EDD May 2012 Mummies!


So far my gynae never done CTG for me at all leh.
That day a fat auntie sat on my tummy when the bus stopped just because she busy chatting with her friend and refused to sit down first!! She just say sorry and treat that nothing happen and finally sit down!!! I told my gynae and immediately he did a scan for me. Lucky bb is ok.


So far my gynae never done CTG for me at all leh.
That day a fat auntie sat on my tummy when the bus stopped just because she busy chatting with her friend and refused to sit down first!! She just say sorry and treat that nothing happen and finally sit down!!! I told my gynae and immediately he did a scan for me. Lucky bb is ok.
My goodness.. So horrible. I guess u must be pretty shocked


I'm worried cuz now less amniotic fluid ma....hope my fats also served as cushion.... Abit startled. Scared cuz baby face any trauma...Shall sit down more now.


I'm worried cuz now less amniotic fluid ma....hope my fats also served as cushion.... Abit startled. Scared cuz baby face any trauma...Shall sit down more now.
Maybe gv ur gynae a call tmr if u r really worried. Take care n be more careful, esp nw we are in the final trimester, tend to be more clumsy.

I like to laze on my bed if i can... Rest my heavy tummy


hi miniclaire, Jia you!! Have a smooth delivery.

Btw, how mAny weeks are u now? Y need to induce?
Am 38 week now. Monday will be 39th.
I was on the borderline of Gestational diabetic. Though my ppsugar tests alway Ok, my gynae kinda worried that my baby may become too big so he sent me for induce.

Was not expecting this so soon cos till now I have no symptom yet! Ppl still comment that I look 8 month pregnant as tummy still small. But gynae insist baby is big!

My last dilation check show my cervix still tightly closed!

I will be in for more painful checks later when admit to hospital in the night!!!
Hw heavy is ur baby at 38wk?


Hi mummies.. Saw the gynae yesterday and was nearly asked to go hospital last night at 1am to induce.. Cos low on amniotic fluid side and I told doc that I noticed that my girl moved less than usual.. Gynae noticed that and that my placenta was getting old.. Some calcium on it.. Asked doc if possible to drag a few more days and was hooked onto CTG to monitor baby heartbeat.. Was allowed to go back after CTG scan showed baby ok but have to go back on mon for another round of CTG and gynae visit.. Mon will be my 38th week.. Hope she can last at least till 3 may and don't have to induce her out
Wow, u will be seeing ur little one next week, jia you!


Ohhhh.... No wonder.

Has anyone suffered any scratches or knocks to their bump? Touch wood!

I feel so clumsy, I just knocked my bmp on a very sharp table corner.... At the place where baby face should be.... My skin there badly scratched... But tummy no internal pain. Should be fine right?
Be positive n dun think the negative, shld be alright. I am also very clumsy now, keep knocking onto furnitures n my hubby will laugh at me n call me fatty bom bom... So sad....


Congrats babe! My girl came our 2 Days before :p I was 2
dilated the day before, next day passed out mucus plug, went to labour ward & doc decided to admit. Girl popped out next morning 1am! Phew

I have given birth to my baby boy on 20th April (EDD 2nd May).

Here's my experience as first time mummy:

6am: No sign of labor until the waterbag suddenly burst at 6am in the morning. A few hours before, I have a bit of stomache like wanting to poo. Because I got constipation, i did not bother to go to the toilet to try so I continue to sleep (early morning is such good time to sleep). Suddenly, i heard to pop sound and water gushes out. The water keeps flowing for about 45 mins (i think got almost 1 full pail of water). There is no pain at all.

7.30 am: Leakage almost stop. No contraction pain yet
8 am: reach hospital. Still no contraction pain
8.30 am: nurse checked 1 cm dilation
9 am: contraction starts slowly. But baby heartbeat goes above normal range. Gynae instructed to induce
9.45 am -11 am: Pain gets intense. Almost killing me by 10.30 am. 2 cm dilation
11 am: Epidural. Wow.... what a great relief
12pm: 8 cm dilation
1 pm: fully dilated. Nurse teaches me how to push. No success at all
3 pm: Gynae uses vaccumn. At 3.15 pm, my baby arrives


Haiyo so many of u kanna knock on bump. Better be careful. I try to walk n move w/ hands infront of bump everytime now. Sometime is cos of B.H or the clothes I wear can't see my bump also. better hold w/ hands in case some "blind" ppl can't see.


I just knock my bump to a chair corner, gt a scratch, now I try to take to her make sure she still active in my tummy, sweat


Congrats. Y is bf painful? Cos baby din latch properly or milk not finished? Can use cold cabbage to ease the pain?
When the milk first came in, I was vvv engorged. Even after feeding direct and pumping, still hurts. So I had to pump & let her latch in many many many times. In the night pain was so bad I got up to pump... After feeding & pumping, I will hurt within 5min as it fills up again!

But after more den a wk I think my body is slowly adjusting, the massage lady also helped w me the engorgement. I pump less often :)
Until now nnipples also abit sore from the constant suckling and pumping... I was v lucky I only had a v slight crack on my left which healed v fast :)


Hi milkshake, better check with doc.

Hi mummies, do u think That I can do my confinement without any helper? I cannot stand my mum anymore
It's doable but vvvvv xiong! Any other help? Maid, hubby? My CL pangseh me and I had to struggle for 2 nights (1 night alone coz hubby had to work e next day) & it was vvv xiong. Thankfully my mums friend came to help us out. With a CL, I get uninterrupted sleep at night (unless wake up to pump) & I don't have to worry about my daughter. Plus she helps with the cooking(v impt if u intend to bf), bathing baby, changing diapers etc.


Ya I think it b tough ESP when i should b doing c sec, recovery will b painful. I've hired a CL n now my MIL says she wanna b ard too. So I'm afraid there b too many ppl while me n baby wanna rest.
That's v true. Try to ban visitors if possible... I found that I rested better when it's just CL, me and maid at home. While te visitors mean well, I felt v irritated and annoyed with them after awhile :p


New Member
I saw a few mommies mention abt CTG. is that done during one of ur routine gynae visit?
Think CTG is only done to check if baby in distress through measuring heart rate of baby.. The reason why I had was the doc was worried when low amniotic fluid, baby may press on the umbilical cord and that may cause heart rate to slow down or speed up, indicating baby in distress. The one I had yesterday showed baby was ok.. But going back to gynae for round 2 of CTG and scan just to be sure.. My fluid level was 5 on sat.. If goes any lower, need to induce.. Saw that the criteria is 4..

Mummies, do remember to count baby movement.. Very important.. I had an ex-colleague.. Didn't realize baby didn't move cos of stress at work, end up baby still born and near full term.. Thats why I was very conscious about my baby movement.. More aware that she moved less compared to previously but still moved at least 10x in 12h


Until nw my gynae never ask me to count movement. So as long as there is 10 movement within 12h is ok? So if baby kicks and moves 10x all within 15-30min is that counted as fulfilled the criteria?


I forgot the breast pump.. so my hubby went home to take d 2nd day..
When did your milk supply kick in? Some of my friends told me to bring breast pump some told me no need cos supply wont be in so fast....so not sure if i should bring
I'm still try hard to pump d milk but only few drops came out & now after every pump I noticed blood spots on my nipples.. baby didnt latch on cos he's still in ICU. I suggest u to bring cos if (touchwood) u dun hav a chance for ur baby to latch on at least u can start pumping 1st to stimulate d milk..


hi all, jus some updates.. I've discharged today, went to d special care to bid gdbye to my baby & will go back to see him everyday until he discharge. He has abit jaundice, chest infection & had bit of breathing difficulties, all bcos I had fever b4 I admit d hospital & water had leaked for quite some time already..

now resting at home, gota work very hard to pump milk for my baby.. so far did d pump in d hospital but only few drops of colostrum so cant feed baby..

now looking forward to visit my boy everyday & bring him my milk (if I can)..
Dun worry miracle, milk only comes after 4-5 days. Dun be too disappointed okay?
thanks.. I'll continue to work hard & pump as much as I can..

do u knw if bleeding is normal? I spotted blood spots at d tip of d nipple aft every pump. I asked d nurse & she said its normal cos its only d beginning.. I now starts to apply d nipple cream, hope it can help..


I forgot the breast pump.. so my hubby went home to take d 2nd day..
When did your milk supply kick in? Some of my friends told me to bring breast pump some told me no need cos supply wont be in so fast....so not sure if i should bring
I'm still try hard to pump d milk but only few drops came out & now after every pump I noticed blood spots on my nipples.. baby didnt latch on cos he's still in ICU. I suggest u to bring cos if (touchwood) u dun hav a chance for ur baby to latch on at least u can start pumping 1st to stimulate d milk..
Do use nipple cream before it gets worse. I heard cracked nipples are quite painful


Had my gynae visit today.

This week 36 weeks but Bb's head yet to turn. Still in breech position. Dr was saying that as at week 37, only 3% of the babies will not turn. Hope I dun fall within this 3%. If Bb still dun turn come next week, I will need a caeseran at week 38, 2 weeks from now.
Need to put in more effort on my exercises to help Bb turn. Praying hard she will as I still want a natural delivery, if possible.

I only put on 100gm since 2 weeks ago. Most probably bcos I am sick n still sick since 2 weeks ago. only good news is tt my gal put on 600gm these 2 weeks n weighs 2.914kg. Dr mentioned her weight is fine though.

Ladies, juz to highlight tt I hv bruises at my spine n leg areas, typically at areas where I experienced aches n pains. Dr mentioned tt this is not normal so suggested a blood test next week to test if due to blood clot.

For fish oil, depending on different brand, some dr may stop the intake bcos the EPA content may be too high. While EPA is good, too much intake will lower cholesterol level n thin the blood. Thus, depending on the brand of fish oil, if too high an EPA content, dr may advise to stop.
Did ur doc advise on exercises u can do to encourage baby to turn? My baby turned a late too so doc advised me to hug my knees to my chest (I dunno how tt was supposed to help). I also searched on the net and many said to rest head on pillow, butt in the air and hold it there for a few minutes each time. Also playing music or shining a light at the bottom could encourage baby to turn. I did the exercises & baby head did turn by next appt


was wondering how dilation feels like. been feeling the pressure and cramp these day n I'm constantly having this tummyache feeling.

jus last week I was suffering from the
water retention effect! boy! it was so painful and then it subside. my colleague was telling me that there's this old wife tale whereby after one more round of water retention effect, I will eventually give birth. I'm officially in my 36 week now, she
was telling me to enjoy the 2 PH and predict that I will go into labour soon.