Maids-The New Age of Slavery


Well-Known Member
Huh? what is terrible T stage?! Actually not all boys are difficult kids, i guess it boils down to discipline as well coz i have friend whose kid is around the same age as my son but yet is so guai which i even ask for advice frm my friend~ She told me discipline is very important n it true but too bad my parent in law are way too protective of my son so ending up quarrel when it comes to tis issue~ :tlaugh:
terrible T stage is the terrible two n three stage.


Well-Known Member
wahahahaha! the way u say is so funny!
well, i cant wait til she get out of this phase..
a couple of more years.... ENDURE!!


Well-Known Member
wahahahaha! the way you say is so funny!
well, i cant wait til she get out of this phase..
a couple of more years.... ENDURE!!
for me i juz cant wait for him to FINALLY behave himself but i doubt so tis day will b near :embarrassed:
Originally Posted by jasobias
I know this topic wld stirr a cord with many.
I was reading some posts regarding maids n how some mummies are having some problems with them.
I am actually against this idea of having maids.I think it has made many people really slack,mean n self righteous.N the way the maids are being treated is hardly any different fr tht of a slave.
Everyone wants a maid with no off days.How wld you feel if your employer does the same to you n you are left with no choice but to comply given the circumstances.
Maids are suppose to have minimal contact with their family for fear tht they may be easily influenced.Again how wld we feel if our In laws decide oooh your family influencing you too much pls cut back on communication.
N maids are to eat only certain specified food.Again how much can one posibbly eat?
Some want maids to say yes 'am,no 'am.Lets just reserve tht for the military shall we.
N maids get up waaay earlier to do chores n are expected to do them well.How many mummies get up at 5am to do chores even if they are stay home?
N i often think maids have their hands full.If mummy is not able to do housework,look after baby n cook,to expect the maid to do all tht when mummy is at work is double standard.
In many parts of the world,they are suppose to be "house helpers". They are human too..they need rest,to be treated like you wld a guest or an employee in your own office.
I have 3 kids .Never needed a maid well actually to be honest i wld love help with housework n all but i cant bring myself to get one.Dont want kids getting lazy.Or me getting lazy.Its easy to fall into tht trap.N all the abuse cases we read about.Its so easy to "lose it" esp when you have the upper hand n see the maid ..well as a "maid".
So why this thread when i have no maid?Well i have seen too many terrible employers n too many maids suffering.I have actually gotten to see the "maids point of view" many a times n its often so heart wrenching tht i wonder why tht even happened.
Mummies pls treat your maids as you wld an employee.No doubt you are responsible for her but to treat someone with so much animosity under the same roof?no patience when we are able to bear the worst of it fr in laws n other people? Why then this double standards?
No doubt there are bad hats.When i read articles about how the maid killed the kids under her charge or attacked her employer,i think she must have been pushed to the brink.
Mummies wht are your opinions?Those mummies with no maids...if its not financial reason holding you back then wht is?
This shld pose for some interesting discussion.:001_302:

I agree with this fight for maids to a certain extend, but I already engaged a maid, so I would do self-reflection to ensure I treat my maid in a proper manner with respect.