stress, feel like im having depression


Hey there, relax dear, its only yr 1st n u r still very this age when it comes to being pregnant everyone will encounter this......I hv 3 kids 1st one is olso a disaster.......u hv to be strong......u going to be due soon....stay healthy so that your baby will be healthy too :)

thanks ya... really feeling ok now as i gng to due but i can chat on the mummy sg also.. i noe is diff but i wil try to tok to someone also

thanks guys

I am a stay at home mum too. Now with a 4mth old girl.

If u want to chat, u can msn me We can share more about our daily life rountine or tips about taking care of babies

Take Care and don't think too much about negative things. Think of what are the things that u can do with ur girl/boy when he /she is born.

Don't give up. I am sure there will be a rainbow at the end of the road. So stay strong for urself and ur kid.




I am a stay at home mum too. Now with a 4mth old girl.

If u want to chat, u can msn me We can share more about our daily life rountine or tips about taking care of babies

Take Care and don't think too much about negative things. Think of what are the things that u can do with ur girl/boy when he /she is born.

Don't give up. I am sure there will be a rainbow at the end of the road. So stay strong for urself and ur kid.

hihi have add u at msn already..
