everyone's asking when i'm planning for a 2nd one!!


Active Member
my mum kept telling me to ve 2nd kid or else my son will be very lonely. she's more kan chiong den my MIL. my MIL won't ask me cos now she looking after 3kids, if ive another baby, definately will let her take care den she will be so tired cos ve to look after 4kids.so she rather dun ask me.

but if anyone were to ask me this, i will ask that person back "u want to help me take care iszit?"
den tat person sure shut up.
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Old folks asking still can accept...coz during their times they are so used to having so many. My wife has frens that keep asking when we are having a 2nd one...haiz. As if they duno the financial burdens and time needed nowadays that come with having another kid.


Active Member
like what ponsak said "$3 can buy a meal in singapore but $3 can buy a family of 6 a meal in thailand"

thats the big difference. some people duno, think raise a child in spore so cheap..


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I think the older generation look at us young women as broadmares - only good for having babies. While it's hard to change this mentality, I hope we don't carry it forth and do the same to our daugthers, daugthers-in-law and even friends!

Urm, IMHO, raising a child ANYWHERE is expensive - it's not just the money factor that we have to consider but the energy, and emotional output that goes into raising a child to his/her full potential.


Agree with you meiteoh.

Feel that if I cannot spread my time over so many kids and raise them to their fullest potential, I wouldn't want to bring that many into this world.


Well-Known Member
like what ponsak said "$3 can buy a meal in singapore but $3 can buy a family of 6 a meal in thailand"

thats the big difference. some people dont know, think raise a child in spore so cheap..
correct! tt time i went to bangkok, was amazed that a v good meal at restaurant can cost only 2bucks per person!

actu i dont have to have more kids IN FUTURE if (only IF) the living expenses in SG is not so high... but then again, like what meiteoh said, it's not only the money issue haha...


Well-Known Member
Agree with you meiteoh.

Feel that if I cannot spread my time over so many kids and raise them to their fullest potential, I wouldn't want to bring that many into this world.
i agree!

when they r still babies, its still ok.
but as they grow older n start schooling, so hard to concentrate on all of them at the same time!


Active Member
Sometimes I think the older generation look at us young women as broadmares - only good for having babies. While it's hard to change this mentality, I hope we dont't carry it forth and do the same to our daugthers, daugthers-in-law and even friends!

Urm, IMHO, raising a child ANYWHERE is expensive - it's not just the money factor that we have to consider but the energy, and emotional output that goes into raising a child to his/her full potential.
Agreed that its not the money factor. its more on whether theres enough time & energy because i definately do not want to raise a 'bad egg'. ive few gf who moved house juz to let their kids go to a good school. is not that my gf is kaisu or neighbourhood schools are lously, is juz that she would want her kids to ve good start in life because when a child is in a gd sch, they c their friends excel, they definately want to do better den them.

Corrinne Ong

New Member
Think most parents, in-law, relatives and friends will commonly ask these questions. So dont't be stress, else you have stepped into their trick. Just smile, ignore and walk away. Even you have 2nd baby immediately, the next question will be "When are you going to have third one...." NEVER ENDING!

When you are single, "Got BF/GF or not""
Not BF/GF, "When getting married?"
Married , "When are you having a baby?"
Got baby, "When is the next one?""
Got a baby girl, "Get a baby boy"
Got a baby boy, "Get a baby girl"



Active Member
Think most parents, in-law, relatives and friends will commonly ask these questions. So dont't be stress, else you have stepped into their trick. Just smile, ignore and walk away. Even you have 2nd baby immediately, the next question will be "When are you going to have third one...." NEVER ENDING!

When you are single, "Got BF/GF or not""
Not BF/GF, "When getting married?"
Married , "When are you having a baby?"
Got baby, "When is the next one?""
Got a baby girl, "Get a baby boy"
Got a baby boy, "Get a baby girl"

i did come across before, my colleague ve 2kids, when she expecting 3rd child, her relatives make comments like "aiyo 3rd child? have so many for what?" :err:

if people wants to comment or ask, seriously, is NEVERENDING...


Well-Known Member
i did come across before, my colleague ve 2kids, when she expecting 3rd child, her relatives make comments like "aiyo 3rd child? have so many for what?" :err:

if people wants to comment or ask, seriously, is NEVERENDING...
YALA!!! dont have, they ask until u have. have alrdy still ask y so much.. these ppl are crazy! too free alrdy!


Well-Known Member
Think most parents, in-law, relatives and friends will commonly ask these questions. So dont't be stress, else you have stepped into their trick. Just smile, ignore and walk away. Even you have 2nd baby immediately, the next question will be "When are you going to have third one...." NEVER ENDING!

When you are single, "Got BF/GF or not""
Not BF/GF, "When getting married?"
Married , "When are you having a baby?"
Got baby, "When is the next one?""
Got a baby girl, "Get a baby boy"
Got a baby boy, "Get a baby girl"

they think its like a drink machine, can choose what u want then press button n POP out. -.-"


Eh I say something but hope don't offend people ahh... Just meant to be a joke. I disclaimer first.

Next time at wedding, people ask you when you are next or at baby's full month people ask when you are next, then at funeral you go ask back the person when they are next... Sure will shut their trap forever.... Muahahaha... I'm evil.


wanna vent my frustration!! ny mother in law came by for dinner today and kept asking me when i wanna have a 2nd one n she say since i'm so free not working, have maid why not have a second one? feel like screaming loh.. after she left i tell my hubby she did not contribute a single bit during my pregnancy till now my son's 7 months still sare to say and her daughter's mother in law is staying with them to look after her baby and she wakes up at 12noon loh.. me ? i wake up at 7 am n i breastfeed in the nite too.. think i'm not tired ..
my planning with hubby is to wait till son is 3 yrs ols then decide if we want another one just bcos hubby knows i'm doing everything gotta do with son though i have maid but i never let my maid handle son's things and morever i won't employ maid for long the most until son is 2 yrs then wanna let him b independent.
ai yah say already also angry.. did not even boil any soup or bother to check on me during pregnancy the min she see her grandson also never ask me how i am.. sian..
tell u a joke~~

i have been tolerating nonsense from my MIL + MIL's gang (her sisters) ALL commenting:

1) aiyooo time for no. 2

2) aiyoooz why dun want no. 2

3) aiyooozzzz why dun plan no. 2


5) baber needs a sibling

6) baber so poor thing

7) baber no one to play wif

8) baber very lonely deee

den horr recently i replied one sentence tat makes all these frustrations to an ENDING

" noONE look after "

immediately, they keep quiet

coz MIL dun want to be the ONE wahahhahahha~~~

ps: so far no one has EVER asked after tat reply.........
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Eh I say something but hope dont't offend people ahh... Just meant to be a joke. I disclaimer first.

Next time at wedding, people ask you when you are next or at baby's full month people ask when you are next, then at funeral you go ask back the person when they are next... Sure will shut their trap forever.... Muahahaha... I'm evil.
wahhh piangzzzz

evil leiiii

lai lai

i scold u~~~~

:p .....kiddin la :::p


Active Member
off topic: i think most chinese would prefer small family but my malay colleague says she wants to have 4kids. my hubby has some malay reservist friends who have 5kids & the wife not working. whole family rely on the dad's income. [[*how they do it ?*]]

or iszit we chinese expectations too high?


Well-Known Member
Eh I say something but hope dont't offend people ahh... Just meant to be a joke. I disclaimer first.

Next time at wedding, people ask you when you are next or at baby's full month people ask when you are next, then at funeral you go ask back the person when they are next... Sure will shut their trap forever.... Muahahaha... I'm evil.
wao!! that's a good idea lehh!!!!!! u v creative loh!:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
off topic: i think most chinese would prefer small family but my malay colleague says she wants to have 4kids. my hubby has some malay reservist friends who have 5kids & the wife not working. whole family rely on the dad's income. [[*how they do it ?*]]

or iszit we chinese expectations too high?
i dont know abt others but i think my expectations are quite high.. if we only hav a few kids, we can give them more things u know.. but if we have 4-5 kids and our finance cannot huhh, will end up every child has to sacrify something... unless financial really allows...


Well-Known Member
so how no body wants 2nd one ah?i am also like some old ah soh always asking pple to have babies..hahahha.Frens not married also i tell them..never mind lah have baby first.
I have 3 already no body dare ask me leh.First with 2 boys they still ask "u try for girl lah"Then i think if boy then how..exchange with other pple is it?
Lucky girl..hehheh..so now pple say"wah can close shop already liao!"
But i still like babies leh..dont mind another one but cant afford n health wise gynae say its too risky*sigh*