Mummy care to share 2 yr old daily routine ?


8am awake milk 7 oz
9.30 am cereal
11.30 porridge
1-3pm nap
3.10 cereal w milk
5.30 rice
8.30 cereal w milk then wash up n sleep .

I'm headaches as next yr his sch is during his nap time , any mummy encounter this before ?
Can the child cope w it?


Well-Known Member
7.30am - 8oz milk
8.30am - Brekkie (bread/cereal)
9.00am - School
11.45am - Lunch (Rice/Noodles/Pasta)
1.00pm - Nap
3.00pm - 8oz milk
4.30pm - Playground/Park
6.30pm - Dinner (Rice/Noodles/Pasta)
8.00pm - 8oz milk & Sleep

Just slowly adjust, the child will adapt to it. :)


Well-Known Member
You registered your child in afternoon session knowing that that timing is his nap time?
You need to readjust his nap time at least 1 month in advance... else you'll hv a grouchy toddler...


Yup I knew his nap time . I try one month early but he down w flu cough fever so cannot .. Then my turn ganna his virus .

So now then can train but hopefully can adjust him well .

Thank you . Stonston
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Active Member
My son attends classes in the morning so as not to disrupt his nap time.

730- bf him n offer him bf like toast, fruits, yoghurt follow by bath time

9-12 - class time which he takes snacks during snack time

1230 - wash up follow follow by lunch if he's not sleepy yet or else wld prepare him for nap

1-230 - nap time

3 - snack

6 - dinner

7- bath time followed by sleeping time

In between he gets milk from me when he wants to


Thank you . Autumn 82
Hopefully he can adapt , your girl drank milk for last feed n middle feed. Did she have night feed in the middle of e night ?
My boy have so I change to cereal .. After fed cereal no more middle night feed .