EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Anyone have idea if Gynae do c sec on public holidays? Was thinking of delivering on 5 may, just realized is Vesak day n my gynae wont b ard till 2 may so cannot ask, wanna b mentally prepared first.


I admitting hospital for induced labour tml night. Monday delivery. Am Nervous now!!!
Wow, all of sudden mummies start giving birth n welcoming their precious to our world :) Bet u muz be feeling anxious n nervous. Jia you k. All mummies will be behind u giving u our support n courage. Rest well these 2 days.


hi all, jus some updates.. I've discharged today, went to d special care to bid gdbye to my baby & will go back to see him everyday until he discharge. He has abit jaundice, chest infection & had bit of breathing difficulties, all bcos I had fever b4 I admit d hospital & water had leaked for quite some time already..

now resting at home, gota work very hard to pump milk for my baby.. so far did d pump in d hospital but only few drops of colostrum so cant feed baby..

now looking forward to visit my boy everyday & bring him my milk (if I can)..
Hi, dun worry too much n stress abt milk, take more rest, eat healthy food like fish n papaya soup. Can try fenugreek to help increase milk also.. Happy pumping!!
yah, my gynae asked me to buy fenugreek & hav started eating liao & he also advice to continue eating d usual supplements like folic acid, fish oil. Hope can hav at least 20-30ml of milk to start feeding my baby..


btw, abt d pyjamas, I got 2 sets of pants type PJ.. for me cos I'm natural birth wif epi, I feel tat pants is easier for me when going toilet.. I wore d operating gown until Fri cos need to go & do all d paperwork then I change to my PJ. I wore d hospital's panty & since wif d operating gown its easier for d nurse to change d pad for me. aft I change to PJ, I change d pad myself & I feel easier wif pants than dress.


btw, abt d pyjamas, I got 2 sets of pants type PJ.. for me cos I'm natural birth wif epi, I feel tat pants is easier for me when going toilet.. I wore d operating gown until Fri cos need to go & do all d paperwork then I change to my PJ. I wore d hospital's panty & since wif d operating gown its easier for d nurse to change d pad for me. aft I change to PJ, I change d pad myself & I feel easier wif pants than dress.
Did u use ur own pad or hospital's? Is it the loop type or adhesive type?


btw, abt d pyjamas, I got 2 sets of pants type PJ.. for me cos I'm natural birth wif epi, I feel tat pants is easier for me when going toilet.. I wore d operating gown until Fri cos need to go & do all d paperwork then I change to my PJ. I wore d hospital's panty & since wif d operating gown its easier for d nurse to change d pad for me. aft I change to PJ, I change d pad myself & I feel easier wif pants than dress.
Did u use ur own pad or hospital's? Is it the loop type or adhesive type?
initially gota use d hospital one, d nurse then asked if I got mine on d 2nd day, then I used mine. I bought d adhesive type, hospital one is loop type but they didnt tie it cos got d panty to hold it.. I brought disposable panty too but nurse say abit tight so I use theirs thru out..


Can't sleep at all. My tummy feel so uncomfortable!! Keep having this tight feeling. Baby move and kick non stop the whole night. Try to sleep on left right centre also no use, can feel the cramp and baby will be giving me flying kick.


New Member
Hi mummies.. Saw the gynae yesterday and was nearly asked to go hospital last night at 1am to induce.. Cos low on amniotic fluid side and I told doc that I noticed that my girl moved less than usual.. Gynae noticed that and that my placenta was getting old.. Some calcium on it.. Asked doc if possible to drag a few more days and was hooked onto CTG to monitor baby heartbeat.. Was allowed to go back after CTG scan showed baby ok but have to go back on mon for another round of CTG and gynae visit.. Mon will be my 38th week.. Hope she can last at least till 3 may and don't have to induce her out