When do u start bringing yr newborn out?


Over the weekend Hubby & I brought our baby out and this is the first time we bring him to crowded public places...
For some reason he started to get cranky and cried because he was overtired and not used to sleeping in pram with loud noises I think.

How do you all deal with this initially? Needless to say, we attracted lots of stares from people..

This weekend Hubby & I are alone again (my parents not home, my MIL going overseas).. .and we're thinking of going out for dinner with our baby but scared that again he will get cranky in public and our meal will be cut short.

Can share how you deal with such situations?
Like.. eat at fast food joints instead of buffet? :embarrassed:


i always bring a pacifier to save those awkward moments lorr....but sometimes its really not under our control

meal times with a young baby for us, was never enjoyable....we have to take turns to eat....once baby is cranky we will not be able to enjoy the dinner.....sad.....also end up quarreling sometimes lols~~~

only when baby is bigger, at least so much so that they can sit on the baby high chair, tats the time when we can really eat in peace but gotta finish in 30mins time lols~~~especially in restaurants

eating in hawker centres, those really noisy ones may be beta....coz the surrounding is so noisy no one will notice your baby crying or not lols~~~~


Well-Known Member
Just brought baby out during weekend to centrepoint.Come out of taxi only pple already start staring.She was 2 weeks old.But she loves going out.She falls asleep in stroller.I also bring sling so when i give her milk easy to carry her ard.We hav enot introduced pacifier to her yet.We wont be unless necessary.We did for our oldest son n it was a nightmare.Pacifier lost only whole house wld turn upside down.He was so reliant on it.2nd kid we didnt either.
But now go out with small baby its better to take taxi.Trains too crowded.Pple wont give way to strollers.N then think of all the germs n pple staring down at baby.


when my dear sonis 6 week, i bring him go shopping , he cry non stop , then hv to rush home, when he is 10 weeks , i bring him go again , he also cry , rush home again , he is almost 3 month , e still sleep alot , wake up drink , aftre drink sleep again , the whole day just drink , poo poo , sleep ..


Active Member
family pressure - my hubby and MIL. I only managed to bring my ger out after 5 months. Not considering PD appointments.

There is one time I thought the PD will support bringing bb out. I asked him together with my hubby. Guess what. the PD said avoid going to crowded place, just parks.

Man! I lost the battle. So, we only brought her downstairs to parks.

I made lots of noise about no rights. Finally my hubby gave in - we now go church if bb is not cranky at home. Sometimes go my sister's place.

BB stay at home really boring one leh...

But then, H1N1 ard.... what to do..


Well-Known Member
i always bring a pacifier to save those awkward moments lorr....but sometimes its really not under our control

meal times with a young baby for us, was never enjoyable....we have to take turns to eat....once baby is cranky we will not be able to enjoy the dinner.....sad.....also end up quarreling sometimes lols~~~

only when baby is bigger, at least so much so that they can sit on the baby high chair, tats the time when we can really eat in peace but gotta finish in 30mins time lols~~~especially in restaurants

eating in hawker centres, those really noisy ones may be beta....coz the surrounding is so noisy no one will notice your baby crying or not lols~~~~
oh my! i totally can understand this!!! brought ds out a few times and EVERYTIME he confirm plus chop choose the time when we're having meals to scream for his milk even his milk time is not up!!! sometimes if we're out of restaurant or no place to sit, i even have to carry him and feed him, walk ard the shopping centre! very tedious lo!!:embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Just brought baby out during weekend to centrepoint.Come out of taxi only pple already start staring.She was 2 weeks old.But she loves going out.She falls asleep in stroller.I also bring sling so when i give her milk easy to carry her around.We hav enot introduced pacifier to her yet.We wont be unless necessary.We did for our oldest son and it was a nightmare.Pacifier lost only whole house wld turn upside down.He was so reliant on it.2nd kid we didnt either.
But now go out with small baby its better to take taxi.Trains too crowded.Pple wont give way to strollers.and then think of all the germs and pple staring down at baby.
u r RIGHT! i was quite shock that those ppl in shopping centre who still can walk, will 'fight' with us for the lift and they only go up or down 1 storey nia! and when there are lotsa ppl, they won't let u go 1st, when lift comes, they just chiong in it!! who needs the lift more? i think is those who pushing stroller, parents bringing kids/babies, old people etc and not those youngsters... *shake head*


Well-Known Member
Over the weekend Hubby & I brought our baby out and this is the first time we bring him to crowded public places...
For some reason he started to get cranky and cried because he was overtired and not used to sleeping in pram with loud noises I think.

How do you all deal with this initially? Needless to say, we attracted lots of stares from people..

This weekend Hubby & I are alone again (my parents not home, my mother in law going overseas).. .and we're thinking of going out for dinner with our baby but scared that again he will get cranky in public and our meal will be cut short.

Can share how you deal with such situations?
Like.. eat at fast food joints instead of buffet? :embarrassed:
i'm like cancan, and will quickly shove the pacifier into dd's mouth when she starts to fuss. If the pacifier doesn't work, then we take turns carrying her. When my mum is not around to help us, i will put dd in a sling and eat with her in the sling. Most of the times, she's happy in the sling and will asleep without fussing.

realised that bbs can get frightened by the loud shouting in restaurants. We went to this jap restaurant where the waiters were shouting the orders and dd freaked out and started crying cos she thought they were shouting at her! :001_302:


wahh thanks for the replies Cancanmum and Uddermummy I can totally understand what you all have gone through!

My son doesnt like pacifier... even if we shove it in his mouth he will use his tongue to push it out.. .or he will still dry and scream with pacifier in his mouth..
Really jialat man.. I have a family gathering at Crystal Jade this Sunday brunch and after reading your replies I dont think I wanna go already.. Hahaha
because my parents not around, then my MIL also went overseas.. not much help available lor..

And yes dont know why babies always choose the "right" timings to cry and fuss when we are having meals.. alamak
i start to bring my daughter out when she abt 3 weeks old..go malls and family outings. i stay on my own so nobody to stop me from going out. i had c-sect somemore..haha once i dont feel too much pain i start to go out. cannot stand staying home.

now she's almost 2 mths. my girl loves going out. in fact she behave better when outside. she wont cry. she likes the mall cos of the bright lights.she will look around and jump in her baby carrier until she knocked out. once, me n hubby having lunch, we put her down on the long bench and there's ppl right behind us bursting ballons and she dont even wake up..move2 but never wake up.
but will immediately wake up the moment we stepped in the hse.

looks like i have a shopping buddy..:tlaugh:


I finally figure out how to use the Baby Bjore carrier, new found freedom with it, can put my BB in and go downstair tao bao!
Next aim is to go nearby shopping mall!


Well-Known Member
I finally figure out how to use the Baby Bjore carrier, new found freedom with it, can put my baby in and go downstair tao bao!
Next aim is to go nearby shopping mall!
Congrats darling!! :) Did u get help from the staffs at Mothercare? Heh.


Well-Known Member
i start to bring my daughter out when she about 3 weeks old..go malls and family outings. i stay on my own so nobody to stop me from going out. i had c-sect somemore..haha once i dont feel too much pain i start to go out. cannot stand staying home.

now she's almost 2 mths. my girl loves going out. in fact she behave better when outside. she wont cry. she likes the mall cos of the bright lights.she will look around and jump in her baby carrier until she knocked out. once, me and hubby having lunch, we put her down on the long bench and there's ppl right behind us bursting ballons and she dont even wake up..move2 but never wake up.
but will immediately wake up the moment we stepped in the house.

looks like i have a shopping buddy..:tlaugh:
:tlaugh: my girl's also a shopping freak like mummy. V happy when we are out of the house!


wahh thanks for the replies Cancanmum and Uddermummy I can totally understand what you all have gone through!

My son doesnt like pacifier... even if we shove it in his mouth he will use his tongue to push it out.. .or he will still dry and scream with pacifier in his mouth..
Really jialat man.. I have a family gathering at Crystal Jade this Sunday brunch and after reading your replies I dont think I wanna go already.. Hahaha
because my parents not around, then my mother in law also went overseas.. not much help available ..

And yes dont know why babies always choose the "right" timings to cry and fuss when we are having meals.. alamak
sometimes i really envy those mummies who can handle their cranky babies~~~take my hats off them wahahhahaha~~~~


Congrats darling!! :) Did you get help from the staffs at Mothercare? Heh.
Hee, no, i went to Utube to watch video demo!
But still need to struggle abit when placing BB into the carrier, at least another alternative coz my boy always refused to sit in stroller!


:tlaugh: my girl's also a shopping freak like mummy. very happy when we are out of the house!
So good, how i wish my boy is like dat too, coz i luv shopping too!
I envy those mummies that can bring their BB go shopping ALONE, so far now 2 mths, i only dare to bring my boy downstairs alone and always must remb to bring pacifier, in case he cry, faster stuff the pacifier into his mouth...haa

He always refused to sit in stroller and cranky when we go out, so much so that me n my hubby very tired after bringing him out a while


Well-Known Member
So good, how i wish my boy is like dat too, coz i luv shopping too!
I envy those mummies that can bring their baby go shopping ALONE, so far now 2 mths, i only dare to bring my boy downstairs alone and always must remb to bring pacifier, in case he cry, faster stuff the pacifier into his mouth...haa

He always refused to sit in stroller and cranky when we go out, so much so that me and my hubby very tired after bringing him out a while
your boy can be good friends with my girl. :001_302: i don't even dare to take her anywhere on my own sos i live in the middle of nowhere....:p


New Member
I wanted to bring my girl out before she was a month old, but my mum kept showing me black face when i suggested that, so once she hit that milestone, me n hubby brought her out hehe

shes 8wks old tmr, and i've brought her out almost everyday cuz we eat out.
I've never brought her out alone, still worried i cant grapple with the diaper bag and her if she throws a tantrum. n she has rejected the pacifier every time i put it in her mouth.
Also not taken the bus/mrt with her cuz of H1N1

If shes awake when we eat, I'll carry her and eat, multitask lor, cuz she hates being in a stationary stroller.

So far so good leh, i enjoy bringing her out :) only hate it when she demands to be fed when we're eating, because i latch her on directly, and she doesnt like me to cover her face when shes eating, needs to look at me -_- so my attempts at feeding her in public have caused me to show more than i want to sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to bring my girl out before she was a month old, but my mum kept showing me black face when i suggested that, so once she hit that milestone, me and hubby brought her out hehe

shes 8wks old tomorrow, and i've brought her out almost everyday cuz we eat out.
I've never brought her out alone, still worried i cant grapple with the diaper bag and her if she throws a tantrum. and she has rejected the pacifier every time i put it in her mouth.
Also not taken the bus/mrt with her cuz of H1N1

If shes awake when we eat, I'll carry her and eat, multitask , cuz she hates being in a stationary stroller.

So far so good , i enjoy bringing her out :) only hate it when she demands to be fed when we're eating, because i latch her on directly, and she doesnt like me to cover her face when shes eating, needs to look at me -_- so my attempts at feeding her in public have caused me to show more than i want to sometimes.
It doesn't matters coz breastmilk is goood for your baby!! :) But then u made me recall an incident at the coffeeshop near my place.. :tlaugh:There's a PRC woman, exposing one whole breast coz she was bfing her baby at the coffeeshop and she's not sitting at a discreet place.. :001_302::001_302::001_302: I think alot of uncles are drooling over it.. Wahahahah :x


It doesn't matters coz breastmilk is goood for your baby!! :) But then you made me recall an incident at the coffeeshop near my place.. :tlaugh:There's a PRC woman, exposing one whole breast coz she was bfing her baby at the coffeeshop and she's not sitting at a discreet place.. :001_302::001_302::001_302: I think alot of uncles are drooling over it.. Wahahahah :x
this kind is on purpose dee~~~obviously :p