My Boy Has Only 6 teeth and Can Only Call Out Few Words


Care to share when your child has a full set of teeth? My boy has only 6 teeth at 17months ... and he says only limited words. Most of the time, he will pull my hands or shout to gain my attention. Other than that, he is a fine and active boy. His elder sister is the opposite of him, learned to speak and had her first tooth ruptured at an earlier age.


Active Member
Care to share when your child has a full set of teeth? My boy has only 6 teeth at 17months ... and he says only limited words. Most of the time, he will pull my hands or shout to gain my attention. Other than that, he is a fine and active boy. His elder sister is the opposite of him, learned to speak and had her first tooth ruptured at an earlier age.

My daughter is 19 mths and she has 8 teeth and limited vocab too. :) she had 6 when she was 17 months too. She did not do anything to gain my attention then. Now she can say Mommy but it started only a week ago. Altho she still doesn't 'call' me mommy. Most of the time when she wants our attention, she would shout in her own language.

Its natural to feel worried when our child seems 'slower' than the rest but don't worry, i'm sure you know (and many have said) every child is different so it would be best not to compare them (especially if they are siblings). As long as they are active and are generally curious about things, i always tell myself there's nothing to worry about. Hope this helps! :)


Well-Known Member
every child is different.
n i think girls have a start on earlier than boys.
perhaps, try to speak to him more often.
if he shouts or pull your hands, encourage him to call out to u rather than these actions..
kids need to be encouraged to speak.
each time he pronouce a word correctly(or close to correct) ie mama, milk, ball, etc. praise/reward him( with a snack,kiss or hug), it will encourage him to speak more often. :)


Well-Known Member
Iggy is 16mths now and just 2 days ago, he started mummbling "mummy". He only has 8 teeths since 9mth old. He has been a pretty quiet child and only around 13mths old he started slight babbling. But he understands my commands, so I'm not too worried that he can't hear or what.

Just feel alittle lousy every Sat when my PILs comment, "Can speak now? No?? Need to see doc?? His sister already can speak when she was 7mths old leh!!" :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed: I did consulted my PD b4 and she just said as long as they can hear you and follow your commands, he should be fine. Every child is different.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
My son is 21mths sometimes he will speak words clearly sometimes not....depends on his mood

I think it is not that they don't know, but it is just that they do not want to....just like my son


If i'm not mistaken i think Yuzhe's been calling me 'mummy' started last Sat...he only calls me mummy when he's desperate...wants me to carry him or i went off without bringing him along sounds like 'mer...mee' n my mum n hubby insist that he's calling me!!

other than that he's basically cruising around doing nothing...he knows how to wave bye bye but hardly does it...1 auntie says he's lazy (oh me)...

n oh! he doesn't listen to instructions AT ALL... can tell sometimes he understands what i'm telling him but he simply can't express himself with nods or words...n doesn't follow what i say!

right now he has 8 teeth, swallows his food, stands on his own for few seconds, trying to wallk, crawls alot n hates drinking water...

i don't expect him to start talking anytime my neighbour's boy only started talking when he's turned 2 years old...

Que sera sera...


If i'm not mistaken i think Yuzhe's been calling me 'mummy' started last Sat...he only calls me mummy when he's desperate...wants me to carry him or i went off without bringing him along sounds like 'mer...mee' n my mum n hubby insist that he's calling me!!

other than that he's basically cruising around doing nothing...he knows how to wave bye bye but hardly does it...1 auntie says he's lazy (oh me)...

n oh! he doesn't listen to instructions AT ALL... can tell sometimes he understands what i'm telling him but he simply can't express himself with nods or words...n doesn't follow what i say!

right now he has 8 teeth, swallows his food, stands on his own for few seconds, trying to wallk, crawls alot n hates drinking water...

i dont't expect him to start talking anytime my neighbour's boy only started talking when he's turned 2 years old...

Que sera sera...
Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Really enlightening ... I welcome more mummies with similar experiences to share here. :wong19:


haha one more mummy sharing her experience :p

Baber has full set of milk teeth when he was around 18 months....

he babbles all the time, no full sentence, only call Papa Mama Aah gong, Aah mah.....

then all those funny baby sounds including whinning, eeee arrr arrr boo booo etc etc....


Well-Known Member
Mine is 15 mths old and is 1 cheeky fella. Calls me "Ah mm" (is that supposed to mean auntie?) when he feels like it. Other than that, he refuses to speak. Same with the teeth, has not sprouted new ones since he turned 11 mths old.


Ottermum, I think your baby is same as mine. LOL!!

Just to share, my boy now is 11.5mths, says "dada" and "nana" randomly and only has 2 teeth. He's cruising around his play pen and cot most times and can't play most of the toys we buy for him though we have shown him many times. He just bites them.


My son's 14 month plus, coming to 15 months. Walking quiet steady. Can even run and climb up and down stairs and sofa on his own if he's in the mood. 8 teeth. Has been babbling and making a lot of noise since he was 7 months old but still not exactly talking yet. No real words yet. He'll shake his head if he doesn't want something and points to what he wants. When frustrated or not getting what he wants, he'll throw his head back, open his mouth wide and wail. If that doesn't work, he'll bend his knees and straighten them again and again, kinda like hopping except he doesn't have the balance to actually do that.


Active Member
my 19 mth old just started to notice her daddy call me 'baby' afew days back. She has been calling me Baby instead of Mommy eversince!