Mummies.. Help Needed Here!!


Well-Known Member
surprisgly. after his last cry at around 1oplus pm. he slept all the way till now. but i think he's gonna wake up soon. gotta prepare for another war . hmms hmms.
why must babies always have so many probs.. jaundice. reflux. colic. blocked nose. can transfer to mummies not. haiyas.
anyway. felt much better after ranting. THANKS.
hehehe, thats why they said MOMMIES are greatest :) No matter what our babies do, we still love them so much, despite... it can be very frustrating at times. :)
Baby Colic, Causes and Treatment

Sodium Bicarbonate (a.k.a. Baking Soda). Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali (antacid) which alters the naturally occurring pH of baby's stomach acid. It may counteract some discomfort caused by acid reflux in cases of acidic stomach. However, changing the delicate pH balance in baby’s system can cause over-alkalinity and exacerbate a colicky condition. Furthermore, sodium bicarbonate is also absorbed into the bloodstream and thus can have unwanted side effects.
For this reason, sodium bicarbonate containing products are not to be consumed by “children under 5 years of age”, as stated clearly on antacid and baking soda boxes

Gripe Water Woodwards

Woodward's Gripe Water contains oil of Dill herb and Sodium Bicarbonate and brings rapid relief of wind and gripe.
Dill Seed Oil warms and relaxes the tummy, breaking down trapped air bubbles. Sodium Bicarbonate neutralises acid in the baby's tummy.

how? which brand gripe water you used? the one my mum bought is the woodwards one!! tsk.


Well-Known Member
the medicine he has to take 1ml 3 times a day. the gripe water states 5ml up to 4times a day. so i can feed baby his medicine then follow by the gripe water? no need like wait how long after his medicine?
you want to check with your doc before giving both? Always safer to check with docs before mixing two meds esp for young bbs. :)

Maybe you can try the colic hold? Put baby on your forearm with the head on your palm and the body on your forearm.

Or the kangaroo methd? Remove baby's clothes and your top and place baby on your bare chest and let him hear your heartbeat? This mthd has been proven to work with premature bbs who thrived on the human touch, and who is calmed by the skin to skin contact.

does your bb cry for the whole day or just towards evening time? Maybe you can ask the doc whether it can be caused by something else like reflux? I used to think that my dd had colic (3 pds told me so) until 1 pd finally diagnosed her with reflux.
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