EDD in July?


Morning mummies...yday on half day leave so came back to work in the pm and busy clearing some work...hehe.....hows everyone?


Miss out anyone or any changes, please let me noe...hehe...

Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age
1. Alilock_5-Jul-11_#1_ Princess_TMC
2. Kungfumummy_7-Jul-11_#1_ Princess
3. Bella_7-Jul-11_#1_ Princess
4. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Prince_KKH_North-East
5. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_ Princess_Mt A_West_28
6. Bochup_10-Jul-11_#1_Mt A
7. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Prince_Mt A/TMC_East_21
8. Usagibb_13-Jul-11_#2_ Princess_TMC_West_32
9. Fizafifi_13-Jul_11_#1
10. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
11. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Prince
12. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
13. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1_Princess_Most likely Mt A_Tiong Bahru_29
14. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_ Prince_TMC_31_Yes
15. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Prince_TMC_West_32
16. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31_Princess
17. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Prince_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
18. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Prince_PEH_East_30
19. Hana_28-Jul-11_#1_ Princess _Most likely TMC_West_24
20. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Prince_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37
21. Eejess_#1
Nobody got anything much to update. Hahas. Wait till everybody go gynae appt den got things to talk abt already.
ya lor agree ^_^

Morning mummies...yday on half day leave so came back to work in the pm and busy clearing some work...hehe.....hows everyone?
Morning mummies, fine here but juz keep having flu lor n have ask my gynae on last appointment..she told me some mummies is like this lor...

how about u???


Thanks Tiggee! I'm having a boy. Where's the fair on Apr 22? =) I went by Paragon Metro yesterday and they had a "Baby Fair". It was disgustingly pathetic and a far cry from the Taka Baby Fair.

I'm attending the Childbirth Education class by Wong Boi Boi of TMC starting in early May. Are any of you also attending the class? =)
Welcome bochup!

Agreed with Jennifer that it might be better to go for the Apr Fair cuz June, we will be big and heavy, esp when ur EDD is early July! =)

I'm going for the TMC antenatal class too, starting late Apr. We might have the same Doc Talk session, since they consolidate the classes for this session, i tink. =)


ya lor agree ^_^

Morning mummies, fine here but juz keep having flu lor n have ask my gynae on last appointment..she told me some mummies is like this lor...

how about u???

im fine...this sat will be gg for check up again..and so fast gg 7mths liao...but tummy still not as big as my #1, wonder is my bb growing or not....sigh....

Welcome bochup!

Agreed with Jennifer that it might be better to go for the Apr Fair cuz June, we will be big and heavy, esp when ur EDD is early July! =)

I'm going for the TMC antenatal class too, starting late Apr. We might have the same Doc Talk session, since they consolidate the classes for this session, i tink. =)
ya...now can start buying bits by bits...june will be more for resting and waiting...haha


im fine...this sat will be gg for check up again..and so fast gg 7mths liao...but tummy still not as big as my #1, wonder is my bb growing or not....sigh....

ya...now can start buying bits by bits...june will be more for resting and waiting...haha
I nv knew my tummy can be such a balloon. I've been feeling more tired & sore/ache everywhere. I now go out for daily walk also tired. Zzz.
Sit at home confirm need a pillow to support my back. I feel like a old granny. Been trying to clean both my hubby hse and my hse. Like no matter how I clean, like not clean lidat. Zzz.
im fine...this sat will be gg for check up again..and so fast gg 7mths liao...but tummy still not as big as my #1, wonder is my bb growing or not....sigh....

wow.. so fast u gg check up.. my next appointment will be on 25th Apr 2011.. for me.. tummy is big and can't really walk too fast or talk much... cos they say me like breathless keke...

i heard tat girl girl tummy will be smaller... boy boy tummy bigger.. but don't know true or not... but me 3 boys all big ^_^ i think smaller better cos too big difficult to walk/sit/sleep kekek


im fine...this sat will be gg for check up again..and so fast gg 7mths liao...but tummy still not as big as my #1, wonder is my bb growing or not....sigh....

wow.. so fast u gg check up.. my next appointment will be on 25th Apr 2011.. for me.. tummy is big and can't really walk too fast or talk much... cos they say me like breathless keke...

i heard tat girl girl tummy will be smaller... boy boy tummy bigger.. but don't know true or not... but me 3 boys all big ^_^ i think smaller better cos too big difficult to walk/sit/sleep kekek
Mine is boy but then i think my tummy still quite small for 6mths leh. Some people say cuz it's #1, so is smaller.

My next checkup also end Apr - 23rd April.


I just got a call from my gynae clinic. I thought something wrong, in the end is want to change my appt to 19th instead of 21st. Lols. I think I too paranoid liaos. :x


usagibb - Thanks for the update! My info is Bochup_10-Jul-11_#1_Prince_Mt E (looks like I'm the only Mount E. here). I hear eating durians can really help to increase the baby size. But don't overdo it of course - it will also add to your size. =)

Jennifer Kee - Have you tried washing nose? I had the worst cough and cold in the first tri (it dragged on for about 2 months and I took 3 rounds of antibiotics to no avail) and after burning a hole in my pocket from multiple specialists, the ENT specialist recommended a cheap way of staying healthy - washing the nose with a bicarbonate soda powder mixed with water and blowing out all the phlegm. It's really effective for anyone with sinus and thick phlegm. I've got my husband doing it now too (at least before going to bed) and he says it helps him to sleep better and also fight off a cold he feels is coming. The ENT specialist said preggie women will find this very helpful in avoiding too many cold/cough meds.

raindrop - yah I am totally going to the April fair and resting up in June now. =) Btw, my doc talk is on 31/5.

As for tummy size, I'm comfortable with mine (generally on the small side) because I hear the growth spurt occurs in the last month. I'm talking to my son every other night or so to tell him to give me a smooth delivery as much as possible cos I'm not looking forward to the delivery process. Very chicken about pain... heh...

My next checkup is on Apr 25. Have any of you done a glucose test? In the US, they make you drink a lot of really sweet water for a few minutes and then test your glucose level. A friend of mine did this test in her first tri and my BabyBump app on my iPhone said I should be expecting to do this test soon. But I haven't heard my gynae make a peep about this test. I just pee on a test strip at the beginning of every visit and the strip apparently is an indicator of my glucose level.



I just got a call from my gynae clinic. I thought something wrong, in the end is want to change my appt to 19th instead of 21st. Lols. I think I too paranoid liaos. :x
Hey Tiggee, yes I got two calls like that for my last two appointments. Each time the gynae had to change appointment cos she had a sudden op scheduled. Try to take it easy! A happy mummy makes a happy baby! =)


Hees! :x Cos I nv had my appt changed mahs. So I naturally thought something was wrong. Lols.

Bochup: i'll be doing the glucose test on my next visit. It's not compulsary for everyone. :)
Jennifer Kee - Have you tried washing nose? I had the worst cough and cold in the first tri (it dragged on for about 2 months and I took 3 rounds of antibiotics to no avail) and after burning a hole in my pocket from multiple specialists, the ENT specialist recommended a cheap way of staying healthy - washing the nose with a bicarbonate soda powder mixed with water and blowing out all the phlegm. It's really effective for anyone with sinus and thick phlegm. I've got my husband doing it now too (at least before going to bed) and he says it helps him to sleep better and also fight off a cold he feels is coming. The ENT specialist said preggie women will find this very helpful in avoiding too many cold/cough meds.

hmmmm...have not hear b4 of this washing nose... i will ask my gynae about this matter on my coming appointment... thks for the infomation, hope it will really help me kekek

Btw, anybody decided on baby names already?
haha i have only find the chris. name... my son will call Daric Ong (3rd kid) which my first kid is Daryl Ong and 2nd is Darren Ong kekek... ^_^
I havent decided at all. All my friends ask me to quickly choose a name cos only a few months left. Lols.
should be ok.. cos last time when i give birth to my boys, i wait until after birth cos sometime for chinese name we need their time and date to find a gd name


should be ok.. cos last time when i give birth to my boys, i wait until after birth cos sometime for chinese name we need their time and date to find a gd name
Cos me and hubs not in a hurry to name our baby. I see some ppl the moment the know the gender got name already. While me and hubs feel like still got alot of time. Anyway my mummy say I may give birth early cos me and my 2 bro all nv hit 40 weeks. Lols. So she say everything must be ready by week 36. And my hub was a prematured baby as well. :x if lidat count I only got 2 months to go! Eeks!