We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
compared to you i have a very inactive lifestyle on top of a desk bound job.
i will have a higher risk than you if any. dont worry be happy !
am looking forward to have a bundle of joy too for this reason.

my vday is budgetted because 1st year give ang bao ^$^


Active Member
We've never celebrated Vday. As some say, V-day is a Hallmark event - invented by Hallmark so they can make more money selling cards!

But I like to think that everyday can be Valentine's Day or y'know anniversaries can be Valentine's day - and unless your anniversary falls on 14 Feb - flowers are cheaper, more flexible dinner menus with less cheesy names (Seriously - Hunky dory romantic chicken lovingly filled with sensual herbs, with aromatic salad on the loving side). Ok I'm exaggerating I know :p

So unromantic hor. Have I spoilt V-day mood for everyone. Hahahaha. Feeling grouchy now. No mood to work and my colleagues are exceedingly irritating today.

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Active Member
Oh ya Happy V Day girls! Erh… not wet blanket. My V Day already ended when I was 30 years old. Thereafter it never exists to me because I find it meaningless and it’s only for retailers to laugh happy to the bank (like 10 folds for the price of a stalk of rose on this day??!!). Me and hubby only celebrate birthday and anniversary J

Thanks littej. I was amazed myself I had that strength more quickly than I thought. I came back out stronger surely.

Haha quincy, was it fun giving out angbaos? Luckily my side here has smaller family. Only need to give four young kids, besides my parents. But my hubby not so lucky. His side is huge! Can you imagine his great grandfather (gone up heaven liao) had few wives and that few wives got many children and children’s children etc.


Active Member
LOLOL Samantha Fox! Almost forgotten her till you mentioned. I swear I had her album in cassette tape back then. Btw, I had so many cassette tapes that time that I used them as building blocks as houses for my paper dolls:):)


Active Member
@xiaohuiis @Dragontail
stress to pack the $ into ang baos.
i wish they were packed back into my bank haha.
but its nice to see the children's sweet expressions.

tell u all something funny although a bit disgusting.
last night i was very shagged. i forgot i left my cup of red dates and long gans in the sink i forgot to wash.
this morning woke up to 1 cockroach inside.
hubby teased: the cockroach enjoying your tonic.
me: ya. can make many bb.

i swear this was my 1st time. T.T


@quincy : I find it quite fun leh coz 1st time mah haha i think next year wun be fun to pack ab liao haha.. omg.. the cockroach did it drown?


Hi all I'm back... now am experiencing normal af cramp but I worry the flow doesn't seem alot scare that it's stuck inside my body for too long and it's not able to come out..

Although till now I still cannot understand why is it the happy moment was given to us so short but I am grateful that my hb is there for me.

Just like letsi, I'm sure ur wife will be fine soon with ur full support.

I will go Dr Su there soon to tell her my case see if she got anything to help clear my old blood inside womb clean clean

Let's keep fighting


Prayinghard, have u sought gynae's opinion? Might be good to go for a proper check o find out what's wrong..
Littlej I like your theory of everyday is V-Day .. I think my hub saved alot cos I for one do not like bouquets (I prefer plants) and I will not succumbed to the marketing tactics of the retailers.. Am contented already with his company ..

Quincy I will freak out if I see a cockroach in my sink.. Your LRD tea must be very nice :)


New Member
afternoon ladies! happy valentine's day to all :)
so sorry, haven't been chatting here, when i come back to this thread, i see many many replies already haha..
@prayinghard, u're a strong woman :) i believe Dr Su will surely help you regain more confidence.
@quincy1986, your hubby is humorous, at least he tried to divert your fear when you saw the roach inside your cup heehee. i'm super afraid of roaches, especially flying ones.
this year is also my 1st year handing out angbaos. Handing out was fun but i felt old cause no more angbaos to collect (i usually look forward to cny for the angbaos)
what a gloomy thursday afternoon.. best weather to sleep in. *yawnz*
Prayinghard yup go see a gynea first and after then, you can consult Dr Su to heal your womb. But the gynea will be able better to conduct tests and scans to determine the causes..


Active Member
dear all.
this is just based on my own assumption.
i had dark brown periods during my school days.
and back in my school days i often fell ill.
i take the dark brown periods as my body's poor immunity.
and i believe the tonics that we have been taking will take a while to be effective.
jia you, no matter what.
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New Member
hey quincy1986, i have dark brown discharge following my mensus every month, no idea what it means but i presume it's the last bit of discharge to close my monthly period? i do have dark brown periods like 1 or 2 months in a year. agree with you that it will take some time for our body to be in better condition to conceive :)