Is your mother-in-law a money grubber?


New Member
when i got rom 7yrs ago, i stay with my in laws. after one your, my dear husband and i intend to have our wedding dinner, so my father ask me to ask my mother in law how many table does she intend to give my father. mother-in-law reply "table? what table?" i speechless. dont tell me she never attend wedding dinner before?

not long after, my brother-in-law make his gf preg, as their are cathelic, my in-laws insist keeping the baby. however, my brother in law did not have $$ for his wedding, so ask my pils to pay his wedding. my mother in law say "ok but you have to promise me 3 things. 1. you and your gf have to acompany me to church every sunday. 2, the baby have to baptism 3. when you have your own house, you must have a mother mary in your house"

when i knew it, i am very shocked. it your own son, it not that you are poor, you are quite rich. is it that difficult to help? my brother in law gf that time is only 20, my brother in law is 28.

when come to their wedding dinner, my parent in law say will give my brother in law gf side 5 tables. however, when my brother in law told them to foot the wedding dinner bill on that night first, as he have no $$. my parent in law insists NO. My brother in law wedding dinner gf side 5 table, my brother in law & his gf 5 table, the rest 10 table is my parent in law church firends. End of the day, my parent in law refuse to foot the bill, in the end no wedding dinner.

then i ask my mother in law how about the 5 table you promise the gf father? my mother in law say, give when the baby first month. when i hear this, i very pity the gf.

That year dec, my husband have a big quarrel with his mother over $$. then my husband decided to move out of his parents house, (during that time we rent out our own house because we thought we are going to USA for 2 year posting). So on the 31st of dec that year, we shift out of their house and move in to our own house and stay with our tenant.

the day we move out, my mother in law told us to return her house key to them. we did and from that day onward, we never keep contact, not even our wedding and chinese new year and it been 5 yrs.

now we are parents, i ask my dear husband if he want to visit his mum (my parent in law just stay across the road from us). dear husband say no as he is happy now, not need to do what ppl say.

i know a lot of ppl here will say we are bu xiao , but without a mother in law in my life, it trouble free lols.
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Well-Known Member
hohoho, ur story almost similar to mine. no ILs at my wedding too! trouble-free everyday without them!


Active Member
If really really really BTH then go rent a cheap cheap house for the time being. My friend also like that. She dont't like her mother in law before marriage. Then they rented a house but small one . Now she got all the freedom to do whateva she want. Next time buy house better buy near your parent dont't buy near hubby parent cos they will ask you to go back visit them always. Sian.
i within this few years move out oso not really possible... cuz DH bu zhen qi.. work always last for few months only.. nv long... so unless i can get ppl to help me look after DD n DS, den i can go out work.. BUT.. DH dun lyk me go out work.. cuz his ex wife after start go out work, she changed liaoz.. so i think DH phobia... :embarrassed::embarrassed:

BbpHir3, I agree on renting first. I'm not sure how much is your husband's income or amt in CPF but you maybe can get a 2 room flat (Punggol got alot still available) if budget permits. At least it's your own house & it's in a new estate (if you choose punggol) with alot of youngsters with kiddos around the same age.

Can go to HDB's website to take a look at the prices. If you not fussy, can choose low levels so it's cheaper. Alternative is you rent directly from HDB. but the waiting time quite long, so if you apply now, maybe 1yr later then can move out.
if i wan rent, i'l rent near my parents hse.. more fang bian, esp when the rest of the circle line opens.. the circle line station (macpherson station) is only a 5-10mins walk from my parents house.. there all old house.. so even the 2 room flats oso the 2+1 room type... den the 3/4/5 room dee is very spacious oso... kekekeke....

sometimes so difficult cos both side also buay gam~
i also agree with the other mummies to move out if you can!
for me, i think if i marry bf, would be hard, cos he is the eldest and only son, mummy sure to live together with us.
but my mum lagi better, she ask me and my bf next time buy big flat, then ALL of us live together.
omg, i tell her pls, later war on the in laws! LOL!
lol.. when i younger, i oso tell my parents i wan buy 1 big big house so everyone can stay together.. cuz i only child mahz.. but horz, my parents sae dun wan .. they rather i gif them the money let them go world tour.. :tlaugh::tlaugh:

the day we move out, my mother in law told us to return her house key to them. we did and from that day onward, we never keep contact, not even our wedding and chinese new year and it been 5 yrs.

now we are parents, i ask my dear husband if he want to visit his mum (my parent in law just stay across the road from us). dear husband say no as he is happy now, not need to do what ppl say.

i know a lot of ppl here will say we are bu xiao , but without a mother in law in my life, it trouble free lols.
wa.. can 5 years nv isit them arhz?? nv conincidentally c each other mehz? since stay so near somemore...

if i dun nid their help with looking after DD n DS, i think i'll move out as long as we got stable income lohz.. one of the prob is DH still need pay the maintenance (for step DD n his ex wife).. so wateva amt he take back, we alr need to pay at least $500 liaoz.. den DH dun wan to appeal for reduction (he too lazy to care n think tat there'll b someone to help him all the time..)


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me what's the point of children living together with ILs or parents even after marriage? Am having a hard time explaining this concept to my HB. :p


Well-Known Member
So that it's easier to look after the old folks. And traditional chinese thinking is that whole 'clan' must live under 1 roof. Only daughters who are married off dunnid to stay with the family cos must stay with hb's side.


Well-Known Member
That's what I thought as well - my husband seems to find it ultra draconian and old-school. :/
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BbpHir3, I agree on renting first. I'm not sure how much is your husband's income or amt in CPF but you maybe can get a 2 room flat (Punggol got alot still available) if budget permits. At least it's your own house & it's in a new estate (if you choose punggol) with alot of youngsters with kiddos around the same age.

Can go to HDB's website to take a look at the prices. If you not fussy, can choose low levels so it's cheaper. Alternative is you rent directly from HDB. but the waiting time quite long, so if you apply now, maybe 1yr later then can move out.
Huh? There are 2 room flats in Punggol? I thought they are all 4 room flats & above???


Well-Known Member
Huh? There are 2 room flats in Punggol? I thought they are all 4 room flats & above???
HDB recently launched alot of 2 room and 3 room flats in Punggol. In fact, they are just across the road from me (very near MRT).

Maybe you can log into HDB website to take a look. The last time I peeked, they still had mid to high level 2 & 3 room flats available :)


HDB recently launched alot of 2 room and 3 room flats in Punggol. In fact, they are just across the road from me (very near MRT).

Maybe you can log into HDB website to take a look. The last time I peeked, they still had mid to high level 2 & 3 room flats available :)
I heard HDB is building rental flats in Punggol. Doesn't this mean that what was once a middle class housing estate (with young couples & young children) will soon become an estate of unsavoury characters? See the recent Straits Times article on 1 room rental flats near Robertson Quay as an example... And see Block 544 Bedok North Street 3 as another example...


Well-Known Member
I heard HDB is building rental flats in Punggol. Doesn't this mean that what was once a middle class housing estate (with young couples & young children) will soon become an estate of unsavoury characters? See the recent Straits Times article on 1 room rental flats near Robertson Quay as an example... And see Block 544 Bedok North Street 3 as another example...
I hope not coz hubby despite being angmoh likes to live in HDB communities (throughout his three year stay, he spent most of it living in HDB flats) and he doesn't mind mingling with the locals AND one of the places we were hoping to look at for a place is Punggol. :/
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Well-Known Member
In every estate there must be a good mix. The rental flats are actually quite far away from the MRT/future shopping centre.

The 2-room flats are just across the road from me. I'm expecting to see 'unsavoury characters' at the supermarket near me once they shift in.

There are pros & cons.

The supermarket/shops will be more economical to accomodate their customers (the other supermarkets/shops in Punggol charge exhorbitant prices).
There will be more community programs to cater to them -> means more economical services ard this area such as kindies, enrichment by RCs or CCs.

Maybe will have increased crime rate -> this one not too sure. if it's alot of young couples who are waiting for house tt rent the units then this won't be a big problem

Meiteoh, Punggol is a nice and quiet place to stay. but quite inconvenient unless you drive bcos groceries & all still need to drive out to buy (we normally go to Giant at Tampines). if you intend to rent, you can easily find alot of designer homes for rental in this area as many young couples are posted overseas for work, so they rent out their fully renovated houses :)
Although abit inconvenient, i enjoy staying in Punggol compared to my previous place at AMK. It's more quiet here & dun hv those 'old man' sitting at coffeeshop staring at u like they wanna eat u up :p

But bcos it's a new estate with many young children (haven go pri school), my tuition business not very good here. At AMK my classes were all full & i had a waiting list of students. But over here it's quite quiet. Maybe bcos my place not near any pri sch. my previous place got St nics within walking distance and i got alot of students from there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks dear for the insight! Actually, for us, the criteria are pretty simple - near his office, accessible by bus and/or MRT and affordable (even if we can afford a nicer place, we'd rather save the money). The rest, we can pretty much cope with it - even the last time he was in Singapore and now we always travel slightly further (by bus/MRT) to buy groceries. But we'll see how it goes when I do eventually arrive - who knows? We might probably end up somewhere else! LOL!


In every estate there must be a good mix. The rental flats are actually quite far away from the MRT/future shopping centre.

The 2-room flats are just across the road from me. I'm expecting to see 'unsavoury characters' at the supermarket near me once they shift in.

There are pros & cons.

The supermarket/shops will be more economical to accomodate their customers (the other supermarkets/shops in Punggol charge exhorbitant prices).
There will be more community programs to cater to them -> means more economical services around this area such as kindies, enrichment by RCs or CCs.

Maybe will have increased crime rate -> this one not too sure. if it's alot of young couples who are waiting for house that rent the units then this won't be a big problem

Meiteoh, Punggol is a nice and quiet place to stay. but quite inconvenient unless you drive bcos groceries & all still need to drive out to buy (we normally go to Giant at Tampines). if you intend to rent, you can easily find alot of designer homes for rental in this area as many young couples are posted overseas for work, so they rent out their fully renovated houses :)
Although abit inconvenient, i enjoy staying in Punggol compared to my previous place at AMK. It's more quiet here & dont have those 'old man' sitting at coffeeshop staring at you like they wanna eat you up :p

But bcos it's a new estate with many young children (have not go pri school), my tuition business not very good here. At AMK my classes were all full & i had a waiting list of students. But over here it's quite quiet. Maybe bcos my place not near any pri sch. my previous place got St nics within walking distance and i got alot of students from there.
This is so hilarious! Haha! And you might want to add there are no KPO uncles & aunties sitting down at void deck looking at every passer by that comes their way & gossiping about them. Old estates like AMK & Bedok have a lot of such residents. Maybe it is their evergreen hangout. Ahaha!!!

Eh... I thought since there are a lot of primary school kids already in Punggol, your tuition biz should be doing a roaring trade? No???