Tips for you..


Congrats to u!
Do take care & keep visiting Dr Su for the meantime...
I kinda stop seeing after my 5th month cos was too busy.. :p

Hi Ladies,

Just want to share my experience of Dr Su with you.

My Hubby and I had been TTC for close to 2 years. Hubby has varicocele and went for a surgery last yr. His swimmers are also not top shape.

When I chanced upon this tread sometime in apr, I visited Dr Su. We took her medications and followed her advice for 2 months and viola! I'm pregnant!

Dr Su said, no cold water, no liang cha when TTC. Boil ba zhen soup every 10 days to drink with a dash of DOM.

I also prayed to God to give me a baby. And when I asked for a sign to let me know when i'll conceive since I've been trying for so long, my colleague told me she dreamt of me the very next day, of me telling her that I'm pregnant. (of coz this was before I knew I was pregnant)

Thank God for this wonderful gift. I also think Dr Su is really good at what she does.

Baby dust to all!!
Hi Ladies..

I have been trying to conceive for 2 years and finally managed to conceive last month.
I just wanted to share with you what I did differently during the last cycle which I think contributed to me conceiving this time. I am not sure which one is the effective one as I tried all of these in the same month.

  • Both took traditional chinese medicine medicine for 2 months. Couldnt try the 1st month cos hubby was away for the whole month. Tried the 2nd month and successful. traditional chinese medicine medicines costs $22/fornightly (for her) and $45/month (for him).

  • Started trying right after end of menses until the ovulation day. (tried 1 month only)

  • Stop having sex thereafter until your next menses or pregnancy test date. This is to prevent the fertilised egg to dislodge from your uterus. (tried 1 month only)

  • After ovulation, was still doing weights in gym but stop all jumpings (minor and vigorous) totally. (tried 1 month only)

  • Everyday drank the bean sprout water from 1st day of menses till ovulation day. (tried 1 month only). I got this from a Malaysian forum & alot of girls claimed they got pregnant after drinking for one month only (including myself). I try to translate the steps for you below.

  1. Take a handful of raw green beans.
  2. Wash and soak the green bean for about 2 days (it will grow to a bean sprout) until the tail grows 2x the length of the bean "head". Dont put too much water, just enough to cover the green beans.
  3. Cover the bowl. (I used small tupperware container)
  4. After 2 days, it will grow into bean sprouts. Wash and throw away the skin of the green beans.
  5. Boil the bean sprouts in 2 glasses of water for 15 mins under low fire.
  6. The water will be left about 1 cup now. Use a sieve to pour the water out.
  7. Drink the water every night from Day 1 of menses until ovulation day.

Good Luck and keep trying!

Blow baby dust to all...........
thanks for the tips.
thanks for the tips zaclin !!!
sorry... just checking... does dr su help to solve miscarriage problem as well?
i just had a miscarriage... and i think it is due to my weak constitution...
i just seen TCM in Chung Hwa.... yet to try the medicine... but i am hoping to look for more alternatives if my body did not improve.


thanks for the tips zaclin !!!
sorry... just checking... does dr su help to solve miscarriage problem as well?
i just had a miscarriage... and i think it is due to my weak constitution...
i just seen TCM in Chung Hwa.... yet to try the medicine... but i am hoping to look for more alternatives if my body did not improve.
Hi faithmummy,
Not sure exactly what do u mean by M/C problem but Dr Su does treat patients who had miscarriaged..
One of my friends did went back to her after she had M/C... and the meds is supposed to help her with the "cleaning" and build up her immune system before she can try to conceive again....
Hope all is well with u now... :)


Active Member
I can't exactly say for Dr Su as I didn't see her. I visited another TCM sinseh and I am successfully preggie. My gf visited the same sinseh after she had a m/C. Shortly after, she is preggie again and has passed her first trime :). Very happy for her.

So I would think TCM is able to fix your m/C past and help you get stronger again.

Edited : To add on, I think the sinseh I visited is considered expensive. Daily dosage (twice a day) costs $6! Meaning per powder pack is $3. Do the math and I think Dr Su charges much lower.

Luckily I only visited my sinseh once and had two weeks of powder and I am now preggie. :)
Last edited:

Sad 33

Hi puzzledME

You can get green beans from any provision shop and supermarkets, markets.
I was also taking chinese herbs and my flow was normal.
But when i drank the water from the bean sprouts, the flow got heavier.. :)
hi zaclin29,
i understd that green bean is 'lang' (means cooling). does that makes yr menses flow heavier?
further i am curious if by using this method, baby u conceived is boy or girl?...pardon me as i am incline to a specific gender... thanks!


hi zaclin29,
i understd that green bean is 'lang' (means cooling). does that makes yr menses flow heavier?
further i am curious if by using this method, baby u conceived is boy or girl?...pardon me as i am incline to a specific gender... thanks!
Hi Sad 33,

I cant remember if it makes my menses flow heavier but I get alot of egg-mucus discharge during my ovulation days.
You are supposed to drink this from 1st day of menses until ovu day and stop drinking after ovulation.

I'm having a girl.. :)
hi zaclin 29
sorry that i keep raising questions.
i read that by drinking these green bean sprout water during menses, will cause you to have heavier menses.
If i am not TTC-ing for that particular month, can i still drink?
because i would like my Menses to be heavier & Longer...
my usual menses only last 3 - 4 days... i read that it is not good to have short and less menstrual flow....
not sure if you would have the answer to it...
i just trying my luck... thanks in advance.


hi zaclin 29
sorry that i keep raising questions.
i read that by drinking these green bean sprout water during menses, will cause you to have heavier menses.
If i am not TTC-ing for that particular month, can i still drink?
because i would like my Menses to be heavier & Longer...
my usual menses only last 3 - 4 days... i read that it is not good to have short and less menstrual flow....
not sure if you would have the answer to it...
i just trying my luck... thanks in advance.
Hi faithmummy,
Im not too sure abt that....
my menses had been ard 1-2 days of heavy flow and another 2-3 days of light flow....
I dont have the chart anymore where I recorded my menses and ovu dates last time..
Otherwise I would be able to confirm that....

Sad 33

hi zaclin 29
sorry that i keep raising questions.
i read that by drinking these green bean sprout water during menses, will cause you to have heavier menses.
If i am not TTC-ing for that particular month, can i still drink?
because i would like my Menses to be heavier & Longer...
my usual menses only last 3 - 4 days... i read that it is not good to have short and less menstrual flow....
not sure if you would have the answer to it...
i just trying my luck... thanks in advance.
hi faithmummy,
just my 2 cents worth. cos we both just suffer a miscarriage, i don't think u shld so fast consume green bean spout water til u are after confinement and yr body is more stable. perhaps when u see your TCM next time round, u can check with him/her when can u use this formula?

Sad 33

Hi Sad 33,

I cant remember if it makes my menses flow heavier but I get alot of egg-mucus discharge during my ovulation days.
You are supposed to drink this from 1st day of menses until ovu day and stop drinking after ovulation.

I'm having a girl.. :)
hi zaclin,
i think maybe the egg-mucus discharge during ovulation are the 'eggs'? that's the good period to try since the eggs are there! :D
thanks for the reply again!
ya sad33, you have a point too.. green bean sprouts should be considered "liang" stuff.... ok i shall not try so soon..

zaclin29 and everyone....
does Dr Su check our Vaginal too? or does she just take our pulse and check our tongue....
i really very tempted to visit her to check on my miscarriage issue....
Should i visit her after my menses come again? or actually should i visit her now?


New Member
Hi Peeps, I have seen Dr Su. for 3 times. It's my 4th visit this evening. I am suppose to have my menses these few days. But i am spotting (brown color) since wednesday. This never happen to me before. Dunno what's wrong with my body. =( Gonna check with Dr Su this evening..

Sad 33

Hi Peeps, I have seen Dr Su. for 3 times. It's my 4th visit this evening. I am suppose to have my menses these few days. But i am spotting (brown color) since wednesday. This never happen to me before. Dunno what's wrong with my body. =( Gonna check with Dr Su this evening..
Hi Karensh,
just to share with u that i have my menses finally on 6wks and 2days from d&c.
my menses is accompanied with pain somewhat similar to what i feel immdly after d&c, that is day 1-2. further my flow this first time is very heavy, accompanied with lots of clots which range from way very small to slightly bigger one. i read somewhat similar on people's comments.
hope everything is fine on yr end, esp after yr check with dr su. take care.


New Member
Told Dr. Su my symptoms. She say it's spotting. She listen to my pulse, not strong enough for preggy yet. Say that she will give me a stronger dose of "Pu Yao" for next 4 days. The medicine either make my menses flush out or otherwise will stop spotting. If stop spotting, can go buy pregnancy kit in a wk time. So... Cross finger.


Told Dr. Su my symptoms. She say it's spotting. She listen to my pulse, not strong enough for preggy yet. Say that she will give me a stronger dose of "Pu Yao" for next 4 days. The medicine either make my menses flush out or otherwise will stop spotting. If stop spotting, can go buy pregnancy kit in a wk time. So... Cross finger.

Good luck to u!


ya sad33, you have a point too.. green bean sprouts should be considered "liang" stuff.... ok i shall not try so soon..

zaclin29 and everyone....
does Dr Su check our Vaginal too? or does she just take our pulse and check our tongue....
i really very tempted to visit her to check on my miscarriage issue....
Should i visit her after my menses come again? or actually should i visit her now?
Hi faithmummy,
sorry for late reply... No she doesnt do vaginal check...
she just take our pulse and see our tongue..
U can visit her anytime actually... :)
All the best to u ya!

Sad 33

Told Dr. Su my symptoms. She say it's spotting. She listen to my pulse, not strong enough for preggy yet. Say that she will give me a stronger dose of "Pu Yao" for next 4 days. The medicine either make my menses flush out or otherwise will stop spotting. If stop spotting, can go buy pregnancy kit in a wk time. So... Cross finger.
all the best to u... :)


New Member
Menses not yet come after 4 days of medicines and I have migraine first time ever in my life. The migraines last for 4 days le. Went to see Dr Su again. Shme say the medicine she gave me is very heaty this cause migraines. She listen to my pulse, say I not preggy. Likely is my menses just stuck inside cannot come out. Another 4 days of very "pu" medicine. Pray that I wun get headache again... =.= well I did ask her, if headache, can I take western medicine for headache. She say ok to go ahead. Haiz.. 空欢戏一场!