EDD May 2012 Mummies!


btw i just check my panty liner, is wet. wonder is it i sweat or wat? cos no smell. just change a new pad. having on n off cramp also, baby still very active. wonder is it fluid leak??
I have been having discharges like that and I too keep wondering if its the amiotic fluid!


Heard that if our legs are more swollen, can breathe, sleep and eat better, or go toilet more often, it's a sign that labour is coming or baby is engaging. Does anyone feel like that now?


Heard that if our legs are more swollen, can breathe, sleep and eat better, or go toilet more often, it's a sign that labour is coming or baby is engaging. Does anyone feel like that now?
u mean breathless??
me is legs more swollen, breathless, sleepless but eat better n more, go toilet more


gessim - is not discharge. cos i having tat also. my discharge is white, yellowish but not tat wet.

miracle25 - think i better get a cushion tonite, in case it happen in office. the chair sure need to be throw..paiseh..


Gracecwz:642255 said:
Heard that if our legs are more swollen, can breathe, sleep and eat better, or go toilet more often, it's a sign that labour is coming or baby is engaging. Does anyone feel like that now?
Yap our trainer oso mentioned tht if u suddenly feel v comfortable, no backache n can go loo easily etc, most likely u will give birth in 2 wks time...


wah Climsp you so early got symptoms liao ah? I remember our EDDs quite close...making me a little nervous too! :D

This week I've been feeling very very tired too...by 5pm I will feel totally drained out. My movement is also forced to slow down quite a bit, i have difficulty transiting between postures...eg. lying to sitting up, sitting to standing, etc. Really can feel the weight and the toll on the body and back.

huh!! no pls. still early.. still got alot of work to clear b4 my ML. better dun happen in office. if not the whole company will know n remember this.


Hi tannie. I advise u to get one soon cos u might need to start using a few days after delivery when your milk starts coming..

Thankfully I have mine cos my new born is always very sleepy and will fall asleep while breast feeding. She'll only suckle about 3-5 times then snooze even after trying to wake her. So no choice, I have to express my milk if nt my breasts will be hard and swollen, v uncomfy.

Has everyone got the breast pump? I gt not n not sure if I shld...


wah Climsp you so early got symptoms liao ah? I remember our EDDs quite close...making me a little nervous too! :D

This week I've been feeling very very tired too...by 5pm I will feel totally drained out. My movement is also forced to slow down quite a bit, i have difficulty transiting between postures...eg. lying to sitting up, sitting to standing, etc. Really can feel the weight and the toll on the body and back.
my edd 26 may. movement very slow now. like walk penguin. hubby still say comment i keep complain on my small bump, if bigger bump, i will sure cant walk.

my collg seem more kanchiong when i ask extra pad from them. seem like i always look calm, onli hubby know i am kanchiong..hahaha


baby hiccup alot also. i got more HB this few days. if walk or stand just 10min i can feel the HB coming. but my appetite very good. 4 big full meal. drink alot n pee alot also.
I was laughing when i saw your post, climsp. My colleagues thought I must be too stressed, laughing to myself..haha


Rukia:642320 said:
Haha, me too... delivering in Thomson... My EDD is 18th May.. but both my gynae and me hope that he will be out earlier... preferably early May
I heard TMC is very pack nowadays. I hope there is enough rooms and manpower to go around. keke
We hate the parking, esp if they park our car bt the opp car park...


gessim - is not discharge. cos i having tat also. my discharge is white, yellowish but not tat wet.

miracle25 - think i better get a cushion tonite, in case it happen in office. the chair sure need to be throw..paiseh..
Will the leakage be so bad? I just remembered one incident I had in office, my first day in office and i broke the chair i was sitting on while yawning. So paiseh when I had to ask my boss if I can get a new chair. He was asking me how I broke it..wohaha


ya the parking is quite bad. I usually take a cab there, even then, it is so inconvenient with all the bus and other cars and taxis crowding the narrow slope.
wonder how are we going to get in the van (that they'll chaeuffer us to the nearby open carpark) when we discharge wif our babies in our arms.. will they giv us priority to park within the hospital?