when did yr menses come back?


New Member
hmm just curious on other bf-ing moms out there..when did ur menses return?
Mine came back just b4 the fourth mth after delivery..i rmb my gynae told me it wld be 6 mths if im bfing ?:wong10:


For my cousin and I, we DID NOT have menses till we stopped breastfeeding for one month.

my cousin breastfed her son fully for 1 full year so she doesn't have the 'red sea' flooding down her bottom till the 13th month AFTER BIRTH.

hmm... I guess different people have different body reactions...


Mine came back after I stopped b-feeding. From my understanding, as long as you are b-feeding, your menses will probably not come. :)


mine came back on and off.....lasts for 1 day kind....irritating.....breastfeeding but not totally at that time coz supply exceeds demand....kekekeke

after about 2 months it regulates itself.....phew!!!

Dee Ho

hmm just curious on other bf-ing moms out there..when did ur menses return?
Mine came back just b4 the fourth mth after delivery..i rmb my gynae told me it wld be 6 mths if im bfing ?:wong10:
Halo! Mine cum aft abt 4.5 mths aft delivery ... my gynae says individual will vary on when the menses cum... He even joked "Its a way to "save" $$ on pads!!" I was quite stunned and blank on the joke he said.....:mooh:


New Member

Mine just came - 7+ months after delivery...
And gosh, the amount of menses was really alot.. i have to change every 45mins to 1 hr.. today was 3rd day and still alot...
it wasn't like that before..

anyone experience the same thing as me?


soo good ley, enjoy 7 months period free.....but how bloody is bloody??? change a pad ebery 1 hour???


ya lor. save alot of $$ on pads.

machiam like running tap. bloody for i think 4 days. i thought i'll die fr loss of blood. didnt dare to go out for too long. scared overflow. didnt dare to sit down. scared kena stain. hahaha... :D


New Member
mine came back on and off.....lasts for 1 day kind....irritating.....breastfeeding but not totally at that time coz supply exceeds demand....kekekeke

after about 2 months it regulates itself.....phew!!!
er..meanin ur menses came after 2 mths while u are still bfing?


New Member
ya lor. save alot of $$ on pads.

machiam like running tap. bloody for i think 4 days. i thought i'll die fr loss of blood. didnt dare to go out for too long. scared overflow. didnt dare to sit down. scared kena stain. hahaha... :D
lol..poor thing >_< sit stand sleep with constant worry..i tink ur body just wanna flush them out after 7 long mths! XD


mine i 4got when i see the 1st blood stain...but aliitle only use pantyliner can liao also lasted 1-2 days...but recently one very irratating...come abit then no more nv put liner it stain panty...put liner nothing...lasted few days likt that ...aiyo... oh ya i'm still bf mt gal.
huh...so if you breast feed till ur newborn is 2 year old...u still won't have menses? No menses mean can't plan for next baby? :)


New Member
Hi all, just to share.....what i know from Doctor and the breastfeeding group of people is : Normally if u really FULLY breastfeed(not like only once a day or wat), menses will not come back till you start stopping to breastfeed..

If u do continue breastfeed your child untill about he/she is 2 yrs old, the menses might come back after about 2 yrs after giving birth even if u r still breastfeeding. As the child should be taking food stuffs so once the milk supply start to drop, your menses might come back.

But normally FULL breastfeeding, u won't get pregnant. But if u really do, it is best to take more nutrition, if not, it is not good for the baby in your stomach. If not, there is not enough nutrition. Doctor might encourge u to stop breastfeeding. If u r weak, u might want to stop but if is a bonding too between u & your older child, u can still continue but take lots of nutrient as u, ur children need them!

I know this lady who breastfeed her older child till 7yrs or older now... but she got 2 younger children too.. i think she is been feature in some magazine b4...She breastfeed all 3 kids non stop....
Nowsday her oldest child although just drink only when she want some cuddling, comfort, thirst...but she allows it.. I really think she is wonderfully! She feed all her children with non-stop of milk.

FYI, when there is demand, there is supply.

So that why she can continue to feed them for so long and this prove that even u got no menses, still breastfeeding, u will still get pregnant. It is just your determination to able to breastfeed at the same time give birth to ur second child or even ur third one...

For myself , i breastfeed my girl till she is almost 2 1/2yrs old. I had menses pain every month when she is almost 2 yrs for about 4 months... although my menses is still not back...Doctor say the menses will normally return when the kid turn 2yrs old..if ur menses is still not back... of course all depends on individual... and my menses finally come back when she is slightly 2 yrs+ ...

oh my gosh, one day when i was outside with my mum near my mum's place, suddenly i feel something like flushing out from my vagina... i didn't thought that my period is back... i thought y got such feeling... cannot be that i can't control my urine.. after that i touched my jeans... i nearly fainted.. to my surprise, my fingers are all in red... i said to myself, pls ... not my menses ba.... but my heart tell me it must be.... ya u r right , my menses is finally back... my whole jeans is full of blood...
i quickly used my bag to cover and brought a packet of pads and rush to my mum's place.. like they said bloody.. yes... i dun dare to sit too, change every 1 hr or so.. using the longest 35cm pad.... sometimes still get stain... and it can last for 4 days and still have some staining up to about 2 weeks... like the above, when u put liner no stain...u dun put then stain ur panties.... really headache... n i start to have menses pain, which i do not normally have b4 pregnant...
Every month now is a fear, the menses just flushed out like nobody business on Day 1-4... It is so heavy that i couldn't stand it... u can really feel that it is coming out... but now my girl is almost 4 yrs... it is still plenty...

Although i save $$ for about 2yrs for not buying pads but ... haiz... i think for this past 2 yrs of hugh heavy menses, i would have used the quantity that i did not utilised during the 1st 2 yrs of breastfeeding... so i dun think i save any $$$ hahahhaha....
pardon my ignorance but I thought menses will usually come back after you give birth? Isn't that why we have to standby maternity pads?


pardon my ignorance but I thought menses will usually come back after you give birth? Isn't that why we have to standby maternity pads?
oh the 'menses' we are referring to here is actually called lochia, meaning the blood flow after childbirth....and usually lasts for as long as a month. And for mummies who are breastfeeding full-time/intensively, their regular menstruation may not come until a while after they stopped breastfeeding.... Meaning we are referring to the regular menstrual flow after lochia.:tlaugh: