EDD in Sept 2011


OMG! yah now u all reminded me.... alamak, i also after delivery cannot sh*t for days! got sewn down there, so scary to push too hard. but doc gave me meds to soften the sh*t. helps a bit lah... just have to slowly push out. eeeeeeeeeeeeek!! think about it now, my backside shivering already!
OMG! yah now u all reminded me.... alamak, i also after delivery cannot sh*t for days! got sewn down there, so scary to push too hard. but doc gave me meds to soften the sh*t. helps a bit lah... just have to slowly push out. eeeeeeeeeeeeek!! think about it now, my backside shivering already!
hahahahah! the medi DOESN'T work on me... mayb the confinement food is too heaty also... but cannot dun take confinement food... hais.. so contradicting.... the labour all this i still not scare i ONNLY SCARE OF THIS=(


oh forgot to tell u all, on wednesday, 1 of my friends gave birth to a 4.2kg baby girl!! she was in labor from 8am to 3am!! then doc decide to c-sect cos her down there didnt open enough.
i think for me if i know beforehand that baby is big, i will straight away opt for c-sect. scared like her, after so many hours in pain in the end kena c-sect also.
oh forgot to tell u all, on wednesday, 1 of my friends gave birth to a 4.2kg baby girl!! she was in labor from 8am to 3am!! then doc decide to c-sect cos her down there didnt open enough.
i think for me if i know beforehand that baby is big, i will straight away opt for c-sect. scared like her, after so many hours in pain in the end kena c-sect also.
OH MY GOD.... mayb bcos its her first bb? thats take longer time... that time i in labour from 12 am to 2pm... 14 hours before i delivered my girl... i think the doctor to anxious liao...
yah it was her first. maybe thats why.... but can u imagine even if she did do it naturally, sure koyak untill backside! OUCH!!
omg.! yes... c sect is better for her... bb too big ... yes i guess sure 'koyak' till the backside there... at least she still can go toilet normally now.! HAHAAHAH


oh forgot to tell u all, on wednesday, 1 of my friends gave birth to a 4.2kg baby girl!! she was in labor from 8am to 3am!! then doc decide to c-sect cos her down there didnt open enough. i think for me if i know beforehand that baby is big, i will straight away opt for c-sect. scared like her, after so many hours in pain in the end kena c-sect also.
4.2kg!!?? SHE still don't opt for c-sect straight away.. why ah? too big already la..

ouch!!! the way u all talk is so scary.. now i feel below pain also... :(
ya.. i also pain :( pain pain pain.. i tell my hubby he also say stop.. he pain already... then he said if i cannot poop, he will help me poop *very lame hor*

yeah=( dun think first... enjoy ur pregnancy first.. hahaahh
Thanks for the phobia.. :p


Ahahhahahaha!! Ok everybody calm down, dont think of the pain.... Take a deep breath, relax n ask hubby go n find donuts!
eh.. go try macdonalds Choz Meltz la.. Oiishii !!! gogo.. hurry hurry!! oh and eat while HOT!! damn shiok!!! takes like donut with hot melted chocolate.. my mother says taste like chocolate you tiao :p


i scare the after effect of delivery.... i have constipation after delivery my first one... 6 days no poopoo
have to go to gynae... n she extract for me manually..now phobia liao....=(
Your gynae didn't prescribe stool softener after delivering your baby? I was given my first dose of it at the hospital immediately after birth, and the nurses continued to bring the medication several times a day. Really necessary to take otherwise if constipated and strained to poo may cause the episiotomy stitches to tear... The stool softener really helps you to go easily. I'm so ks I took everyday for the entire month, heh...

If your gynae still doesn't prescribe, you can buy from pharmacy on your own. IIRC, its called Laxarol.

In fact i think for those who deliver at KK its given as a matter of course... cos confinement food etc can be heaty and some ppl are not allowed to drink water and so on.


I've been taking coconut already. Have u guys packed the hospital bag?
Um 1st baby usually come pretty late - very near EDD. Don't need to pack so early?

My gynae has been checking my cervix since 28 weeks, still tightly closed even for 2nd baby, so I won't bother packing until much much later...