young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
partner ko webcam dgn nenek .. so cuzz aku tk nmpk.. mayb dia pat ofis dok webcam nenek.. nenek check laptop for updates.. hehehe

ina.. ko jgn email to invite nenek masuk forum tau.. heheheh
aku tau ina tgh plan nak bolot perniagaan nenek kropok sensorang tu pasal dia da nak resign...btol tak ina???wakakakak!!!

Haaahaaaa... Korang eh buat aku gila ar.. Haaahaa.. Mampos seh aku, maknenek nampak aku ketawa pat computer.. Siap ar, bukan aku quit seh nanti ada je kena buang seh.. OMG!!!! Pandai ar skarang nak attack aku eh?? Aku nak belah ar.. Tak kuasa nak layan korang.. !!!

Bye to all mummies... Nak majok ni..


Active Member
Haaahaaaa... Korang eh buat aku gila ar.. Haaahaa.. Mampos seh aku, maknenek nampak aku ketawa pat computer.. Siap ar, bukan aku quit seh nanti ada je kena buang seh.. OMG!!!! Pandai ar skarang nak attack aku eh?? Aku nak belah ar.. Tak kuasa nak layan korang.. !!!

Bye to all mummies... Nak majok ni..
chow ngan BFF pimpin tangan nampak wakakakak!!!
k beb besok aku pujuk kau k..
bubbye ladies...


Active Member
eh... Hmmm.. Ku suspect dia ada jugak tolong nenek tu jual tru online tau.. Cos ada baca jugak dia dalam umah mana2 dengan laptop dia.. Tapi she not in here.. Aneh ehk?? haahaahaahaa.....

Ishk!! korang ni bebual smua eksen tak takut ehk?? Kenakan orang number 1.. wawawahhhhaaaaahaaaa....

Peace No War...
Ehhh... asal boleh je Ina!!! Nanti betul2 i ask nenek keropok tu pegi rumah u.. baru tahu. Heheheheheh...


Well-Known Member
Apalah korang merepek merapu nih . Satu satu syok sendiri n tak abis abis bab nenek lerr, bab jual kueh ronggeng lerr. :tlaugh:

Malas nak tahu crita nenek kropok nih. Newspaper said brita kurang sahih. Y not kita start story about another urban legend ? Instead of Nenek story, kita spread crita Atok Tongkat Ali ketuk rumah orang. :001_302:

Kepala ku pusing bangat!!!!! Need panadol XTRA


Active Member
Apalah korang merepek merapu nih . Satu satu syok sendiri and tak abis abis bab nenek lerr, bab jual kueh ronggeng lerr. :tlaugh:

Malas nak tahu crita nenek kropok nih. Newspaper said brita kurang sahih. why not kita start story about another urban legend ? Instead of Nenek story, kita spread crita Atok Tongkat Ali ketuk rumah orang. :001_302:

Kepala ku pusing bangat!!!!! Need panadol XTRA
Hahahahah!!! Tats wat i dad said too. He oso said buat lah crita Atok Minyak Urut.


Well-Known Member
Ciannya Ina kena marah ngan si lis. Garang jugak budak kecik tuh :001_302: Dah lerr let's be fair ok....Come, next house rumah Ina. *wink* Date and time kasi dia set. Tapi aku rasa, timing kalau dia kasi mesti past midnight hour. Sapa2 naik cab kena midnight surcharge plak. (Gurau aje babe, jgn muncung k)

Like Ayu, i too mendak jugak. Leceh working for a friend. Kata from home aje boleh selesai ni nak kena pi rumah dia buat report apa2 ntah. All plans kena tukar coz of her. Kalau tak kerna kawan, memang sudah lama pompan ni kena jugak. Fedup, super duper sianz on a Monday.

Yishun mums, Mr Rawon dekat blk lis tu, sedap powerrr ke ? Hari2 kedai tu bukak kah ?
I yg dah lama tgl yishun,tak pernah mkn nasi rawon kat sane..Bt den my aunty klau dtg spore mesti cari nasi rawon katenyer power sgt...
KAk,u try daily


Well-Known Member
Ooh Diabetes???? Eh same ar.. Mak aku pun ada tau tapi she also bantai smua.. sigh..!! Now je hari2 kena injection pat daerah perut sana.. Aku tengok sampai seram.. Tapi still not taking care of her food and drinks tu smua seh.. Buat aku risau buat aku geram pun ada.. sigh..!!
Klau dah kena insulin quite bad..My aunty pun same case like ur mum..mkn tak pantang tau....Klau dtg spore jek lantak nyer tak abis2...ade jek nak mengunyah....bila tegur she said "kat malaysia takde mknan ne"....

Den recently,dia pengsan..darh tinggi shoot up...


Well-Known Member
olrite..!! ayu da volunteer..!! yiipeE..!! ok.. so bile nk buat..? the onie time left is.. one more gthering before bulan puase.. or lepas hari raya.. hee.. :001_302: ehk.. i think before kite gather kt umah ayu.. nanti ana da jempot gi umah die.. b'dae anak die.. hee.. :Dancing_wub:

ayu.. SET..!! kite jadi biz partners .. jadi aku ade kaki skali..!! best..!! :red:

Wah lis dah announce kan lah..thnks so much dear...
I jemput u all dtg my son bday on 15 aug.


Well-Known Member
Wah, Ana lagi sikit dia jadi National Day bb. :red:Cake apa, national day flag design ke ?

Ok, i wanna bobok kecik tido. Dari tadi dia blum game over nih. Macam dia plak minum kopi. Ya, i wanna try that Mr Rawon shop one day. Asyik kedai Geylang aje, jelak.

Su plz don't start with Tok Minyak Urut. Makcik2 gila kat sini, siang nanti dorang melalut crita urut hal2 lain. Dorang tengah tunggu aje orang kasi idea tuh :tlaugh:And they better not start any with my Atok Tongkat Ali idea .Imagination nanti runs wild for some of them. Pengsanz! LOL


Active Member
Su plz dont't start with Tok Minyak Urut. Makcik2 gila kat sini, siang nanti dorang melalut crita urut hal2 lain. Dorang tengah tunggu aje orang kasi idea tuh :tlaugh:And they better not start any with my Atok Tongkat Ali idea .Imagination nanti runs wild for some of them. Pengsanz! LOL
Hahahahaahah!!!! Biarlah dorang melalut. At least ada hiburan di pagi hari.. dorang tu semua makan gaji buta.. Hahahahah!!! Jgn marah yeeee....? Btw Ina, i taknak jadi ur secretary lah... Hehehe..


Well-Known Member
Morning all, i think i didn't really sleep betul2 smalam. Like 2hs of tido2 ayam pas tu auto wake up at 6am.Panadol Xtra punya angkara. Kejap lagi sure badan melayang nih. Waiting for No.2 to go skool pillows i c u later.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Enflor..! and to the other ladies in the house..!!

smlm wasn't soO active inside coz of ol the nenek keropok.. sampai da tak tahu ape lagi nak comment.. :embarrassed: and tolong jangan start with some other cerita dongeng plak ehk.. ~

ok.. i got a good night sleep at last.. i had my great rojak mama for dinner.. more like supper i guess.. because was having it late night.. around 10 gitu.. haha.. :tlaugh: earlier that was filling my tummy with enflor's mini pizza(s).. sedap..! enflor, i rase u leh make money cket la.. jual mini pizza.. confirm laku.. ~ *Lis kasi support..!!* :Dancing_wub:

nari bangon pkol 5 pagi.. not feeling a little tired at all.. i guess.. i can bake my kiwi cheesecake today.. hee.. :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
crita dongeng kat thread ni kasi aku ketawa sorang2. Macam2 nanti dorang songeh.

kiwi cheesecake.....WOW!

Tadi baru sent a complaint email pada my son's cikgu bahasa melayu. Ada ke patut, worksheet for P1 budak size font macam BEGINI . Bodohnya cikgu. Pemalas copy print direct dari buku terus. Kalau macam gini anak aku pun potek tak lama lagi macam his mum jugak.


Well-Known Member
crita dongeng kat thread ni kasi aku ketawa sorang2. Macam2 nanti dorang songeh.

kiwi cheesecake.....WOW!

Tadi baru sent a complaint email pada my son's cikgu bahasa melayu. Ada ke patut, worksheet for P1 budak size font macam BEGINI . Bodohnya cikgu. Pemalas copy print direct dari buku terus. Kalau macam gini anak aku pun potek tak lama lagi macam his mum jugak.
hee.. terase nk makan cheesecake .. klau nk beli kt luar.. toO expensive .. first time baking it.. hopefully menjadi.. hee.. hee.. :001_302:

huh..?! keciknye font dia..? itu memnag betol case malas tu..! like my former chem teacher.. pon same jugak.. main direct copy-paste-print jek..! geram sey.. kite nk blajar punye menyeksa..! sampai i sound i punye cikgu.. cakap ngan dia.. " Cher(teacher) you can read ..? you soO lazy issit..? just print like that.. might as well you dont have to give us the notes right.. also wasting paper.. we can't even read what you print.. ~" the next time she print for us notes.. dia print betol2 cket.. n clearly.. i was rather blunt to my teachers back then.. kalau enflor jadi Lis punye cikgu.. i think you'll hate me.. haha.. :tlaugh:
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Well-Known Member
i was rather blunt to my teachers back then.. kalau enflor jadi Lis punye cikgu.. i think you'll hate me.. haha.. :tlaugh:

Apalagi, Cikgi Enflor cari pasal ah ngan student lis - gi detention ke, sapu kelas ke, minus marks ke, biar dia jawab soalan susah2 ke, hehehhe. Cikgi-cikgi pun ada strategy tau - it's called Embarassed DAMN (them) Operation :tlaugh:ok ah i wanna bobok kejap.


Well-Known Member
Apalagi, Cikgi Enflor cari pasal ngan student lis - gi detention ke, sapu kelas ke, minus marks ke, biar dia jawab soalan susah2 ke, hehehhe. Cikgi-cikgi pun ada strategy tau - it's called Embarassed DAMN (them) Operation :tlaugh:ok i wanna bobok kejap.
Detention.. - tk kesah.. the most i tido dlm detention room.. haha..
Sapu kelas..? - senang nah..?
minus marks.. - the most fail..
jawab soalan susah2.. - kalau tahu.. jawab lah.. kalau tk tahu.. diam ajek.. hee.. :001_302:

dulu time i skola.. i nakal sangat.. cikgu2 i smuer geleng kepale.. sampai tk tercakap.. tapi i nie study smart.. hehe.. i pernah kene denda.. mcm2 ways of denda dah kene.. but after learning that i have a bad family background.. they start to understand why i mcm gitu.. teros all my former teachers saAyang~ kt i.. tk pressure diri i.. :embarrassed: i slalu gadoh dengan budak2 lelaki.. tk kasi muke ngan budak2 lelaki(kalau drg nk take advantage or nk malu kn diri kite depan org).. pompan tk gadoh sgt.. sbb i suke campor ngan budak pompan.. mulot mcm murai.. den i klau gadoh pon.. mulot tk laser sgt.. i'm more to physical.. tkot plak nanti terpukol budak pompan mcm mane..? hee.. :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
Detention.. - tk kesah.. the most i tido dlm detention room.. haha..
Sapu kelas..? - senang nah..?
minus marks.. - the most fail..
jawab soalan susah2.. - kalau tahu.. jawab .. kalau tk tahu.. diam ajek.. hee.. :001_302:

dulu time i skola.. i nakal sangat.. cikgu2 i smuer geleng kepale.. sampai tk tercakap.. tapi i nie study smart.. hehe.. i pernah kene denda.. mcm2 ways of denda dah kene.. but after learning that i have a bad family background.. they start to understand why i mcm gitu.. teros all my former teachers saAyang~ kt i.. tk pressure diri i.. :embarrassed: i slalu gadoh dengan budak2 lelaki.. tk kasi muke ngan budak2 lelaki(kalau drg nk take advantage or nk malu kn diri kite depan org).. pompan tk gadoh sgt.. sbb i suke campor ngan budak pompan.. mulot mcm murai.. then i klau gadoh pon.. mulot tk laser sgt.. i'm more to physical.. tkot plak nanti terpukol budak pompan mcm mane..? hee.. :shyxxx:

Wah2,cik adek kite brutal jgk...I ne teachers pet..hehhehe....Pendiam sikit kat skola.....senior asyik nak bully jek...yelah drg asyik ckp i ne mentng2 abg satu skola nak step pulak...merepek btl....Bt i really missed my sec skola life.....more gd memories....

Skg ne i tgk teachers & students like friends....ade tu students brani naik kepala.....geleng kepala i tgk...kena detention,bleh tdo lah,dgr Mp3 lah....
tapi,klau parents dah kena panggil dtg skola,kecut drg....start lah nak main drama...menangis,ampun lah...haiz....

Lis-sedap nye u nak uat cheesecake...sikit bleh???hehhehe
Enflor - smlm pun i takle tdo,pening pikir kat my son....sampai migraine dibuat pagi2 dah bgn,ingat nak uat marketing sikit....haiz....


Well-Known Member
I am up, feeling beta cikit. Bangun aje, my gal kena kidnap by the nenek. Entah bawak pi mana tak tahu. For now till Nov, my mum tido kat my house Every Mon, Tues coz i ada hal to settle.

Ya , lis so the brutal gangster cili padi sey. Confirm satu staff rm teachers smua tahunya. Dulu kita kat skool jadi prefect jaga gate. Special treatment to members only. Lambat datang skool, kasi lepas....heheheh. Members lama hutang gate masih blum langsai lagi. Every year, bila nak elect class leader, Enflor's name was up. Sebab apa, members tahu, Enflor muka aje baik tapi kaki tangan dalam perut. Takpe, ni dah facebook boleh ku tuntut kat minah2 tu smua. :tlaugh:

Ana - you on child care leave ke ? Irfan sakit, duk diam2 sudah. Tak yah nak sibuk2 buat tu ni. He wants attention tu.
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