EDD in Sept 2011


New Member
Dear mummies and mummies to be,

sorry to interrupt.
I’m five months pregnant and I’m still wearing my pre-pregnancy fav shorts, skirts and pants.
I've bought this belly belt and I would like to share this wonderful product with you!


Is your little one growing in your tummy right now?
Like most pregnant ladies, do you have the headache of not being able to fit into your pre-pregnancy bottoms (shorts, skirts, pants)?
But you dont feel like buying maternity pants because they are so so expensive.
And you cant get normal bottoms in bigger size because though they fit your bulge and bum, they are too roomy for your legs!

Belly belt can solve your problem!

Even new mummies who have given birth can use this belly belt to fit into their prepregnancy bottoms almost immediately after birth!
So, how does it work?

It has four elastic bands, the belts.
Two shorter ones for earlier stages of pregnancy and two longer ones for later trimesters.
It can be fitted on buttons as well as metal clasps on bottoms.

In addition there are three pieces of cloth for you to tuck into your bottoms when your tummy grows bigger and the "gap" in your bottoms gets wider
Different colours to match different clothes, how thoughtful!

This is how it looks on my shorts.
This is the button belt without the cloth.
button belt on shorts.jpg

This is the metal clasp belt with the cloth.
clasp belt with cloth.jpg

And all you have to do is to wear a long top to cover it and no one can tell you are having the belly belt on!
with top over.jpg

For a limited time only!


Each box is selling for $29.90.

To order,
email me at leeminyu@gmail.com :001_302:

1. Let me know how many boxes you'll like. you'll only need one box unless you are ordering for someone else too.

2. What colour of the bra extender, black or beige would you want?

3. Transfer $29.90 to POSB Savings 126-52260-6, stating your forum userid. This is for easy identification.

4. Let me know when the transfer is done, preferably with your transaction ref no. If you can, time and date too. Let me know if its internet banking or ATM transfer.

5. PM your mailing address and contact no (just in case)
I'll mail out your purchase asap!
very headache.. scare not effective lei
heheheeh... u this yr 23 right? still young very easy to lose weight de=Dwhen i carry my first girl, i gain 19kg almost 20kg. from 48 to 67.5kg. like i say, i lose 17 to 18 kg in 3 months b4 i got pregnant again... =D after birth, jus total breastfeed ur bb ... lose 600cal per day.... that excludes taking care of ur bb... that burns off some calories too=) slowly... fionng88


heheheeh... u this yr 23 right? still young very easy to lose weight de=Dwhen i carry my first girl, i gain 19kg almost 20kg. from 48 to 67.5kg. like i say, i lose 17 to 18 kg in 3 months b4 i got pregnant again... =D after birth, jus total breastfeed ur bb ... lose 600cal per day.... that excludes taking care of ur bb... that burns off some calories too=) slowly... fionng88
yup this year 23. im very tall 168 and heavy bones. before pregnant is already near 70kg. Now after pregnant going to 95kg le.. i dunno how le.. depress lo
hello all..

its official.. they not going to renew me.. so no benefits for me..

i cried like crazy but now feeling better...
i was prepared.. whatever it is.. i just hope now i deliver a healthy baby gal.. :wong19:
yup this year 23. im very tall 168 and heavy bones. before pregnant is already near 70kg. Now after pregnant going to 95kg le.. i dunno how le.. depress lo
i am on the big side too.. before pregnant i was on diet to lose weight.. now i gain back what i lost... sigh...
gyne say me i feel depress
i losing job i also depress but need to be strong for my little one.. cannot be depress..

we try to lose those extra weight after delivery.. :)


i am on the big side too.. before pregnant i was on diet to lose weight.. now i gain back what i lost... sigh...
gyne say me i feel depress
i losing job i also depress but need to be strong for my little one.. cannot be depress..

we try to lose those extra weight after delivery.. :)
rabbitmummy are u ok? must be strong woh! dont worry, after your confinement u will sure find a better job outside. so no need to cry for that shitty job! =D smile*** i have depression during my early pregnancy, cause i cant accept the fact that i'm gaining so much weight. Scare that my hubby go find other women. i lost of confident. i overcome it by telling myself, if this happen i will raise the bb myself since im still young and i can earn more. =D We must be stronge to face everything!!! jia you my dear!
hello all..

its official.. they not going to renew me.. so no benefits for me..

i cried like crazy but now feeling better...
i was prepared.. whatever it is.. i just hope now i deliver a healthy baby gal.. :wong19:
Rabbitmummy:((( I Noe u feel very sad but u have to b strong for
the lil one inside u k?u cry, Ur bb also Noe .. Also will feel sad for u de... After Ur birth.. Try interviewing jobs in the government sector? They accept mothers n have great benefits for u n Ur family... Watever it is stay strong ok?
yup this year 23. im very tall 168 and heavy bones. before pregnant is already near 70kg. Now after pregnant going to 95kg le.. i dunno how le.. depress lo
Dun b:) Ur bone heavy ma.. Cos b help plus u r very tall... That give u reason to b heavier... Well... After give birth.. Straight away will lose 6 to 8 kg le.. After that during the confinement period.. Will Lose another 5 kg like that for water retention.. The rest u will
Lose by breastfeeding u child lo:) very fast de:))


Dun b:) Ur bone heavy ma.. Cos b help plus u r very tall... That give u reason to b heavier... Well... After give birth.. Straight away will lose 6 to 8 kg le.. After that during the confinement period.. Will Lose another 5 kg like that for water retention.. The rest u will
Lose by breastfeeding u child lo:) very fast de:))
Yup thanks for the comfort . I only hope everything goes fine...


Nestle is asking Everyone to return all Banana Baby food Expiring in 2012 (Bar #761303308​973) because they may contain GLASS.

Please copy & paste for all babies safety.
Even if you're not a parent, please help forward. You can help save a child!!
Nestle is asking Everyone to return all Banana Baby food Expiring in 2012 (Bar #761303308​973) because they may contain GLASS.

Please copy & paste for all babies safety.
Even if you're not a parent, please help forward. You can help save a child!!
thanks for the info!


Glad he is ok. Over stress on work? Please care…. Better rest more too
not sure.. but now he's ok already.. we joked with the doctor saying he stress cos he going to be a daddy soon and he dunno what to do.. haha

hello all..
its official.. they not going to renew me.. so no benefits for me..
i cried like crazy but now feeling better...
i was prepared.. whatever it is.. i just hope now i deliver a healthy baby gal.. :wong19:
:( take it as an opportunity to rest, accompany your lil newborn then after that go find another job?
Cry out will be better, keep inside will hurt youself, but must also get over it.


Carisella, glad ur hubby is well.
Rabbitmummy, relax & enjoy with ur newborn baby! :) think of it this way, u have all the time u want to laze in bed & cuddle baby, go for walks etc. And when ure ready to work again, im sure u'll find one. Cheer up ok.
Charlotettan, high 5 for the bengkong! It's good isnt it. I think it's really effective.
Carisella, really glad that Ur hubby is fine:)))

Chocobaby, yeah beng kong is really good n efficient in having my flat tummy back, although it take sometime but I LOVE IT:D


Thanks Choco and charlottetan...

My swollen feet are better !! Thanks to advices from mummies!! Hehe.. Went to ECP for a walk yst too and I could walk a lot and hubby also said my feet not as swollen already.. :) I follow the 2 simple rules like crazy now!! Drink many many water!! ( at least every hour must touch one time!!) and when sleeping, legs must be elevated!! Hehe :)

Anybody got feel like they eat certain food they can't breathe properly? Like got allergies the whole windpipe Kenna blocked like that. I recently noticed when I eat chocolates, potatoes and drink soy bean will suddenly become very breathless.. But if I eat those heavy meals like buffet.. I won't feel like that at all.. Like very weird.. Told my hubby already and he said not sure also.. So asked me to avoid.. At first was thot eat too full.. But then Thursday suddenly hypo (low blood sugar) took a bite from hubby's chocolate.. Then went to rest.. Felt super breathless like no air going into me like that..


New Member
Hi all mummies,

Just wondering of any of you have problems getting to sleep in the night?

I can sleep in the afternoon but having serious problem sleeping in the night now a days :(



I feel abit down and depressed now. Visited gynae on last Sat. OMG! Baby now weighs 1.7kg at Wk 29 which is way way too heavy. Gynae tells me that from now on, bb and me must go on diet and minimize weight gain! :( but one good thing is bb's head is already down. hopefully he wun turn and be in breech position.

mummies, can give me some suggestions what food to take that can help to control my weight gain?
Thanks Choco and charlottetan...

My swollen feet are better !! Thanks to advices from mummies!! Hehe.. Went to ECP for a walk yst too and I could walk a lot and hubby also said my feet not as swollen already.. :) I follow the 2 simple rules like crazy now!! Drink many many water!! ( at least every hour must touch one time!!) and when sleeping, legs must be elevated!! Hehe :)
Anybody got feel like they eat certain food they can't breathe properly? Like got allergies the whole windpipe Kenna blocked like that. I recently noticed when I eat chocolates, potatoes and drink soy bean will suddenly become very breathless.. But if I eat those heavy meals like buffet.. I won't feel like that at all.. Like very weird.. Told my hubby already and he said not sure also.. So asked me to avoid.. At first was thot eat too full.. But then Thursday suddenly hypo (low blood sugar) took a bite from hubby's chocolate.. Then went to rest.. Felt super breathless like no air going into me like that..

hahahahah! weird... I feel breathless when i walked too fast or i eat too much... for my case... =D