We are TTC-ing!


Thanks poohy and missa!

Missy10: jiayou jiayou together! :) go buy 1 frm guardian n test (I always get the guardian 2 for 10.50 $ one)


Active Member
Gnissim - congrats..... i was also wondering why are you missing to update which dpo you are in....

Go ahead to gynae and I suppose this time round it will be a sticky one....

Congrats congrats!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!
although its a hot day..... but so happy for your good news....


Active Member
gnissim23:789266 said:
Thanks poohy and missa!

Missy10: jiayou jiayou together! :) go buy 1 frm guardian n test (I always get the guardian 2 for 10.50 $ one)
I just ordered online leh.... cos i thought it was just faint line....

Later i shall drop by guardian to buy 1 more set,
Gnissim - is it under guardian brand???


Thanks littleham and missy10.!

Missy10: yes super hot day. Drink more plain water. No more cold drinks (though I still take abit) -.- no more sashimi.. no more crabs.. woo. U r also another observant one tt notice I nvr update my dpo. Haha. Normally I got bad memory n not observant. -.-

Yeah is guardian brand. Pink dye test. If not u just get a clearblue also ok. If u dun mind pricy can get the digital one like what missa says. But be sure to snap pic of the digital one. Cox the results only there for half a day?


Active Member
Gnissim - congrats oh congrats! I almost spill my tea (non caffeine) when reading the posts! Two in a day!!! woo hoo!! Are you seeing dr chan too? U should go see him ASAP (what about tmr) just to verify blood test and also, to get meds to stabilize. Mai tu Liao! In the meantime, please guai guai rest and study. Dun move here move there. And erm my advice is dun go to oz land. I think dr chan is more open minded so he prob say ok but I think for me i would rather err on the side of caution.

Dragontail - u da best! Hahaha I didn't even suspect anything!!!

Missy10 - same advice I gave to gnissim, i would advice you. Mai tu Liao - see gynae. Somemore u had discharge a few days back right? Maybe that is implantation but for me I would be really careful. No more bd ok. Ask hubby to DIY. Hee hee.

Oh my, I sound like a grandma don't I...

Sorry if I sound super kiasee. Cuz i am!!! For me. I tested in the morning at 830am - once only on clearblue. Immediately called the doc to make appt and 1030am I was already at the gynae. Took blood test and waited until 4pm to get the results. And ya I had to go myself cuz old man had to work. But I just couldn't wait for the next day!!!
@Missy and Gnissim - Congratz!!!!! this is super good news!!! So cool :) Maybe i should go buy the korean ginseng and make the chicken soup like how ur mum did for you Missy!!


Littlej: im gg on monday. Hee. I "tu" many days already. :x but im taking tcm an tai med as well as folic acid on my own.. yeah seeing dr chan. Hes my cousin gynae too. Never visit him b4 hope is good. N I think his abit pricy? But hopefully the bill just be below 300? :/ hw much ur firdt consultation btw? I had bad cramps on my suppose af day n following few days. Den abit sharp pain. Tcm say ok ask me drink warm water. But recently no more cramps. But keep burping. :/ im trying to take it easy on this pregnancy. Unlike previous one so tense. I still continue do hsework etc. Hee. Even during 2ww I also do same, eat my favourite sashimi (stopping now). :/

Thanks glittery, pretz, nathalie, and lovesbaby. I will come n spray spray babydust to everone who needs it ok. Geez. Must go chk n confirm first.

Missy10: when u going any gynae?


Btw littlej. Why r u taking tea.. I was told no tea n coffee leh. :/ but my fren is also taking tea every day in her 2nd trimster till birth.


Active Member
Suppose as long as tea no caffeine and its not green tea shouldnt have problem bah....

Gnissim - i will wait till Monday test again to confirm first..... you go first and spray baby dust!!!!


Active Member
Gnissim - dr chan is ex... My first appt with him was on the onset of my 2nd trimester and I paid $500+!!! (Don't faint). Even usual Pap smear already costs $300+. The gynae whom I first rushed to when I bfp - it wasn't dr chan. But really 一分钱一分货 la - his machines are good and well i am sure you did the necessary research and saw all the feedback. Anyway hor - please stop doing housework!!! I know you are trying to take it that life still goes on, dont wanna change my lifestyle cuz of bfp but well prevention better than cure y'know. Btw you might like to know that dr chan doesn't believe in Tcm. Hahaha I asked before when I was ttc-ing. Dr chan has the same view as my hubby - how do you know what you're taking cuz it is all powder!

Aiyo. - I sound like a grandma.

Oh - hahaha non caffeine. I was just dying for a cup of tea... Anyway once a month ok bah...
Hahaha to be honest, I have been a lil' naughty since second trimester... *oops*


Active Member
Oh gnissim and missy10 - btw dun bd too. This was dr chew's advice for me. So ya come from doc ok. No sex for 3 mths. Ok I am really sounding like a grandma now.


Oops.. littlej: read this too late. :/ first bd after 2ww. Haha. Shhh..

Littlej: wa... 500plus?? Faint. But u do papsmear 300 is included in this 500 right? Den I will tell him I dun do pap smear. Oh really ar he dun believe tcm? :/ i see tcm 1yr plus leh. Wonder what he will say. Ha. I didnt google abt him, but 3 of my cousin child was delivered by him. Previously I go dr irene. But u know tt time so dun feel like gg to her though not her fault. Lol. So decided to try out dr chan this time. Heh regarding hsework during2ww im also doing. My hubby working so he wun do. Home only both of us. And im not working. Eventually I need do. But those "chu zhong" thing I ask him do lo. N he help to walk my dog every morning b4 work so I dun need clar his poo when it do it business at home. Hee.