EDD in Sept 2011


Yanqin - U bought the big things first, opposite of me... leaving those to last. Hehehehe....
Charlottetan - I bought mine at baby fair but Kiddy Palace & BHG having offer on breast pads now too. I went on Saturday they still have it.
Carisella - Wah... u all ready to give birth liao! Hehehehe... I'm also waiting for baby to pop then buy pampers or milk powder. But hopefully I have enough breast milk.
Dolphyant - I'm going crazy about cot bedding too! Can't find anything that I like... Gonna try Aussino babies today.

Powder milk I used S26 with my 1st son... but that was 13 years ago. Now still have or not, I also don't know...
rabbitmummy are you ok? must be strong woh! dont worry, after your confinement you will sure find a better job outside. so no need to cry for that shitty job! =D smile*** i have depression during my early pregnancy, cause i cant accept the fact that i'm gaining so much weight. Scare that my hubby go find other women. i lost of confident. i overcome it by telling myself, if this happen i will raise the baby myself since im still young and i can earn more. =D We must be stronge to face everything!!! jia you my dear!

Rabbitmummy:((( I know you feel very sad but you have to b strong for
the lil one inside you k?you cry, your baby also know .. Also will feel sad for you ... After your birth.. Try interviewing jobs in the government sector? They accept mothers n have great benefits for you n your family... Watever it is stay strong ok?
not sure.. but now he's ok already.. we joked with the doctor saying he stress cos he going to be a daddy soon and he dont know what to do.. haha

:( take it as an opportunity to rest, accompany your lil newborn then after that go find another job?
Cry out will be better, keep inside will hurt youself, but must also get over it.
Carisella, glad your hubby is well.
Rabbitmummy, relax & enjoy with your newborn baby! :) think of it this way, you have all the time you want to laze in bed & cuddle baby, go for walks etc. And when ure ready to work again, im sure you'll find one. Cheer up ok.
Charlotettan, high 5 for the bengkong! It's good isnt it. I think it's really effective.

I feel abit down and depressed now. Visited gynae on last Sat. OMG! Baby now weighs 1.7kg at Wk 29 which is way way too heavy. Gynae tells me that from now on, baby and me must go on diet and minimize weight gain! :( but one good thing is baby's head is already down. hopefully he wun turn and be in breech position.

mummies, can give me some suggestions what food to take that can help to control my weight gain?

Thanks all for the encouragement...
yep after 2 days n nights crying.. i am much better..
its not easy to handle even there were signs and signals.. just feeling so unfair that they take away my benefits... but i am just a contractor so i am at mercy of what they do... I cry more for the $$ actually rather then missing the place...
nothing i can do about it right now too...

the last month already so i just bo chap on things and will leave it hanging :001_302:
work so hard also end up says to me oh its too late ur performance pick up at the end...

I told him off that hey i got pregnant and struggling with gout and thyroid problems plus coping with a part time course.. those times were tough.. what do u expect?

He got nothing to say and dare not look at me.. but my tears just drip like crazy...
i felt very lost n defeated and how much i try i cant prevent them from no renewal.

after those crying days n nights.. now i feel more peaceful with myself.. i am prepared to lose the job and take that time off to clean up my house and make it safe for baby and start to find part time job after confinement..

I still have hands n feet and brains.. i cannot let this make me so lousy as i know i am not someone who is bad at work.. just bad luck with a bad manager who wants only his own people to be in the office...

even now his best friend in office cannot agree on work related things and the interm suffering... :001_302: so i am not the only one cant get along with him... but whatever it is.. i know i did my best.. its just not enough for him...

hope my future will be better..

i am dreading to go see gyne this sat as i think he will say my baby overweight n stuff... sigh.... pray for better new next week


i was wondering wat is JIC... lols.. just in case! haahahah well... breastfeeding is the best but yes jus in case we run low supply or no milk.. so have to prepare... but did u r research which milk is the best for bb?
That one let my hubby go headache.. =_=" he keep saying MUST buy this one this one good.. that one no good, this one baby drink like will grow chubby, this one drink liao baby will be smarter =-=" let him choose .. i don't care!! lol

carisella, gynae predict that at the rate I'm gg, bb will be more than 4kg at birth. so he said, i really need to control diet now. 100% no sugar and reduce carbo intake. now trying to reduce the amount of food i take at every meal, n finding healthy alternatives for snacks. sighzzz...
FWAH!! 4kg!!? he/she serious not?.. a bit exaggerating leh.. i on off "dieting" haha.. until my parents also bth me..

Carisella - Wah... u all ready to give birth liao! Hehehehe... I'm also waiting for baby to pop then buy pampers or milk powder. But hopefully I have enough breast milk.
Yes.. anytime also can .. just that i need to pack the maternity bag.. haha.. almost forget that one.. I got BH last night.. super painful.. i ignored it and continued studying.. and my hubby down there keep hear me go ouch ouch ouch.. then ask me stop studying go rest.. but also didn't rest.. have to finish studying :D yes i'm persistent and stubborn
Thanks all for the encouragement...
yep after 2 days n nights crying.. i am much better..
its not easy to handle even there were signs and signals.. just feeling so unfair that they take away my benefits... but i am just a contractor so i am at mercy of what they do... I cry more for the $$ actually rather then missing the place...
nothing i can do about it right now too...

the last month already so i just bo chap on things and will leave it hanging :001_302:
work so hard also end up says to me oh its too late ur performance pick up at the end...

I told him off that hey i got pregnant and struggling with gout and thyroid problems plus coping with a part time course.. those times were tough.. what do u expect?

He got nothing to say and dare not look at me.. but my tears just drip like crazy...
i felt very lost n defeated and how much i try i cant prevent them from no renewal.

after those crying days n nights.. now i feel more peaceful with myself.. i am prepared to lose the job and take that time off to clean up my house and make it safe for baby and start to find part time job after confinement..

I still have hands n feet and brains.. i cannot let this make me so lousy as i know i am not someone who is bad at work.. just bad luck with a bad manager who wants only his own people to be in the office...

even now his best friend in office cannot agree on work related things and the interm suffering... :001_302: so i am not the only one cant get along with him... but whatever it is.. i know i did my best.. its just not enough for him...

hope my future will be better..

i am dreading to go see gyne this sat as i think he will say my baby overweight n stuff... sigh.... pray for better new next week
good! that u r feeling better... i guess after a good cry u feel much better right.... they dun wan u is their lost.! u noe u did ur best can already.... those that doesn't noe how to appreciate u will have their karma... next time when they pregnant or their wife pregnant then they will noe...=) dun think abt unhappy stuff... think on the bright side... bb will b full term very very soon=D


hope my future will be better..
i am dreading to go see gyne this sat as i think he will say my baby overweight n stuff... sigh.... pray for better new next week
"Huai de bu qu, Hao de Bu Lai!!" Forget about that jerk!!
Now dread the wraith of the gynae!! lolz..

RabbitMummy : So how's the baby's weight
Gynae : Hmm, what have you been eating?
RabbitMummy : Same as always, just that occasional sweet tooth.
Gynae : Hmm...
RabbitMummy : So how is it?
Gynae : I'm afraid you have to go on a STRICT diet until you give birth, baby is overweight already.
RabbitMummy : Internally screams... Noooooooooo... i want my sweet treats T.T
Yanqin - U bought the big things first, opposite of me... leaving those to last. Hehehehe....
Charlottetan - I bought mine at baby fair but Kiddy Palace & BHG having offer on breast pads now too. I went on Saturday they still have it.
Carisella - Wah... u all ready to give birth liao! Hehehehe... I'm also waiting for baby to pop then buy pampers or milk powder. But hopefully I have enough breast milk.
Dolphyant - I'm going crazy about cot bedding too! Can't find anything that I like... Gonna try Aussino babies today.

Powder milk I used S26 with my 1st son... but that was 13 years ago. Now still have or not, I also don't know...
S26? still in the market! Can use back the same one.. hahaha./.. yeah i bought breastpad from NTUC 60+12 for 13.90 brand pigeon... quite a good offer.=D but only left one box... wana buy more also dun have liao...
That one let my hubby go headache.. =_=" he keep saying MUST buy this one this one good.. that one no good, this one baby drink like will grow chubby, this one drink liao baby will be smarter =-=" let him choose .. i don't care!! lol

FWAH!! 4kg!!? he/she serious not?.. a bit exaggerating leh.. i on off "dieting" haha.. until my parents also bth me..

Yes.. anytime also can .. just that i need to pack the maternity bag.. haha.. almost forget that one.. I got BH last night.. super painful.. i ignored it and continued studying.. and my hubby down there keep hear me go ouch ouch ouch.. then ask me stop studying go rest.. but also didn't rest.. have to finish studying :D yes i'm persistent and stubborn
haahahaah persistant is good wat.... but stubborn is sometimes good n bad... i m stubborn too...=D
FWAH!! 4kg!!? he/she serious not?.. a bit exaggerating leh.. i on off "dieting" haha.. until my parents also bth me..

Yes.. anytime also can .. just that i need to pack the maternity bag.. haha.. almost forget that one.. I got BH last night.. super painful.. i ignored it and continued studying.. and my hubby down there keep hear me go ouch ouch ouch.. then ask me stop studying go rest.. but also didn't rest.. have to finish studying :D yes i'm persistent and stubborn
Madam Wong BB says the heaviest baby she saw is 5 plus kg baby and the parents are so small size.. but they found out the big genes skip 2 generations i think...

do rest more... i know its tiring to study too.. i am so glad to be off from studying :)


haahahaah persistant is good wat.... but stubborn is sometimes good n bad... i m stubborn too...=D
i hope my baby girl not as stubborn as me can liao.. haha.. but stubborn also good.. haha.. i so stubborn luckily many things never listen to my parents, else today confirm cannot make own decisions..

My baby kicking like CRAZYYYYYY now.. having marathon inside =_=" my tummy got small bulges here and there
good! that you r feeling better... i guess after a good cry you feel much better right.... they dont want you is their lost.! you know you did your best can already.... those that doesn't know how to appreciate you will have their karma... next time when they pregnant or their wife pregnant then they will know...=) dont think about unhappy stuff... think on the bright side... baby will b full term very very soon=D
another 2 months more!! i am in week 30!! wow its really scary thoughts of giving birth... she is coming out soon..... :wong19:

"Huai bu qu, Hao Bu Lai!!" Forget about that jerk!!
Now dread the wraith of the gynae!! lolz..

RabbitMummy : So how's the baby's weight
Gynae : Hmm, what have you been eating?
RabbitMummy : Same as always, just that occasional sweet tooth.
Gynae : Hmm...
RabbitMummy : So how is it?
Gynae : I'm afraid you have to go on a STRICT diet until you give birth, baby is overweight already.
RabbitMummy : Internally screams... Noooooooooo... i want my sweet treats T.T
i try to cut down but sometimes really have sugar craving!!! :wong29:



Madam Wong BB says the heaviest baby she saw is 5 plus kg baby and the parents are so small size.. but they found out the big genes skip 2 generations i think...

do rest more... i know its tiring to study too.. i am so glad to be off from studying :)
it's not tiring to study with the baby actually.. extra brain cells to help out quite cool!! :D haha.. it's like pple always say pregnant women forgetful easily.. but apparently, memorizing my notes is so much easier nowadays =x I call my baby my little cheat.. hehe
i hope my baby girl not as stubborn as me can liao.. haha.. but stubborn also good.. haha.. i so stubborn luckily many things never listen to my parents, else today confirm cannot make own decisions..

My baby kicking like CRAZYYYYYY now.. having marathon inside =_=" my tummy got small bulges here and there
yah, having ur own opinion n ur own stand is good... at least u r firm in ur decision.=) YAYAYAYAYA! AGREED TTM!. i can see her feet moving here n there... so cute omgomg!i think i will miss that after i delivered for sure...lols


another 2 months more!! i am in week 30!! wow its really scary thoughts of giving birth... she is coming out soon..... :wong19:
i try to cut down but sometimes really have sugar craving!!! :wong29:
haha.. i got scary thots too!! been asking my hubby can i don't go give birth already.. very scare.. lol.. and before that is always, so prepared mentally and physically, now is scare until like dunno what like that.

Just hope this Saturday, the scenario is not same as what i typed.. else u got something to joke about with ur hubby and baby already .. haha
another 2 months more!! i am in week 30!! wow its really scary thoughts of giving birth... she is coming out soon..... :wong19:

i try to cut down but sometimes really have sugar craving!!! :wong29:

yeah, i scare .... especially after delivery.... omg.... cant imagine....
O.O!! Ewwwwwww.. omg.. that's really EWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww.. cannot eat meds for it?
tried all ways that time.. cos the wound all the way till near my asshole there... thats y i dun dare to poopoo.. as in push la... cos very pain... she prescribe medi... i eat daily no use... drink milk, eat banana eat papaya... no use... i even try to pump.... EVEN WORST... stuck near my asshole there cannot comeout... bo bian go see her... then extract manually... NOW I VERY SCARE THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!=(


tried all ways that time.. cos the wound all the way till near my asshole there... thats y i dun dare to poopoo.. as in push la... cos very pain... she prescribe medi... i eat daily no use... drink milk, eat banana eat papaya... no use... i even try to pump.... EVEN WORST... stuck near my asshole there cannot comeout... bo bian go see her... then extract manually... NOW I VERY SCARE THE SAME THING WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!=(
it's not scary to me.. more like gross .. haha.. but i'm used to it leh.. i sometimes got constipation until have to ownself pull.. so gross !_!
it's not scary to me.. more like gross .. haha.. but i'm used to it leh.. i sometimes got constipation until have to ownself pull.. so gross !_!
yes! but its damn pain when she extract eh.. cos harden ttm liao... well.... the wound is pain as well... i have to sit on the float for a week before i feel better... cannot imagine... hope this time rnd not so bad....=)