for dilating, I say no so I immediately chose C-section as I want my BB to be safe.
Nv charge me for extra leh.. just C-section leh.

Which hospital did you give birth at?