its getting harder and harder living with him


New Member
The night before my caesarean, we had a big argument. I forgot what we quarrelled about already but he just didn’t think of me and our baby inside. He made me cry so hard. I was so sad I went to sleep on the floor alone. I carried my hospital bag all the way from my house to the ward. The nurses noticed it and asked me to put my bag on the floor. I refused. He didn’t say a word or maybe didn’t even noticed. When I was being pushed in the OT, no words were spoken. What kind of husband or man is this?

The following week after my caesarean, he told me to take turns at night to feed baby. Wow.
He called me an old mother dog, “lao mu gou” because of my breast. It’s because of the pregnancy right? How cruel. but he thought it was funny. I am already feeling pretty low confidence because of some body changes and he couldn’t be more sensitive.

slippery floor, rainy days, uneven steps, etc. never offered his arms for support when i was heavily preggy. ok never mind so be it lor. what disgust me was when we were at the gynae's consultation room, he pretended to hold me arms so bloody tight when i had to step down one bloody step.

Wanted to fill in some forms, turned to me and asked me when is the date that we got married. I was shocked. So I replied, “The date of @*#^@#^”. He then opened the envelope and took a look at the marriage certificate. “Oh, xx of June, 1 day before your birthday.”. I was in BIGGER shock. I said, “You really forgotten?” He said, “No what, you forgot yourself. I asked you, you also couldn’t answer me.” I said, “No, I didn’t answer you because I thought you were joking! You were the one who chose the date because you said its easy to remember because its 1 day before my birthday!”

WITH HIS EYES WIDE AND BIG, still denying.... “No lah, I just needed to confirm the date what. What’s wrong??!!” I said, “Why you deny?? Just admit that you forgotten lah. Why so many excuses??” Pointing at the marriage cert, he told me that he just needed to know the year. With him buay song, scolded me, “YOU JUST WANT TO NAIL MY FAULT”. Like what the fuck. I don’t know how he reason things. He forgot. He deny. I sad. I ask. I want to nail his fault??? What nonsense??

How many excuses can you guys spot already?

No matter what we may argue about, it always gets messy because of his denial, ego and imagination.

Once, saw a porn history at his laptop.(i was at week 36 preggy) Asked him, deny and GOT ANGRY WITH ME?? Like what the (@(*!!@???? Shouldn’t he convince me or something?? Ok never mind. Deny again. Said it was his colleague who had borrowed his laptop, surfed it. Before this excuse, he said it mustve been the free movie website who had ENTERED IT in his com. YA right.

I also watch movie from that website, why it never happen to me? And even if there is, it should be pop up or what right? How could it be in his history. Don’t know what to tell me liao, quickly went to delete his history. Every time i lend his laptop, there’s always no history. I said why so strange, you told me YOU ALWAYS make sure you delete your history after u do internet banking what.

Why this afternoon after u paid some bills, u didn’t delete leh?? “AIYA I FORGOT LAH!” full of BS. I should’ve quickly find out the date of viewing the website before he deleted it away. Cause since he said it was his colleague who surfed it. (his last day at the office before his leave so i would’ve known the truth) Another bs story. Who would surf porn at a busy MRT station???????????????????????????? IM NOT STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maid issue.
Who left the door unlocked? He did. Even though maid was the one who did it. My story too long already so forget the details. Bought food for the maid, never even ask me if I want anything. Whatever the maid done, he’s always covering up for her. One day, he kept showing me unhappy face. I kept trying to lighten up things, but he still buay song. Said he got headache. Fine.

I offered medicine. Rejected. I offered pepsi. Drank. Still not happy i don’t know why. So he went to take a nap. Woke up, still cant be bothered with me. AS SOON AS HE STEPPED out of our bedroom, saw the maid at the staircase, I heard talking and laughter. When he came back, I asked him what was the conversation about. He told me he joked with the maid if she wanted to take care of the baby, and both of them laughed.

Wth. I said, whole day kept showing me face, i was like a dog kept trying to talk to him but get only, “hmm. Ahh.” I don’t think they have anything going on, or at least i feel so. He once told me if i think that the maid looked like an ape. I said he’s being mean.

He has been very unreasonable lately. He never coax me, not even in the slightest bit. He said self-soothe. I told him what??? I just wanted some love and concern from you and u told me to self soothe?? We haven’t hug nor kiss for many months already. And one night when i wanted to kiss his lips, he like, HMM, WOW. Pretend to lick and enjoy it. So pretentious right? he told me how to feel. Don’t feel this don’t feel that. Your too sensitive. You shouldn’t this. I had enough.

His sleep is more important than me. It’s been only less that 3 weeks after my op but he had shown his temper to me because he had to wake up at times to feed the crying baby. Asked me not to eat this or that, I thought ok at least he still cares. Then I suspect something. But I had to ask in a sly way cause he’ll never ever admit. True enough, it’s not because of me nor my confinement, he’s worried about. But because I’m breast feeding our baby! I am such a happy wife! He started smoking near me after delivery. Ya, you guessed it. Because baby is no longer in me. So hack care. Used to say, “eh eh, I’m smoking, don’t come near me.” How worthy am I! :D

Told me he’s going to have sex the next day. Gonna get some condoms blah blah blah. I said anything lah. He kept saying he’s gonna to gonna to. Ok lor. Whole day kept talking about it. Ok next day arrived already still talking about it. Then suddenly some time in the afternoon, said, “ i think lets not do it today. I don’t feel good with the baby in the room.” Actually I already see it coming lah. I no longer interest him already what. I said forget your excuses lah.

When will the baby NOT be in the room and who will take care of her??” He said my mom. I said ya ya, you know she played mah-jong whole night now knocked out in her bedroom. You don’t want to have sex then just say. Why give excuse. Then he said, “ok lah if you want it then i’ll go get condoms.” WTF. Now its me??? I said not like i die die want to but don’t give excuse if you’ve lost the mood lah! Damn funny.

thanks for reading my crappy married life. feel betta now.


Active Member
I was teary eyed after reading your post and I'm not even pregnant with fluctuating hormones! My dear I so feel for you. Sometimes men are true true idiots!!!!!! Sometimes I truly wish we have more daddies in this forum so they can enlighten us on why males behave that way. I'm not gonna ask you to try talking to him because I'm sure you've tried. I won't assume he has good intentions behind his insensitive behaviour either because based on good intentions alone, that cannot hold a marriage together for long. I think if he really wants the marriage to work he really should change his mindset and stop being so defensive and insensitive. But u have to know that it could be harder for him to change anything at all. Sigh I would suggest that you to speak to a counsellor, so you get things off your chest and that person can give you professional advise.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Yes agree with Tika, speak to a marriage counsellor who can help you....

And pls don't be unhappy too long esp since after you give birth and in confinement at the moment, it might lead to depression which is no good for you or your bb


Well-Known Member
chill babe.
agree with them, speak with a marriage counsellor, though i think it might not be easy to get your hubby to go with u..
but to me, something fishy gg on. so monitor his behavior.
take care.


Well-Known Member
u noe my hubs is like dat. u r not alone. always DENY, full of SHIT, when in wrong like to BLAME, ALWAYS have some shitty EXCUSE!

He's never lovey dovey with me eg hug, or hold me etc... wah but in public if bump into his friends.. suddenly his arms around my shoulder?????

my hubs always put his needs first, football la, read papers la, sleep la. But one thing i dun give in his smoke! This one things i totally forbid, no smoking anywhere near the house, normally he go far far at the staircase area to smoke.

but for me i heck care him la, i only bother bout my baby. He can do watever he wants, i cant be bothered.

Ppl like this u just act bochap with him, dun bother to get depress or even angry with him. I always tell my hubs this, last time if u upset me or we quarrel it onvolves only the two of us but now it involves 3 of us including our daughter. So you think twice before you wanna get me upset, because if I'm mad or upset it will affect our daughter since I am taking full care of her.

He normally compromises because of our daughter, def not because of me. BUt thats good enuf for me, he will never be a good hubby, but a good daddy i hope!


yah smetimes in situations like these, mummies will just tahan for e sake of their kids.. but just hw long can tahan before u snap?? i had sme issues with hubs a few yrs ago too.. that was y i dint wanna hav a baby first (i got married 4yrs ago), although i preferred to conceive early.. but thank god everything has been ironed out n he has changed.. just hope that e past wont repeat itself in e future cuz i knw if it does, i cant be strong n just leave him without thinking for our child.. my parents divorced when i was 4 so i knw hw it feels like growing up without a dad n ive always told myself i dont want that for my child.. haizz.. smetimes i wish these men can be a lil more sensitive to our feelings..


OMG .. when i first started to read ur post ur nick is "happywife" when the story is not.....

Agree with others try to talk to someone abt it, his mother/parents sister/fren the one he respects a lot and wld be able to advise him well.. if a counsellor is hard to reach for u. take it as a challenge and overcome it smartly take very good care of urself.. and monitor the situation. Be tough , I know its hard but You can do It!! :Dancing_wub::Dancing_tongue:
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Well-Known Member
Pls take gd care of urself.Since u know now u cant depend on ur other half.U need to be strong n healthy for ur baby n also to kick ur hubby's ass if the need arise.
As for the sex..tell him hecan go wank till his dick drops off for all u care.U have better things to worry abt like urself n ur bABY!!
Any chance u can drag his sorry ass to a counsellor?
N if u need help with baby n stuff...ask the pple ard need to be paiseh one..we all need all the help we can!!


New Member
thanks everybody, for the concern :) i am also thinking of finding a marriage counsellor for help. can go crazy if not solved

cancanmum, he came to apologize to me after a while (the marriage date quarrel)... dont know how long that will last. . . im still learning how to cope with my baby, good thing i found this website... alot of advices here.

jasobias lol your so funny. and thanks too.

men can sometimes be full of ~stool~ e.g. i was of average weight b4 preggy, and gained 17kg during pregnancy. so i asked him if he would mind me gaining weight blah blah blah n if he would still love me blah blah blah. of course all his answers were "yes, of course". "dont be silly". ok lor i want to believe him. months later - - - - few days after delivery, i lost 10kg. still got several more kgs to go. finally he buay tahan already, asked me... erm... when are you going jogging with me? LOL. hello mister, wont mind? loool~
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thanks everybody, for the concern :) i am also thinking of finding a marriage counsellor for help. can go crazy if not solved

cancanmum, he came to apologize to me after a while (the marriage date quarrel)... dont know how long that will last. . . im still learning how to cope with my baby, good thing i found this website... alot of advices here.
hehe i regretted not joining this website earlier lOlzzzzz

i used to suffer in silence too~~~:p (lOOking after my attention seeker named Baber)


Alpha Male
Heh, i have some similiar problems too. I hope i can share why some guys feel like this...

My wife also just give birth 3months ago. We do not have sex for about a year liao. I understand its no choice that mummy will become plump and some difficult to get back to shape. I also saw alot of stretch marks on her stomach. I understand this is all due to our baby. But i just do not have the mood to make love anymore. It seems so different when we just met. Actually this problem somehow came even b4 my wife pregnant. I believe that after awhile, when my wife body started to change, i started to have this feeling liao.

BUT i still love my wife... Definately. I still care for her, concern for her, take care of baby at night and insist that she sleep...(Nobody helping us take care) I have been sleeping for about 4-5 hour of interrupted sleep every night for the past 3 months. I wash baby clothes and do housework and ask her to rest... I insist that she must go out with friends to relax herself and i am also supporting her and ask her to go back work after 6 months of recuperation. But, somehow, i really don have the mood to make love and instead i watch porn to release myself though...

I also know that my wife is scared and lack of confidence since giving birth but i always tell her that i will always stand by her side and be with her forever. I truly do. But i just cant think of sex when i am with her. We are still happy when going out, we are still talking to each other, we are still holding hands when going out with baby. BUT no sex... i think its pretty unhealthy... i also don want to watch porn till i am old lo... haha. But no choice. seems i have some phycological barriers to break through.

AND of course i did not not admit that i watch porn to my wife, or else it will be more quarrel. So sometimes, guys lies because we want less trouble really or we really don noe how to explain.

Hope i clear some of your doubts about guys lo.


New Member
Heh, i have some similiar problems too. I hope i can share why some guys feel like this...

My wife also just give birth 3months ago. We do not have sex for about a year . I understand its no choice that mummy will become plump and some difficult to get back to shape. I also saw alot of stretch marks on her stomach. I understand this is all due to our baby. But i just do not have the mood to make love anymore. It seems so different when we just met. Actually this problem somehow came even before my wife pregnant. I believe that after awhile, when my wife body started to change, i started to have this feeling .

BUT i still love my wife... Definately. I still care for her, concern for her, take care of baby at night and insist that she sleep...(Nobody helping us take care) I have been sleeping for about 4-5 hour of interrupted sleep every night for the past 3 months. I wash baby clothes and do housework and ask her to rest... I insist that she must go out with friends to relax herself and i am also supporting her and ask her to go back work after 6 months of recuperation. But, somehow, i really dont have the mood to make love and instead i watch porn to release myself though...

I also know that my wife is scared and lack of confidence since giving birth but i always tell her that i will always stand by her side and be with her forever. I truly do. But i just cant think of sex when i am with her. We are still happy when going out, we are still talking to each other, we are still holding hands when going out with baby. BUT no sex... i think its pretty unhealthy... i also dont want to watch porn till i am old ... haha. But no choice. seems i have some phycological barriers to break through.

AND of course i did not not admit that i watch porn to my wife, or else it will be more quarrel. So sometimes, guys lies because we want less trouble really or we really dont know how to explain.

Hope i clear some of your doubts about guys .
baby = no sex with husband because he's turn off by our post pregnancy body - resorting to porn

thanks for clearing the "doubt"


Heh, i have some similiar problems too. I hope i can share why some guys feel like this...

My wife also just give birth 3months ago. We do not have sex for about a year . I understand its no choice that mummy will become plump and some difficult to get back to shape. I also saw alot of stretch marks on her stomach. I understand this is all due to our baby. But i just do not have the mood to make love anymore. It seems so different when we just met. Actually this problem somehow came even before my wife pregnant. I believe that after awhile, when my wife body started to change, i started to have this feeling .

BUT i still love my wife... Definately. I still care for her, concern for her, take care of baby at night and insist that she sleep...(Nobody helping us take care) I have been sleeping for about 4-5 hour of interrupted sleep every night for the past 3 months. I wash baby clothes and do housework and ask her to rest... I insist that she must go out with friends to relax herself and i am also supporting her and ask her to go back work after 6 months of recuperation. But, somehow, i really dont have the mood to make love and instead i watch porn to release myself though...

I also know that my wife is scared and lack of confidence since giving birth but i always tell her that i will always stand by her side and be with her forever. I truly do. But i just cant think of sex when i am with her. We are still happy when going out, we are still talking to each other, we are still holding hands when going out with baby. BUT no sex... i think its pretty unhealthy... i also dont want to watch porn till i am old ... haha. But no choice. seems i have some phycological barriers to break through.

AND of course i did not not admit that i watch porn to my wife, or else it will be more quarrel. So sometimes, guys lies because we want less trouble really or we really dont know how to explain.

Hope i clear some of your doubts about guys .
You should consider vasectomy when you regain your desire for your wife.. in case ur bottom brain reacts faster!


New Member
Heh, i have some similiar problems too. I hope i can share why some guys feel like this...

My wife also just give birth 3months ago. We do not have sex for about a year . I understand its no choice that mummy will become plump and some difficult to get back to shape. I also saw alot of stretch marks on her stomach. I understand this is all due to our baby. But i just do not have the mood to make love anymore. It seems so different when we just met. Actually this problem somehow came even before my wife pregnant. I believe that after awhile, when my wife body started to change, i started to have this feeling .

BUT i still love my wife... Definately. I still care for her, concern for her, take care of baby at night and insist that she sleep...(Nobody helping us take care) I have been sleeping for about 4-5 hour of interrupted sleep every night for the past 3 months. I wash baby clothes and do housework and ask her to rest... I insist that she must go out with friends to relax herself and i am also supporting her and ask her to go back work after 6 months of recuperation. But, somehow, i really dont have the mood to make love and instead i watch porn to release myself though...

I also know that my wife is scared and lack of confidence since giving birth but i always tell her that i will always stand by her side and be with her forever. I truly do. But i just cant think of sex when i am with her. We are still happy when going out, we are still talking to each other, we are still holding hands when going out with baby. BUT no sex... i think its pretty unhealthy... i also dont want to watch porn till i am old ... haha. But no choice. seems i have some phycological barriers to break through.

AND of course i did not not admit that i watch porn to my wife, or else it will be more quarrel. So sometimes, guys lies because we want less trouble really or we really dont know how to explain.

Hope i clear some of your doubts about guys .
so pitiful... u must be so deprived, alan. I'm sure your actions, no matter how discreet or subtle, will somehow reek of disinterest (we women have intuition beyond your comprehension), helping the confidence level of your wife, the mother of YOUR baby, screw up even further! Clearly u might be a little more superficial than you'd like to admit. Seek help pls, not from porn though.

And for the fact that you lack sleep from helping your wife look after YOUR baby, is an invitation to criticism -- sorry if you wanted a pat on the back n some brownie points. that is what husbands usually do, unless you were brought up differently.

i now recall why i am about to be a single mum.
I'm sad for e fact that he called you an "old mother dog". How could he? You had just given birth to HIS child!

Yah, this is totally degrading for the woman and to say the least callous of the stupid husband!

However, I am able to understand the man's prospective of being ' turned off' by the post pregnancy body notwithstanding that I am a woman myself and am spotting one post pregnancy body myself.

Saggy and loose stomach skin (as opposed to tight and flawless before, I was 43 kg previously), uneven, pigmented skin tone peppered with little scalps and scars from pupps over the body, fattened face and cheeks and etc etc. The depressing list goes on. And this is all part of the
package, don't we (men, women alike) already know?

But when it comes down to facing the hard facts (looking into mirror), even I am 'turned off' by my post pregnancy body myself! The truth is it does not matter to me if my hubs does not think I look hot anymore (not for this period)!!

1) Because men are such visual animals (we all know), it is simply beyond their visory ability to appreciate sublime beauty other than big boobs, tight butts and skinny bodies.

2) Men look at other pretty women (whether you notice or not) all the time! Even while we were pretty! Gf/bf time, hub/wife time, daddy/mummy time whatever. We know they look at other people all the time what. We sometimes also what.

My point is lets' face this mummies! We have grown fat and ugly and we should not blame the hubs for not being too hot over these bodies. I would rather focus on getting back into shape and health than pointing all fingers at men who come with low and inability to perceive beyond the obvious and rough.

In any case, we also got to understand our other half better through these shared life experiences. Hopefully they don't disappoint us but if they do, we know why and we are not beaten by it.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, doesnt apply to everyone bahs.
well, im slimmer than pre preg after delivery n no lehs, my bf dun look at other girls! he notices more on the guys who is checking me out though! LOL~~~ :p

hmmm, doesnt apply to everyone bahs.
well, im slimmer than pre preg after delivery n no lehs, my bf dont look at other girls! he notices more on the guys who is checking me out though! LOL~~~ :p


Erm, Ting, I think you missed my point big-time. But I guess it really does not apply to everyone. Especially not those without some blains!...ROFL~~~