Tips for you..


Hi Faith fc/zaclin29, thanks for your advise. Think I have to call Dr Su later as she didn't tell me when i have to start drinking the medicine. For my next visit, issit that I can call the clinic and book the queue number first when I am on the way?

yes, for the next visit u can call the clinic and book the Q number first before u head down...
they will tell u the estimate time u have to be there...


New Member
yes, for the next visit u can call the clinic and book the Q number first before u head down...
they will tell u the estimate time u have to be there...
Oh ok thanks so I do not have to wait too long. Will call them while I'm on the way :).


New Member
Visited Dr Su yesterday. She mentioedn that my hubby is okay, so she just give him some tonic to strengthen his swimmers.

As for me, she ask if I am tired? Told her I am not tired but she say my body is tired. She ask if I realize I am putting on weight recently.. Told her ya… Den she say is because my body tired and thus I grow sideway. She gave me medicine to strengthen my body and oso to regulate my menses.

Medicine for me: $22 (6 days)
Medicine for Hubby: $60 (30 days)

Will visit her again this Friday evening.


Hi mummies,

what does BD stand for?

We are trying for a 2nd child now as my son is 2yo. I know it wouldnt be easy to conceive.

Any idea if intercourse should happen every other day after menses end till the next menses start date? For my situation, its that we both have day jobs and husband has night classes some days on the weekdays. And most of the time, i am always falling asleep tgt with my son when i put him to sleep, cos he will suckle breast then i will just fall asleep.

Any idea, when is a good time to plan for intercourse and how frequent intercourse should happen..honestly, the intimacy has died down since the kid came...hmmmm...

Thanks for sharing..


Hi mummies,

what does BD stand for?

We are trying for a 2nd child now as my son is 2yo. I know it wouldnt be easy to conceive.

Any idea if intercourse should happen every other day after menses end till the next menses start date? For my situation, its that we both have day jobs and husband has night classes some days on the weekdays. And most of the time, i am always falling asleep tgt with my son when i put him to sleep, cos he will suckle breast then i will just fall asleep.

Any idea, when is a good time to plan for intercourse and how frequent intercourse should happen..honestly, the intimacy has died down since the kid came...hmmmm...

Thanks for sharing..
Hi l0r3tTa,

BD = Body Dance = make love ... :)

Intercourse shld start right after end of your menses if possible daily...
Otherwise any other day is fine... but when u are closer to ur ovu days, it is better to do it daily...
U shld stop intercourse right after ur Ovu day (1-2 days after ovu)..
And NO intercourse until the next menses...

this is the adv given by Dr Su...

Good luck on trying for ur 2nd kid!


New Member
I have went back to visit Dr Su. She ask how am i feeling after taking her medicine? I told her I feel tired only. She say her medicine very heaty but till now i still dun feel heaty at all lei... This prove how cold my body is... She say my body is no problem de, ask me not to jian fei and also ask me to eat good stuffs.

Forgot to ask her what is the definition of good stuffs. =.= I’m given another 2 wks of medicine before visiting her again.. Meantime, no cold water, tea, ice cream.


Active Member
When i was doing TCM visits prior to my pregnancy, I also felt my breath was much warmer than before. Meaning heaty I supposed. So try not to eat too much heaty food during the consumption of the powder. I presume good stuff is balanced diet :) Forget junk food!

And also try to heed her advice on when to BD. My sinseh gave me a chart and she ticked the dates I should BD. Mine is super fast.... 2 weeks of her powder and 2 BD dates and I came back from a holiday being preggie!


Active Member
I do think the sinseh has to share with you when to BD... I mean to conceive also encompasses "scientific" method, ie to know when to "do homework" (that's how she describes to me. lol). The chart she gave me is what we can get from internet. You have to chart your mense cycle dates. And also daily body temperature to be recorded (it's called the Basal Body Temperature method). From there, you will know when you're about to ovulate so that that's the best timeframe to BD.

The powder is mainly to boost the egg and sperm (make them stronget i guess. And get your body more ready for a baby). BD during non-ovulation is of course a bonus :) But for most couples trying to conceive, ovulation dates are important to know.


New Member
Hi Karennsh, my suggestion would b to buy ovulation kit to help u time ur
intercourse. tats wat i did to get pregnant. i diligently took dr su's
medicine twice a day n usually around 10 days after menses i will start
using the ovulation kit daily to chk my ovulation day. yes, i waste a lot
of kits, in a cycle i can use up to 7 sticks. but i bought cheap ovu kit, not those
from pharmacy. each stick only costs me $0.70, so it's
ok if i have to waste a lot.
it's equally good n in fact helped me get pregnant.
i got pregnant è 2nd mth after taking dr su meds, with
é help of ovu kits..
its also quite easy to buy é kits, including pregnancy stick (also $0.70 per stick).
cheap rite?

Dragontail: That's real fast! She nv give me any advise on when to BD lei... Nv talk about BD oso... =.=


Thank Zaclin29.

Any idea when to test for positive pregnancy? My period was suppose to come yest 19 june, today 20 june its still not here.. I took a pregnancy test this morning but was a straight negative. Was considering going for blood test, but am unsure if it is just all in my mind..for sure i am not stressed or anything that would caused a missed period. It is unusual for me to miss my period.. crossing fingers that it will be positive. I still get bloating and all prior to period start date etc...all the similar symptoms...

Any clue when would be a good time to take home preg test or just go to gynae for blood test?? Thanks for sharing and it is always great to hear and get support from all of you..



Active Member
Usually home preg test can be performed the moment you missed your mense. My mense didnt come on 6April, as anticipated, so I tested and it was positive.

As for blood test, the hCG is your bloodstream can be detected as early as one week before your missed mense. So if you're anxious to know, you can visit the doc. Otherwise, if you can wait, you can do home kit test daily for a few days....

Good luck gal.


ooo...thanks dragon tail....hmmm...

will be disappointed to keep seeing negatives..hahhahaa....maybe i will try again this weekend..that would be 4 days after missed period.

I am definitely anxious to know...hahaha...


Thank Zaclin29.

Any idea when to test for positive pregnancy? My period was suppose to come yest 19 june, today 20 june its still not here.. I took a pregnancy test this morning but was a straight negative. Was considering going for blood test, but am unsure if it is just all in my mind..for sure i am not stressed or anything that would caused a missed period. It is unusual for me to miss my period.. crossing fingers that it will be positive. I still get bloating and all prior to period start date etc...all the similar symptoms...

Any clue when would be a good time to take home preg test or just go to gynae for blood test?? Thanks for sharing and it is always great to hear and get support from all of you..

Yes same as me... I was tested positive the day my menses supposed to come...
It is a natural thing that ur menses will miss when u r TTC-ing... Before TTC, my menses was always on time until the moment I tried to TTC.. Sometimes it can be as late as 15 days!

Your body tends to give u wrong signals all the time so best is to ignore (if possible) those mix signals.... :)


I have read about it too...when trying to conceive then you will get all the pregnancy symptoms..
But frankly speaking, my husband and I not exactly trying hard...we didnt BD very frequently...just once only..Last month we BD twice and period still came despite praying very hard for a baby...this month BD only once and menses didnt turn up..hmmm...

Trying hard to not think about it..but to look forward for the menses to come..hahah... reverse psychology..its funny how our body react in this manner.


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Just want to share my experience of Dr Su with you.

My Hubby and I had been TTC for close to 2 years. Hubby has varicocele and went for a surgery last yr. His swimmers are also not top shape.

When I chanced upon this tread sometime in apr, I visited Dr Su. We took her medications and followed her advice for 2 months and viola! I'm pregnant!

Dr Su said, no cold water, no liang cha when TTC. Boil ba zhen soup every 10 days to drink with a dash of DOM.

I also prayed to God to give me a baby. And when I asked for a sign to let me know when i'll conceive since I've been trying for so long, my colleague told me she dreamt of me the very next day, of me telling her that I'm pregnant. (of coz this was before I knew I was pregnant)

Thank God for this wonderful gift. I also think Dr Su is really good at what she does.

Baby dust to all!!


New Member
Congrats to u.. i also took her med for 2 months then got pregnant.
its really a miracle. so r u still seeing her now tat u r pregnant?
take gd care of urself..

Hi Ladies,

Just want to share my experience of Dr Su with you.

My Hubby and I had been TTC for close to 2 years. Hubby has varicocele and went for a surgery last yr. His swimmers are also not top shape.

When I chanced upon this tread sometime in apr, I visited Dr Su. We took her medications and followed her advice for 2 months and viola! I'm pregnant!

Dr Su said, no cold water, no liang cha when TTC. Boil ba zhen soup every 10 days to drink with a dash of DOM.

I also prayed to God to give me a baby. And when I asked for a sign to let me know when i'll conceive since I've been trying for so long, my colleague told me she dreamt of me the very next day, of me telling her that I'm pregnant. (of coz this was before I knew I was pregnant)

Thank God for this wonderful gift. I also think Dr Su is really good at what she does.

Baby dust to all!!